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File metadata and controls

113 lines (88 loc) · 3.51 KB

About Rick and Morty API

Project: Rick and Morty Introduction: This is an api for "Rick and Morty" project. The project will contain deep informations about characters, locations of characters, images of characters, locations and episodes. This entities will have a relationship between themselves. Project was written in Laravel framework version 8.0 and compatible with php versions above 7.3

Purpose: Create a backend API for "Rick and Morty" project that makes CRUD actions which contains validation, correct architectural layers (controller, services, models, presenter, repository) Some parts of the project can be not completed according to SOLID principles. Because the project is made for educational purposes and some functionalities are implemented using simple approach

Topics used in current project:

  • Seperate Controllers that inherits Controller class
  • Controller class that has methods to output result of every actions in json format
  • Abstract layers (controllers, services, repositories)
  • Request validation classes for each actions in different models
  • Indexes for searchable lines in database tables
  • Enumerations in database
  • Eloquent: Api Resources (class that displays data in json format)
  • Relationships
  • Polymorphic Relationships (single database table is used to store datas of many other database tables)
  • Soft deletes in database
  • File storage
  • Laravel Sanctum authentication by token

All the routes you can see in directory "routes/api.php" or you can write in console "php artisan route:list" to see all available routes. For testing application you may use Postman

Here is a brief introduction to characters entity. Check out "routes/api.php" file to see other routes
    // List of characters
    GET - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters

    // Character
    GET - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters/1

    // Create
    POST - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters

    // Update
    PUT - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters/1
    // Delete
    DELETE - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters/2

    // Episode lists of character
    GET - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/characters/3/episodes
    // Add image
    POST - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/character/set-image

    // Delete image
    DELETE - http://rick-and-morty-backend/api/v1/character/delete-image

Tables content

Characters table
	- name
	- status (alive, dead)
	- gender (male, female)
	- race (human, alien, robot, humanoid, animal)
	- description
	- birth_location_id
	- current_location_id

Locations table
	- name
	- type (universe, planet, sector, base, microuniverse)
	- dimension (c-137, substituted, 5-126)
	- description

Episodes table
	- name
	- season
	- series
	- premiere
	- description

Images table (polymorphic)
	- path
	- imageable_id
	- imageable_type

Users table
	- name
	- phone
	- password
	- locked (0, 1)
	Users table is interconnected with table "personal_access_tokens" for using Laravel Sanctum authentication (auth by token)

Personal_access_tokens table
	- tokenable_type
	- tokenable_id
	- name
	- token
	- abilities
	- last_used_at

Table Relationships

character - image
character - location (birth location)
character - location (current location)
character - episodes

episode - image
episode - characters

location - image
location - characters (birth location characters)
location - characters (current location characters)