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Versions of Tools and Reference Files Used in Chips


environment: chips(stable)

Software Version Source Notes
snakemake 5.4.5 bioconda
samtools 1.10 bioconda
python 3.6.12 conda-forge
r 3.5.1 conda-forge
numpy 1.17.3 conda
bwa 0.7.15 bioconda
bowtie2 bioconda
picard 2.20.0 bioconda
bedtools 2.27.1 bioconda
seqtk 1.3 bioconda
fastqc 0.11.9 bioconda
fastp 0.20.1 bioconda
ggplot2 3.3.0 conda-forge r
reshape2 1.4.4 conda-forge r
git 2.26.0 conda-forge
perl 5.26.2 conda-forge
homer 4.11 bioconda
weblogo 2.8.2 bioconda
seqLogo 1.50.0 bioconda bioconductor
bedgraphtobigwig 377 bioconda ucsc
bedsort 377 bioconda ucsc
qdnaseq 1.18.0 bioconda bioconductor
seaborn 0.11.1 conda-forge
r.utils 2.9.2 conda-forge r
pybigwig 0.3.17 bioconda
pybedtools 0.8.1 bioconda
numpy 1.19.5 conda
cython 0.29.21 conda
jinja2 2.11.2 conda
macs2 bioconda


All reference file could be downloaded from here.


Reference Key Location Version Source Notes
bwa_index ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/bwa_indices/GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa GRCh38 GDC.h38.d1.vd1 BWA Index Files
geneTable ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/GDC_hg38.refGene GENCODE v22 Download from UCSC genome table browser used for calculate ceas and CNV
geneBed ./ref_files/hg38/GDC_hg38.bed GENCODE v22 reformat gtf by CHIPS/static/scripts/ used for calculating RP
conservation ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/conservation/ GRCh38, 100way
DHS ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/regions/hg38_cCREs.bed cCRE regions from ENCODE Project
exons ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/regions/exon.bed GENCODE v22 extract from geneTable
promoters ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/regions/promoter.bed GENCODE v22 extract from geneTable
velcro_regions MISSING - - Blacklist Region
chrom_lens ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/regions/chromInfo_hg38.txt extract from rawgenome by samtools faidx
rawgenome (not in ref.yaml) ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/rawgenome split rawgenome into each chromosome required by MDSeqPos
masked (not in ref.yaml) ./ref_files/GDC_hg38/masked required by MDSeqPos


Reference Key Location Version Source MD5 Notes
bwa_index ./ref_files/hg38/bwa_indices/hg38/hg38.fa hg38 use bwa to build index
geneTable ./ref_files/hg38/hg38.refGene refseq hg38 refseq from UCSC table browser Calculate RP
geneBed ./ref_files/hg38/hg38_refGene.bed refseq hg38 reformat feature table by CHIPS/static/scripts/
conservation ./ref_files/hg38/conservation/ hg38, 100way Previous using 7way in Cistrome DB
DHS ./ref_files/hg38/regions/DHS_hg38.bed Union DHS regions from Cistrome DB
exons ./ref_files/hg38/regions/exon.bed extract from geneTable
promoters ./ref_files/hg38/regions/promoter.bed extract from geneTable
velcro_regions MISSING - - Blacklist Region
chrom_lens ./ref_files/hg38/regions/chromInfo_hg38.txt UCSC table browser
rawgenome ./ref_files/hg38/rawgenome/ required by MDSeqPos
masked ./ref_files/hg38/masked/ required by MDSeqPos
Reference Key Location Version Source MD5 Notes
bwa_index ./ref_files/mm10/bwa_indices/mm10.fa mm10 use bwa to build index
geneTable ./ref_files/mm10/mm10.refGene refseq mm10 refseq from UCSC table browser Calculate RP
geneBed ./ref_files/mm10/ refseq mm10 reformat feature table by CHIPS/static/scripts/
conservation ./ref_files/mm10/conservation/ mm10, 60way Previous using 60way in Cistrome DB
DHS ./ref_files/mm10/regions/mm10.DHS.bed Union DHS regions from Cistrome DB merging all the peaks of DNase-seq data from ENCODE
exons ./ref_files/mm10/regions/mm10.exon.bed extract from geneTable
promoters ./ref_files/mm10/regions/mm10.promoter.bed extract from geneTable
velcro_regions MISSING - - Blacklist Region
chrom_lens ./ref_files/mm10/regions/mm10.len UCSC table browser
rawgenome ./ref_files/hg38/rawgenome/ required by MDSeqPos
masked ./ref_files/hg38/masked/ required by MDSeqPos

Contamination Panel

Reference Key Location Version Source MD5 Notes
hg19 ./ref_files/contam_panel/hg19/hg19.fa
mm9 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mm9/mm9.fa
dm3 ./ref_files/contam_panel/dm3/dm3.fa
S_cerevisiae ./ref_files/contam_panel/S_cerevisiae/S_cerevisiae.fa
e_coli ./ref_files/contam_panel/e_coli/e_coli.fasta
myco_PG-8A ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000018785.1_ASM1878v1/myco_PG-8A.fna
myco_ATCC23114 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000085865.1_ASM8586v1/myco_ATCC23114.fna
myco_m64 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000186005.1_ASM18600v1/myco_m64.fna
myco_SK76 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000313635.1_ASM31363v1/myco_SK76.fna
myco_ATCC23714 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000420105.1_ASM42010v1/myco_ATCC23714.fna
myco_ATCC23064 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000485555.1_ASM48555v1/myco_ATCC23064.fna
myco_HAZ145_1 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_001547975.1_ASM154797v1/myco_HAZ145_1.fna
myco_ATCC29342 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000027345.1_ASM2734v1/myco_ATCC29342.fna
myco_R ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000092585.1_ASM9258v1/myco_R.fna
myco_WVU1853 ./ref_files/contam_panel/mycoplasma/GCF_000969765.1_ASM96976v1/myco_WVU1853.fna