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Contributing a dataset to Fuel

This tutorial describes what you need to implement in order to contribute a new dataset to Fuel.

You need to implement the following:

  • Code that downloads the raw data files for your dataset
  • Code that converts these raw data files into a format that's useable by your dataset subclass
  • Dataset subclass that interfaces with your converted data

We'll cover the basics for the following use case:

  • The data consists of several data sources (e.g. features, targets) that can be stored in :class:`numpy.ndarray`-like objects
  • Data sources have a fixed shape (e.g. vectors of size 100, images of width 32, weight 32 and with 3 channels)
  • The data is split into various sets (e.g. training, validation, test)

Toy example

For this tutorial, we'll implement the venerable Iris dataset in Fuel. This dataset features 150 examples split into three classes (50 examples per class), and each example consists of four features.

For the purpose of demonstration, we'll split the dataset into a training set (100 examples), a validation set (20 examples) and a test set (30 examples). We'll pretend the test set doesn't have any label information available, as is often the case for machine learning competitions.

Download code

The Iris dataset is contained in a single file,, which we'll need to make available for users to download.

The preferred way of downloading dataset files in Fuel is the fuel-download script. Dataset implementations include a function for downloading their required files in the fuel.downloaders subpackage. In order to make that function accessible to fuel-download, they need to include it in the all_downloaders attribute of the fuel.downloaders subpackage.

The function accepts an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance as input and should return a downloading function. Put the following piece of code inside the fuel.downloaders.iris module (you'll have to create it):

from fuel.downloaders.base import default_downloader

def fill_subparser(subparser):
    return default_downloader

You should also register Iris as a downloadable dataset via the all_downloaders attribute. It's a tuple of pairs of name and subparser filler function. Here's an example of how the fuel.downloaders init file might look:

from fuel.downloaders import binarized_mnist
from fuel.downloaders import iris

all_downloaders = (
    ('binarized_mnist', binarized_mnist.fill_subparser),
    ('iris', iris.fill_subparser))

A lot is going on in these few lines of code, so let's break it down.

In order to be more flexible, the fuel-download script uses subparsers. This lets each dataset define their own set of arguments. If you registered it properly, the function you just defined will get called and be given its own subparser to fill. Users will then be able to type the fuel-download iris command and will be downloaded.

When the fuel-download iris command is typed, the download script will call the function returned by fill_subparser and give it the :class:`argparse.Namespace` instance containing all parsed command line arguments. That function is responsible for downloading the data.

We used the :meth:`~.downloaders.base.default_downloader` convenience function as our download function. It expects the parsed arguments to contain a list of URLs and a list of filenames, and downloads each URL, saving it under its corresponding filename. This is why we set the urls and filenames default arguments.

If your use case is more exotic, you can just as well define your own download function. Be aware of the following default arguments:

  • directory : in which directory the files need to be saved
  • clear : if True, your download function is expected to remove the downloaded files from directory.

Conversion code

In order to minimize the amount of code we have to write, we'll subclass :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset`. This means we'll have to create an HDF5 file to store our data. For more information, see the :ref:`dedicated tutorial <convert_h5py_dataset>` on how to create an :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset`-compatible HDF5 file.

Much like for downloading data files, the preferred way of converting data files in Fuel is through the fuel-convert script. Its implementation is very similar to fuel-download. The arguments to be aware of in the subparser are

  • directory : in which directory the input files reside
  • output-directory : where to save the converted dataset

The converter function should return a tuple containing path(s) to the converted dataset(s).

Put the following piece of code inside the fuel.converters.iris module (you'll have to create it):

