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Git Hooks Gradle Plugin

This is a plugin that can automatically setup Git hooks for your project, so you can store your hooks in the repo, and every developer will have the same hooks configured. Useful for setting up linter as a pre-commit hook. Based on scripts in this template repo and this article


You will need to create a folder with your git hooks first. Please follow the convention for the hooks' naming. They are usually a simple shell scripts.

Then, in your project's gradle/libs.version.toml (version catalog) file, add the following lines:

# ...
gitHooksPlugin = "1.1.0" # or pick the latest version available

# ...
gitHooks = { id = "eu.bambooapps.gradle.plugin.githook", version.ref = "gitHooksPlugin" }

Then, in your project's root build.gradle.kts file, add the following line to the plugins block:


You can specify the location of the folder with your hooks for the plugin to use and git root directory. You can configure them by adding the following block to your project's root build.gradle.kts file:

gitHooks {
    gitHooksDirectory = project.layout.projectDirectory.dir("git-hooks") // or any other path where you put your hooks
    gitDirectory = project.rootProject.layout.projectDirectory.dir(".git")

The values above are default, they will be used if they are not provided explicitly.

After the setup, you can run ./gradlew installGitHooks to configure hooks on your machine. If you want to automate this process a little, you can set up a dependency to installGitHooks task to the earliest stage of the build, or whatever task you like. For example, in the Android projects, it can be defined like this in the root project's build.gradle.kts:

tasks {
    register<Delete>("clean") {