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Arthur Buldauskas edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 4 revisions


Reference Grammar

Not an exhaustive grammar but helps to understand how the compiler works. Was done as an exercise to get the parser off the ground. Pretty out of date by now.

stmt -> let id ;

stmt -> let id = expr ;

stmt -> const id = expr ;

stmt -> export stmt ;

stmt -> import { id : typedef } from string ;

stmt -> if ( expr ) stmt

stmt -> if ( expr ) stmt else stmt

stmt -> while ( expr ) stmt

stmt -> do stmt while ( expr )

stmt -> function id ( arglist ) : returntype stmt

returntype -> type | void

stmt -> { stmts }

stmts -> stmts stmt | e

arglist -> arglist arg | e

arg -> id : type | arg , arg

type -> i32 | i64 | f32 | f64

typedef -> type | anyfunc

expr -> expr + term

expr -> expr - term

expr -> term

expr -> id ( paramlist )

paramlist -> e | paramlist

paramlist -> param , param | param

pram -> id | string | expr

term -> term * factor

term -> term / factor

term -> factor

factor -> (expr)

factor -> number

number -> number integer

number -> number . number | number | e

integer -> 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

string -> ' chars '

chars -> chars char | char | e

char -> UTF-8

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