import os

import h5py
import numpy

from fuel.converters.base import fill_hdf5_file

def convert_iris(directory, output_directory, output_filename='iris.hdf5'):
    output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)
    h5file = h5py.File(output_path, mode='w')
    classes = {'Iris-setosa': 0, 'Iris-versicolor': 1, 'Iris-virginica': 2}
    data = numpy.loadtxt(
        os.path.join(directory, ''),
        converters={4: lambda x: classes[x]},
    features = data[:, :-1].astype('float32')
    targets = data[:, -1].astype('uint8')
    train_features = features[:100]
    train_targets = targets[:100]
    valid_features = features[100:120]
    valid_targets = targets[100:120]
    test_features = features[120:]
    data = (('train', 'features', train_features),
            ('train', 'targets', train_targets),
            ('valid', 'features', valid_features),
            ('valid', 'targets', valid_targets),
            ('test', 'features', test_features))
    fill_hdf5_file(h5file, data)
    h5file['features'].dims[0].label = 'batch'
    h5file['features'].dims[1].label = 'feature'
    h5file['targets'].dims[0].label = 'batch'
    h5file['targets'].dims[1].label = 'index'


    return (output_path,)

def fill_subparser(subparser):
    return convert_iris

We used the convenience :meth:`~.converters.base.fill_hdf5_file` function to populate our HDF5 file and create the split array. This function expects a tuple of tuples, one per split/source pair, containing the split name, the source name, the data array and (optionally) a comment string.

We also used :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset`'s ability to extract axis labels to add semantic information to the axes of our data sources. This allowed us to specify that target values are categorical ('index'). Note that you can use whatever label you want in Fuel, although certain frameworks using Fuel may have some hard-coded assumptions about which labels to use.

As for the download code, you should register Iris as a convertible dataset via the all_converters attribute of the fuel.converters subpackage. Here's an example of how the init file might look:

from fuel.converters import binarized_mnist
from fuel.converters import iris

all_converters = (
    ('binarized_mnist', binarized_mnist.fill_subparser),
    ('iris', iris.fill_subparser))

Dataset subclass

Let's now implement the :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset` subclass that will interface with our newly-created HDF5 file.

One advantage of subclassing :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset` is that the amount of code to write is very minimal:

from fuel.datasets import H5PYDataset
from fuel.utils import find_in_data_path

class Iris(H5PYDataset):
    filename = 'iris.hdf5'

    def __init__(self, which_sets=which_sets, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('load_in_memory', True)
        super(Iris, self).__init__(
            which_sets=which_sets, **kwargs)

Our subclass is just a thin wrapper around the :class:`~.datasets.hdf5.H5PYDataset` class that defines the data path and switches the load_in_memory argument default to True (since this dataset easily fits in memory). Everything else is handled by the superclass.

Putting it together

We now have everything we need to start playing around with our new dataset implementation.

Try downloading and converting the data file:

fuel-download iris
fuel-convert iris
fuel-download iris --clear
cd -

You can now use the Iris dataset like you would use any other built-in dataset:

