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File metadata and controls

176 lines (126 loc) · 5.51 KB


For the full XML representation of deals, check out the data reference.

Get deal

  • GET /deals/#{id}.xml returns an existing deal.

The currency field is a three-character ISO 4217 currency identifier. The price-type field indicates whether the deal’s bid has a fixed price (fixed), or is based on an hourly (hour), monthly (month), or annual (year) price. The duration field indicates how many price-type units long the deal is expected to span. The status field indicates whether the deal is pending, won, or lost. The party-id field identifies the party that the deal is about, or for. The responsible-party-id field identifies which user is responsible for this deal. The category-id field is the id of the DealCategory record for this deal. The background field is arbitrary text describing this deal. The parties field is a list of the people and companies involved with this deal. The party field is the person or company the deal is with.


  <account-id type="integer"></account-id>
  <author-id type="integer"></author-id>
  <category-id type="integer"></category-id>
  <created-at type="datetime"></created-at>
  <duration type="integer"></duration>
  <group-id type="integer"></group-id>
  <owner-id type="integer"></owner-id>
  <party-id type="integer"></party-id>
  <price type="integer"></price>
  <responsible-party-id type="integer"></responsible-party-id>
  <status-changed-on type="date"></status-changed-on>
  <updated-at type="datetime"></updated-at>
  <parties type="array">

Get deals

  • GET /deals.xml returns a list of deals that are visible to the authenticated user.
  • GET /deals.xml?n=500 returns the next 500 deals
  • GET /deals.xml?status=won returns deals that are won, could also request lost and pending deals
  • GET /deals.xml?since=20130225154546 returns the deals updated since the timestamp, oldest to newest. The since parameter is expressed as yyyymmddhhmmss in the UTC timezone.


<deals type="array">

Get new deal

  • GET /deals/new.xml returns a blank XML template that may be used as a guide for populating the fields of a new Deal record.



Create deal

  • POST /deals.xml creates a new deal with the currently authenticated user as the author.

By default, a new deal is assumed to be visible to Everyone. You can also choose to make the deal only visible to the creator using Owner as the value for the visible-to tag. Or NamedGroup and pass in a group-id tag too.

If the account doesn’t allow for more deals to be created, a 507 Insufficient Storage response will be returned.

See the Get deal call for a description of what the different fields mean.



  <!-- optional fields -->
  <party-id type="integer">#{party_id}</party-id>
  <group-id type="integer">#{group_id}</group-id>
  <owner-id type="integer">#{owner_id}</owner-id>
  <responsible-party-id type="integer">#{responsible_party_id}</responsible-party-id>
  <category-id type="integer">#{category_id}</category-id>
  <price type="integer">#{price}</price>
  <duration type="integer">#{duration}</duration>


Status: 201 Created

Update deal

  • PUT /deals/#{id}.xml updates information about the given deal.

Note that changes to a deal’s status should be done via the Update deal status call, and not via this call. Attempts to update the status via this API call will silently ignore the status field.

Changes to a deal’s contacts cannot be made at this time. Any additions to the parties field will be ignored.



  <!-- optional fields -->
  <party-id type="integer">#{party_id}</party-id>
  <group-id type="integer">#{group_id}</group-id>
  <owner-id type="integer">#{owner_id}</owner-id>
  <responsible-party-id type="integer">#{responsible_party_id}</responsible-party-id>
  <category-id type="integer">#{category_id}</category-id>
  <price type="integer">#{price}</price>
  <duration type="integer">#{duration}</duration>

Destroy deal

  • DELETE /deals/#{id}.xml destroys the given deal.

This endpoint will also destroy any notes, emails, or files that are associated with the deal.


Status: 200 OK

Update deal status

  • PUT /deals/#{id}/status.xml changes the status of the given deal.

The value of the status name must be pending, won, or lost. Note that changing the status of a deal to pending will fail with a 507 Insufficient Storage if you have reached your account limit of pending deals.




Status: 200 OK