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JavaScript1 and JavaScript2 Test

This test will be about the most important JavaScript concepts you’ve learned about so far (JavaScript1 and JavaScript2).

Test duration

  • 1 hour

How to start

  1. Create a fork of this repository
  2. Clone your forked repository to your machine
  3. Navigate to the folder class27-js2-test
  4. Get started with writing code!

The requirements

  • Write clean code (remove unnecessary console.logs, format correctly, etc.)
  • You are not allowed to modify the index.html file

How to submit your test

  1. Push your code to your forked repository
  2. Create a new pull request to the original repository

Tips for success!

  • Look for low hanging fruit. Which of the assignments is easiest for you to do? Tackle that one first.
  • Make sure that all syntax is correct when writing code on paper. For instance: don’t forget brackets or semicolons.
  • If you get stuck in an assignment, move on to the next one. You can always come back later if time permits.
  • After finishing an assignment, read the question again to make sure you actually gave an answer to the question.
  • Before handing in the test, read it all over again to pick out the small mistakes. Double check your work!

Good luck!


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