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265 lines (164 loc) · 13.3 KB

File metadata and controls

265 lines (164 loc) · 13.3 KB



Minor Changes

  • number-input: supports select-all, copy and paste ( #1379)

  • dropdown: add new component to replace bal-select ( #1353)

  • option-list: new child component of drop-down components. Option list component will be used by drop-down, combobox and autocomplete. ( #1353)

  • option: new child component of option-list. Option list component will be used by drop-down, combobox and autocomplete. ( #1353)

  • styles: add new .has-bullet-check-circle style for <ul></ul> lists. ( #1382)

Patch Changes

  • number-input: tab navigation to be consistent ( #1379)

  • react: adjust released packages with rollup ( #1371)

  • number-input: supports autofill format ( #1379)

  • date: change cutoff year to 10 years in the future. 34 will become 2034 and 35 will become 1935. ( #1364)


Patch Changes

  • maps: include type declarations ( #1362)

  • brand-icons: include type declarations ( #1362)

  • icon: include type declarations ( #1362)


Patch Changes

  • css: support new grid class names like grid and col ( #1361)

  • styles: fix paths in the migration script for windows ( #1361)

  • devkit: fix build issue of ng-add schematics ( #1361)

  • styles: add migration for compact theme ( #1359)


Patch Changes

  • testing: fix import paths ( #1346)

  • core: adjust interface reference paths ( #1348)


Major Changes

  • all: Simplifying our package names from @baloise/design-system-* to @baloise/ds-* ( #1344)

    Please check out the more detailed Upgrade Guide to v16.

    Old Package Name New Package Name
    @baloise/design-system-components @baloise/ds-core
    @baloise/design-system-components-angular @baloise/ds-angular-module
    @baloise/design-system-components-angular/standalone @baloise/ds-angular
    @baloise/design-system-components-angular/legacy @baloise/ds-angular-legacy
    @baloise/design-system-components-react @baloise/ds-react
    @baloise/design-system-components-vue @baloise/ds-vue
    @baloise/design-system-components-table @baloise/ds-table
    @baloise/design-system-cli @baloise/ds-devkit
    @baloise/design-system-\* @baloise/ds-\*
  • css: The CSS package is marked as deprecated. Upgrade to @baloise/ds-styles. ( #1344)

    Please check out the more detailed Upgrade Guide to v16.

  • button: properties topRounded and bottomRounded has been removed, due to not match the design criteria. ( #1344)

  • navigation: has been removed and replaced with bal-nav to improve performance and SEO. ( #1344)

Minor Changes

  • styles: standardize the design tokens, facilitating their export to platforms such as Figma and others. With the introduction of these new design tokens, we can automatically generate CSS utility classes. ( #1344)

    Please check out the more detailed Upgrade Guide to v16.


Patch Changes

  • progress-bar: Added aria-hidden attribute to improve accessibility by preventing screen readers from unnecessarily announcing this element. ( #1330)

  • nav: reset active link items on options changed and always render the active meta link tree, but hide it visually. ( #1335)

  • radio: Removed role="radio" to improve semantic HTML and accessibility, ensuring ARIA roles are used correctly and only where they provide clear benefits. ( #1314)

  • angular: overay service define custom elements for standalone ( #1334)

  • tabs: Removed role="region" to improve semantic HTML and accessibility, ensuring ARIA roles are used correctly and only where they provide clear benefits. ( #1318)

  • angular: standalone modals do not load in production build ( #1332)


Patch Changes

  • maps: fix image inline svg urls for the legacy marker api. ( #1324)


Patch Changes

  • field-hint: Ensure proper alignment of field hint by adjusting its position to the end of the label text. ( #1229)

  • styles: Decouple components from css utility classes ( #1304)

  • deps: Update stencil to 4.11.0 ( #1307)

  • vue: change location of stencil components ( #1310)

  • date: due to an android keyboard bug the input mode is switched to decimal. ( #1312)


