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Charles Milam edited this page Feb 2, 2015 · 8 revisions

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this project is to increase lecture interactivity and improve learning outcomes by breaking down instructor/student and student/student barriers to communication. Using this app, students can discreetly indicate to a lecture presenter when they have lost track of the lecture subject, while simultaneously having the option to ask a brief question, or make a brief note.. Lecturers, at a glance, are able to ascertain the overall level of comprehension at any given point within the lecture, and are able to take corrective action at that point to clarify a subject point, or solicit questions from the class.

Post-lecture visual analysis is available to the lecturer, to determine key points when the subject matter became difficult to follow. Students likewise, have a visual representation of at what point they have difficulty following the subject matter, and can review the question/comment they left at that time. Further questions/comments can be appended during the post-lecture review. All students within the class can offer up answers to other students questions, and questions and answers can be up/down voted by the class, to better represent pertinent questions, and appropriate answers. A lecturer has the ability to also review the questions and answers, and vet a particularly good answer to a question.

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