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get_leaflet_tile_layer error (v0.3.13) #45

giswqs opened this issue Dec 30, 2021 · 9 comments · Fixed by #46

get_leaflet_tile_layer error (v0.3.13) #45

giswqs opened this issue Dec 30, 2021 · 9 comments · Fixed by #46


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giswqs commented Dec 30, 2021

Both v0.3.13 and the GitHub source throws the same error when using the example. v0.3.12 works fine.

from localtileserver import get_leaflet_tile_layer, TileClient
from ipyleaflet import Map

# First, create a tile server from local raster file
tile_client = TileClient('~/Downloads/dem.tif')

# Create ipyleaflet tile layer from that server
t = get_leaflet_tile_layer(tile_client)

# Create ipyleaflet map, add tile layer, and display
m = Map(



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Is this Python 3.6?

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giswqs commented Dec 30, 2021

It is Python 3.8. You can see the Python path in the error screenshot.

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Can you share a report

import localtileserver

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giswqs commented Dec 30, 2021

Everything works fine when I downgraded localtileserver to v0.3.12.

  Date: Wed Dec 29 22:20:46 2021 EST

                     OS : Linux
                 CPU(s) : 8
                Machine : x86_64
           Architecture : 64bit
                    RAM : 31.2 GiB
            Environment : Jupyter
            File system : ext4

  Python 3.8.5 (default, Sep  4 2020, 07:30:14)  [GCC 7.3.0]

        localtileserver : 0.3.13
                  flask : 2.0.2
          flask_caching : 1.10.1
            flask_restx : 0.5.1
               requests : 2.26.0
               werkzeug : 2.0.2
                  click : 7.1.2
                 scooby : 0.5.9
            large_image : 1.8.7
large_image_source_gdal : 1.8.7
             cachetools : 4.1.1
                    PIL : 8.0.1
                 psutil : 5.7.2
                  numpy : 1.20.1
             palettable : 3.3.0
                 pyproj : 3.0.1
             osgeo.gdal : 3.2.1
               gunicorn : 20.1.0
             ipyleaflet : 0.15.0
                shapely : 1.7.1
                 folium : 0.12.1.post1
             matplotlib : 3.3.2

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Sorry, can you actually share the whole env? With either pip list or conda list. I need info on traitlets which isn't covered in the report

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giswqs commented Dec 30, 2021

Sorry for the long list. My env has a long history.

Package                           Version             Location
--------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
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Pillow                            8.0.1
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pyflakes                          2.2.0
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pygount                           1.2.4
pylint                            2.6.0
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rio-cogeo                         2.0.1
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rio-tiler                         1.4.0
rio-toa                           0.3.0
rioxarray                         0.1.1
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rsa                               4.6
Rtree                             0.9.4
ruamel-yaml-conda                 0.15.80
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ruamel.yaml.clib                  0.2.2
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scipy                             1.5.3
scooby                            0.5.9
SecretStorage                     3.1.2
selenium                          3.141.0
Send2Trash                        1.8.0
setuptools                        50.3.0.post20201103
Shapely                           1.7.1
simplejson                        3.17.2
six                               1.15.0
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zipp                              3.4.0

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I think the issue is that the change I introduced requires traitlets > v5. I'll see how I can fix this to be compatible with traitlets v4

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Fix is here: ipython/traitlets#626 (comment)

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giswqs commented Dec 30, 2021

I just upgraded traitlets to v5.1.1, and the problem is solved. The traitlets package in my env was probably installed years ago. I have not used it directly.

@giswqs giswqs closed this as completed Dec 30, 2021
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