Patch Changes

  • date: disabled years or months in the selection list cannot be selected anymore. (#1298)
  • field: links A11y information only for direct controls, labels and messages. (#1299)
  • carousel: movement for large controls variant on mobile is optimized. (#1298)


Minor Changes

  • angular: schematic to seamlessly integrate the design system into your existing project. (#1277)

Patch Changes

  • date: rerenders the calendar grid when min or max property was changed. (#1282)


Patch Changes

  • nav: only renders the arrow symbol if link is valid (#1275)


Minor Changes

  • forms: Introduce a new property auto-invalid-off to exclude a form control in Angular reactive forms from being visibly set as invalid. (#1271)

Patch Changes

  • a11y: The term hidden is a reserved accessibility (a11y) value. Consequently, we found it necessary to rename our hidden properties for checkboxes, radio buttons, tabs, and steps. (#1266) The attribute remains in place for now, ensuring no breaking changes at this time.

    The hidden property for the checkbox and radio has been updated and renamed to non-submit. The hidden property for the tabs and steps has been updated and renamed to invisible.

  • radio-group & checkbox-group: component now updates its children when there are changes in the disabled or invalid status. (#1264 )

  • field: in horizontal layout now lacks right padding, and the label is aligned to the right. (#1260)

  • carousel: corrected the z-index value for sticky controls. (#1265)

  • nav: now provides enhanced support for colored service cards on mobile resolutions. (#1261 )

  • carousel: has vertical scrolling with tab controls on mobile devices. (#1269)

  • angular: bal-ng-error is now more synchronized with Angular lifecycles, ensuring improved visibility and hiding of validation messages. (#1263)

  • brand-icons: Merges styles from <style> elements to the style attribute of matching elements. (#1262)


Patch Changes

  • tooltip & popup: Adjust shadow value to normal. (#1240)
  • file-upload: Trigger the balFilesAdded event after files have been added. (#1236)
  • nav: Add missing sign to the overview links in the bal-nav component and adjust padding and height of the bal-popup component in fullscreen variant. (#1242)
  • carousel: Reduce padding tab buttons to allow longer labels. (#1239)


Patch Changes

  • logo, spinner & nav: Fix animation issue. (#1233)
  • nav: Fix the scrolling behavior of the bal-nav component on Safari browsers for touch devices. (#1233)
  • nav: Enhance the functionality of the bal-nav accordion on touch devices to ensure that when a link is activated, it behaves as an accordion. (#1235)


Major Changes

  • styles: Removed the deprecated option of component styles with SASS. Instead, for customizing the component design, use CSS Variables. (#1127)

  • angular: The option to applyPolyfills for outdated browsers such as IE11 and legacy Edge has been deprecated, as the current design system no longer provides support for these versions. (#1127)

  • angular: Now by default the Baloise Design System will mark a form control as invalid when it's been touched and is indeed invalid. (#1127) To disable this feature, set setInvalid to false in the design system configuration.

      defaults: { ... },
      forms: {
        setInvalid: false, // to deactivate it

Minor Changes

  • components are now available as standalone elements for Angular v17. #1127

    Use the provideBaloiseDesignSystem provider within the app.config.ts file, where Angular providers are typically defined.


    import { ApplicationConfig, importProvidersFrom } from "@angular/core";
    import { provideBaloiseDesignSystem } from "@baloise/design-system-components-angular/standalone";
    export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
      providers: [provideBaloiseDesignSystem()],

    In each app component, import the necessary Baloise Design System components or a bundled set.


    import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Component } from "@angular/core";
    import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
    import {
    } from "@baloise/design-system-components-angular/standalone";
    export interface UpdateControl {
      name: string;
      value: any;
      selector: "app-root",
      standalone: true,
      schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
      imports: [CommonModule, BalApp, BalButton],
      template: `
          <main class="container py-normal">
            <bal-button>My Button</bal-button>
    export class AppComponent {}

Webpack builder

For projects based on the builder @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser use the @baloise/design-system-components-angular/legacy.

Previous Versions