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File metadata and controls

349 lines (266 loc) · 10.9 KB


When using with Faker

When using with Faker, there are two ways of using the providers.

Imports and initializations

One way

from faker import Faker
from faker_file.providers.bin_file import BinFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.docx_file import DocxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pptx_file import PptxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.txt_file import TxtFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.zip_file import ZipFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

# Usage example
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(content="Lorem ipsum")

Or another

from faker import Faker
from faker_file.providers.docx_file import DocxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pptx_file import PptxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.txt_file import TxtFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.zip_file import ZipFileProvider

FAKER = Faker()

# Usage example
file = FAKER.txt_file(content="Lorem ipsum")

Throughout documentation we will be mixing these approaches.

Create a TXT file with static content

  • Content of the file is Lorem ipsum.
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(content="Lorem ipsum")

Create a DOCX file with dynamically generated content

  • Content is generated dynamically.
  • Content is limited to 1024 chars.
  • Wrap lines after 80 chars.
  • Prefix the filename with zzz.
file = DocxFileProvider(FAKER).docx_file(

Create a ZIP file consisting of TXT files with static content

  • 5 TXT files in the ZIP archive (default value is 5).
  • Content of all files is Lorem ipsum.
file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(options={"content": "Lorem ipsum"})

Create a ZIP file consisting of 3 DOCX files with dynamically generated content

  • 3 DOCX files in the ZIP archive.
  • Content is generated dynamically.
  • Content is limited to 1024 chars.
  • Prefix the filenames in archive with xxx_.
  • Prefix the filename of the archive itself with zzz.
  • Inside the ZIP, put all files in directory yyy.
from faker_file.providers.zip_file import create_inner_docx_file
file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(
        "count": 3,
        "create_inner_file_func": create_inner_docx_file,
        "create_inner_file_args": {
            "prefix": "xxx_",
            "max_nb_chars": 1_024,
        "directory": "yyy",

Create a nested ZIP file

Create a ZIP file which contains 5 ZIP files which contain 5 ZIP files which contain 5 DOCX files.

  • 5 ZIP files in the ZIP archive.
  • Content is generated dynamically.
  • Prefix the filenames in archive with nested_level_1_.
  • Prefix the filename of the archive itself with nested_level_0_.
  • Each of the ZIP files inside the ZIP file in their turn contains 5 other ZIP files, prefixed with nested_level_2_, which in their turn contain 5 DOCX files.
from faker_file.providers.zip_file import create_inner_docx_file, create_inner_zip_file
file = ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(
        "create_inner_file_func": create_inner_zip_file,
        "create_inner_file_args": {
            "prefix": "nested_level_1_",
            "options": {
                "create_inner_file_func": create_inner_zip_file,
                "create_inner_file_args": {
                    "prefix": "nested_level_2_",
                    "options": {
                        "create_inner_file_func": create_inner_docx_file,

Create a TXT file with static content

file = FAKER.txt_file(content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")

Create a DOCX file with dynamically generated content

  • Content is generated dynamically.
  • Content is limited to 1024 chars.
  • Wrap lines after 80 chars.
  • Prefix the filename with zzz.
file = FAKER.docx_file(

Create a PDF file with predefined template containing dynamic fixtures

  • Content template is predefined and contains dynamic fixtures.
  • Wrap lines after 80 chars.
template = """
{{date}} {{city}}, {{country}}

Hello {{name}},

{{text}} {{text}} {{text}}

{{text}} {{text}} {{text}}

{{text}} {{text}} {{text}}

Address: {{address}}

Best regards,


file = FAKER.pdf_file(content=template, wrap_chars_after=80)

Pick a random file from a directory given

  • Create an exact copy of the randomly picked file under a different name.
  • Prefix of the destination file would be zzz.
  • source_dir_path is the absolute path to the directory to pick files from.
from faker_file.providers.random_file_from_dir import (

file = RandomFileFromDirProvider(FAKER).random_file_from_dir(

When using with Django (and factory_boy)

When used with Django (to generate fake data with factory_boy factories), the root_path argument shall be provided. Otherwise (although no errors will be triggered) the generated files will reside outside the MEDIA_ROOT directory (by default in /tmp/tmp/ on Linux) and further operations with those files through Django will cause SuspiciousOperation exception.

Basic example

Imaginary Django model

from django.db import models

class Upload(models.Model):
    """Upload model."""

    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
    description = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)

    # Files
    docx_file = models.FileField(null=True)
    pdf_file = models.FileField(null=True)
    pptx_file = models.FileField(null=True)
    txt_file = models.FileField(null=True)
    zip_file = models.FileField(null=True)
    file = models.FileField(null=True)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Upload"
        verbose_name_plural = "Upload"

    def __str__(self):

Correspondent factory_boy factory

from django.conf import settings

from factory import Faker
from factory.django import DjangoModelFactory

# Import all providers we want to use
from faker_file.providers.docx_file import DocxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pdf_file import PdfFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.pptx_file import PptxFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.txt_file import TxtFileProvider
from faker_file.providers.zip_file import ZipFileProvider

from upload.models import Upload

# Add all providers we want to use

class UploadFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Upload factory."""

    name = Faker("text", max_nb_chars=100)
    description = Faker("text", max_nb_chars=1000)

    # Files
    docx_file = Faker("docx_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    pdf_file = Faker("pdf_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    pptx_file = Faker("pptx_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    txt_file = Faker("txt_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    zip_file = Faker("zip_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    file = Faker("txt_file", root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

    class Meta:
        model = Upload

Randomize provider choice

from random import choice

from factory import LazyAttribute
from faker import Faker as FakerFaker

FAKER = FakerFaker()

    lambda: DocxFileProvider(FAKER).docx_file(root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT),
    lambda: PdfFileProvider(FAKER).pdf_file(root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT),
    lambda: PptxFileProvider(FAKER).pptx_file(root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT),
    lambda: TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT),
    lambda: ZipFileProvider(FAKER).zip_file(root_path=settings.MEDIA_ROOT),

def pick_random_provider(*args, **kwargs):
    return choice(PROVIDER_CHOICES)()

class UploadFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    """Upload factory that randomly picks a file provider."""

    # ...
    file = LazyAttribute(pick_random_provider)
    # ...

Generate a file of a certain size

The only two file types for which it is easy to foresee the file size are BIN and TXT. Note, that size of BIN files is always exact, while for TXT it is approximate.


file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=1024**2)  # 1 Mb
file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=3*1024**2)  # 3 Mb
file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=10*1024**2)  # 10 Mb

file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=1024)  # 1 Kb
file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=3*1024)  # 3 Kb
file = BinFileProvider(FAKER).bin_file(length=10*1024)  # 10 Kb


file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=1024**2)  # 1 Mb
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=3*1024**2)  # 3 Mb
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=10*1024**2)  # 10 Mb

file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=1024)  # 1 Kb
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=3*1024)  # 3 Kb
file = TxtFileProvider(FAKER).txt_file(max_nb_chars=10*1024)  # 10 Kb