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heyointothevoid edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

When performing a global matches for a specific game from your collections (example:, you can use CTRL+F with keywords such as: "gg.d / gg d / ggd / grey / gray / allkeyshop / keyshop etc" to highlight those traders that mention using the grey market value scheme in their overview message.

trading for an abundant game to replace key in potential dispute

fanatical duplicates and emailing support

alan smithee as name if you’re blocked

Making a game locked in a trade

The & icon to the left of a game when creating a trade locks any number of games, so the games those games locked and those which aren't are optional, you can tell it's active when it turns green.

Example: (put example trade or screenshot of) bundle, and ignoring games on other platforms is a resource available, but i haven't used it much

Column L / steam_rating for Racial Justice,
Column K / steam_rating for Ukraine bundle and Palestinian bundle
right click and sort z-a

ignore all games (overwhelming to mixed/ mostly positive/ positive) as "ignore this" / "already played on a different platform" on Steam under the screenshots of a game, to the right of the "Follow" button and to the left of the "Add A Note" button.
GOG Galaxy / Playnite is useful for ignoring your EA launcher / GOG / Ubisoft Connect / Epic etc. games.

Free Steam games by Steamdb weight

For Tips & Tricks I would add an explanation about the colored lines below each game entry on the bundle page:


blue = tradable, green = library, grey = blacklist, orange = wishlist this gives you an idea about which games from a bundle are the most valuable / requested / unwanted

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