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Load the API package

import 'package:aptos_api_dart/api.dart';

All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getEventsByCreationNumber GET /accounts/{address}/events/{creation_number} Get events by creation number
getEventsByEventHandle GET /accounts/{address}/events/{event_handle}/{field_name} Get events by event handle


BuiltList getEventsByCreationNumber(address, creationNumber, start, limit)

Get events by creation number

Event types are globally identifiable by an account address and monotonically increasing creation_number, one per event type emitted to the given account. This API returns events corresponding to that that event type.


import 'package:aptos_api_dart/api.dart';

final api = AptosApiDart().getEventsApi();
final String address = address_example; // String | Hex-encoded 32 byte Aptos account, with or without a `0x` prefix, for which events are queried. This refers to the account that events were emitted to, not the account hosting the move module that emits that event type.
final String creationNumber = creationNumber_example; // String | Creation number corresponding to the event stream originating from the given account.
final String start = start_example; // String | Starting sequence number of events.  If unspecified, by default will retrieve the most recent events
final int limit = 56; // int | Max number of events to retrieve.  If unspecified, defaults to default page size

try {
    final response = api.getEventsByCreationNumber(address, creationNumber, start, limit);
} catch on DioError (e) {
    print('Exception when calling EventsApi->getEventsByCreationNumber: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
address String Hex-encoded 32 byte Aptos account, with or without a 0x prefix, for which events are queried. This refers to the account that events were emitted to, not the account hosting the move module that emits that event type.
creationNumber String Creation number corresponding to the event stream originating from the given account.
start String Starting sequence number of events. If unspecified, by default will retrieve the most recent events [optional]
limit int Max number of events to retrieve. If unspecified, defaults to default page size [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/x-bcs

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BuiltList getEventsByEventHandle(address, eventHandle, fieldName, start, limit)

Get events by event handle

This API uses the given account address, eventHandle, and fieldName to build a key that can globally identify an event types. It then uses this key to return events emitted to the given account matching that event type.


import 'package:aptos_api_dart/api.dart';

final api = AptosApiDart().getEventsApi();
final String address = address_example; // String | Hex-encoded 32 byte Aptos account, with or without a `0x` prefix, for which events are queried. This refers to the account that events were emitted to, not the account hosting the move module that emits that event type.
final String eventHandle = eventHandle_example; // String | Name of struct to lookup event handle e.g. `0x1::account::Account`
final String fieldName = fieldName_example; // String | Name of field to lookup event handle e.g. `withdraw_events`
final String start = start_example; // String | Starting sequence number of events.  If unspecified, by default will retrieve the most recent
final int limit = 56; // int | Max number of events to retrieve.  If unspecified, defaults to default page size

try {
    final response = api.getEventsByEventHandle(address, eventHandle, fieldName, start, limit);
} catch on DioError (e) {
    print('Exception when calling EventsApi->getEventsByEventHandle: $e\n');


Name Type Description Notes
address String Hex-encoded 32 byte Aptos account, with or without a 0x prefix, for which events are queried. This refers to the account that events were emitted to, not the account hosting the move module that emits that event type.
eventHandle String Name of struct to lookup event handle e.g. 0x1::account::Account
fieldName String Name of field to lookup event handle e.g. withdraw_events
start String Starting sequence number of events. If unspecified, by default will retrieve the most recent [optional]
limit int Max number of events to retrieve. If unspecified, defaults to default page size [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/x-bcs

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