>>> import mock
>>> import os
>>> from picklable_itertools import chain
>>> from six.moves import range
>>> from fuel.downloaders.base import default_downloader
>>> def fill_downloader_subparser(subparser):
...     subparser.set_defaults(
...         urls=[''
...               'iris/'],
...         filenames=[''])
...     return default_downloader
>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> __ = parser.add_argument("--directory", type=str, default=os.getcwd())
>>> __ = parser.add_argument("--clear", action='store_true')
>>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
>>> download_function = fill_downloader_subparser(subparsers.add_parser('iris'))
>>> args = parser.parse_args(['iris'])
>>> args_dict = vars(args)
>>> content = b''
>>> for i in range(50):
...    content += b'0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iris-setosa\n'
>>> for i in range(50):
...    content += b'0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iris-versicolor\n'
>>> for i in range(50):
...    content += b'0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,Iris-virginica\n'
>>> length = len(content)
>>> @mock.patch('fuel.downloaders.base.requests')
... def call_download(func, args_dict, mock_requests):
...     mock_response = mock.Mock()
...     mock_response.iter_content = mock.Mock(
...         side_effect = lambda s: chain(
...             (content[s * i: s * (i + 1)] for i in range(length // s)),
...             (content[(length // s) * s:],)))
...     mock_response.headers = {'content-length': length}
...     mock_requests.get.return_value = mock_response
...     func(**args_dict)
>>> call_download(download_function, args_dict) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Downloading ...
>>> import h5py
>>> import numpy
>>> from fuel.converters.base import fill_hdf5_file
>>> def iris_converter(directory, output_directory, output_filename='iris.hdf5'):
...     output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)
...     h5file = h5py.File(output_path, mode='w')
...     classes = {b'Iris-setosa': 0, b'Iris-versicolor': 1, b'Iris-virginica': 2}
...     data = numpy.loadtxt(
...         os.path.join(directory, ''),
...         converters={4: lambda x: classes[x]},
...         delimiter=',')
...     numpy.random.shuffle(data)
...     features = data[:, :-1].astype('float32')
...     targets = data[:, -1:].astype('uint8').reshape((-1, 1))
...     train_features = features[:100]
...     train_targets = targets[:100]
...     valid_features = features[100:120]
...     valid_targets = targets[100:120]
...     test_features = features[120:]
...     data = (('train', 'features', train_features),
...             ('train', 'targets', train_targets),
...             ('valid', 'features', valid_features),
...             ('valid', 'targets', valid_targets),
...             ('test', 'features', test_features))
...     fill_hdf5_file(h5file, data)
...     h5file['features'].dims[0].label = 'batch'
...     h5file['features'].dims[1].label = 'feature'
...     h5file['targets'].dims[0].label = 'batch'
...     h5file['targets'].dims[1].label = 'index'
...     h5file.flush()
...     h5file.close()
...     return (output_path,)
>>> def fill_converter_subparser(subparser):
...     return iris_converter
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> __ = parser.add_argument("--directory", type=str, default=os.getcwd())
>>> __ = parser.add_argument("--output-directory", type=str,
...                          default=os.getcwd())
>>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
>>> convert_function = fill_converter_subparser(subparsers.add_parser('iris'))
>>> args = parser.parse_args(['iris'])
>>> args_dict = vars(args)
>>> output_paths = convert_function(**args_dict)
>>> os.remove('')
>>> import os
>>> from fuel import config
>>> from fuel.datasets import H5PYDataset
>>> class Iris(H5PYDataset):
...    def __init__(self, which_sets, **kwargs):
...        kwargs.setdefault('load_in_memory', True)
...        super(Iris, self).__init__('iris.hdf5', which_sets, **kwargs)
>>> from fuel.datasets.iris import Iris # doctest: +SKIP
>>> train_set = Iris(('train',))
>>> print(train_set.axis_labels['features'])
('batch', 'feature')
>>> print(train_set.axis_labels['targets'])
('batch', 'index')
>>> handle =
>>> data = train_set.get_data(handle, slice(0, 10))
>>> print((data[0].shape, data[1].shape))
((10, 4), (10, 1))
>>> train_set.close(handle)
>>> os.remove('iris.hdf5')

Working with external packages

To distribute Fuel-compatible downloaders and converters independently from Fuel, you have to write your own modules or subpackages which will define all_downloaders and all_converters. Here is how the Iris downloader and converter might look like if you were to include them as part of the my_fuel package:

# my_fuel/downloaders/
from fuel.downloaders.base import default_downloader

def fill_subparser(subparser):
    return default_downloader
# my_fuel/downloaders/
from my_fuel.downloaders import iris

all_downloaders = (('iris', iris.fill_subparser),)
# my_fuel/converters/
import os

import h5py
import numpy

from fuel.converters.base import fill_hdf5_file

def convert_iris(directory, output_directory, output_filename='iris.hdf5'):
    output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename)
    h5file = h5py.File(output_path, mode='w')
    classes = {'Iris-setosa': 0, 'Iris-versicolor': 1, 'Iris-virginica': 2}
    # ...

def fill_subparser(subparser):
    return convert_iris
# my_fuel/converters/
from my_fuel.converters import iris

all_converters = (('iris', iris.fill_subparser),)

In order to use the downloaders and converters defined in my_fuel, users would then have to set the extra_downloaders and extra_converters configuration variables inside ~/.fuelrc like so:

extra_downloaders: ['my_fuel.downloaders']
extra_converters: ['my_fuel.converters']

or set the FUEL_EXTRA_DOWNLOADERS and FUEL_EXTRA_CONVERTERS environment variables like so (this would override the extra_downloaders and extra_converters configuration variables):

$ export FUEL_EXTRA_DOWNLOADERS=my_fuel.downloaders
$ export FUEL_EXTRA_CONVERTERS=my_fuel.converters