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BaijiGenerator Usage

bulldog2011 edited this page Dec 20, 2014 · 10 revisions

BaijiGenerator can be used to edit Baiji IDL, then generate Java/C#/Objective-C code from IDL. As an editor, it supports syntax highlighting, keyword hinting and error hinting, also it provides shortcut keys for common operations.

Baiji IDL Editor

In this article, we introduce basic code generation functions of BaijiGenerator, for Baiji IDL definition, please refer to this wiki.

Code Generation

Generating Java Code

Click Generate -> Generate Java Code menu item, Java code generation dialog will pop up. Java Code Generation Options First you need to input or choose Output Folder.

Then choose Code Type:

  • Data Objects Only: only generate data objects
  • Client-Side Prox: generate data objects and client proxy class.
  • Server-Side stub: generate data objects and server side interface.

Then you may choose a few code generation options:

  • Generate Comments: should the document comments in IDL be generated as code comments in code.
  • Generate Public Fields: should the data fields in class be generated as public, if not chosen, field will be generated as privte(accessed via get/set method).
  • Generate Includes: should the included IDL file(s) be generated to target source.

Optionally, in the Operation Selection section, you may choose a few operations you want for code generation(only effective for Data Objects and Client-Side Proxy options). This option is useful for mobile(iOS/Android/WinPhone) client code generation scenarios, as we know, mobile device may have resource limitation, it's not desirable to have a very big compiled executable, so you may prefer generating a few useful operations to your moible APP to minimize the size of the target code base.

Finally, Client Generate button to generate target source code.

Generating C# or Objective-C Code

Just click Generate -> Generate C#(or Objective-C) menu item, then C# or Objective-C code generation dialog will be shown. Other options will be similar to Java code generation above.

Default Code Generation Options.

Click Generate -> Options menu item, you many choose a few global code generation options here. Java Code Generation Options

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys Function Shortcut Keys Function
Ctrl + N New File Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + O Open File Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + S Save File F3 Find Next
Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + G Jump to
Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + - Jump to pervious position of the cursor
Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + Shift - Jump to next position of the cursor
Ctrl + V Paste