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JSON files describing riak stats, config settings and bucket properties (for help tips and other automated help)


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ES6 Modules that return a single object. Each object provides various information (riak stats, config settings, bucket properties, etc.)


  1. Riak Stats Help
  2. Bucket Properties Help
  3. Riak Config Help

Riak Stats Help

The riak_status.js file contains a hashmap (JS object) of some 400-plus Riak stats, in the following format:

  "node_put_fsm_time_median": {
      "category": "latency",
      "concern": "kv",
      "description": "Median time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client",
      "example": "0",
      "json_schema_type": "number",
      "metric_type": "interval",
      "name": "node_put_fsm_time_median",
      "period": "1 minute",
      "scope": "node",
      "units": "microseconds"

These can be useful for:

  • Displaying Help text for Riak stats in the Riak Explorer GUI project
  • Generating Basho Docs help text for stats
  • Auto-generating configs for third-party Riak Monitoring plugins (such as newrelic_riak_plugin).

Note: This currently does not include MDC Replication stats (see issue #3).

Each statistic has the following attributes.


The stats are keyed by "stat id" -- for example, node_put_fsm_time_median above.


The Category attribute is meant to classify all stats according to their general category -- latency stats, various types of throughput, library versions. These can be used as broad sections (or tabs in a GUI) that organize the stats by topic.

Currently used category values:

  • cluster state - Cluster membership information (connected nodes, ring size, etc).
  • config - String configuration values (node name, backend, Erlang VM config settings)
  • errors - Errors of all types (read, write, query, indexing)
  • latency - Min/Max/Avg/etc latencies for all types of Riak operations
  • load - Stats related to cluster load (number of FSMs created, active connections, operations rejected by overload protection, and so on)
  • meta - A few stats related to the Riak Stats system itself (like riak_kv_stat_ts)
  • object size - Object size statistics
  • ring activity - Stats related to transfers and ring rebalancing operations
  • siblings - Sibling count statistics
  • throughput - 2i - Throughput metrics related to Secondary Index operations
  • throughput - read - All read-related throughput metrics (plain, CRDT, SC, write_once, etc)
  • throughput - search - Throughput metrics related to Riak Search (YZ) operations
  • throughput - write - All write-related throughput metrics (plain, CRDT, SC, write_once, etc)
  • usage - Currently only houses the disk usage stat.
  • versions - Library versions.

Some category notes:

  • versions stats generally do not change, and so can be ignored (and do not need to be aggregated)
  • config and cluster state (and, usually ring activity) settings also do not change between restarts, and do not need to be aggregated
  • The sum of throughput - read and throughput - write can give an overall "Cluster K/V Ops/second" statistic (as well as an overall Read:Write ratio).


The Concern attribute categorizes the stats by relevance, by "subsystem" to which they apply. For example, search stats, kv stats, crdt, secondary_index, and so on.

It's meant to be used to divide up graphs by smaller sections, combined with category above. Things like, "Search Latencies", "K/V Throughput", etc. Also, they're useful for filtering the aggregation and storage of stats only to subsystems that are turned on for the cluster. So, if Search is not enabled on the cluster, it's safe to not aggregate stats with concern == 'search'.

Currently used concern values:

  • config - Versions and Riak Config related stats
  • core - Riak Core related stats (ring rebalancing, transfers, gossip operations, active connections, other misc stats)
  • crdt - Riak Data Type related stats
  • kv - Plain Riak Key/Value operation stats
  • map/reduce - Related to Riak Pipe and Map/Reduce operations
  • resources - Disk usage, Erlang VM system resources usage
  • search - Riak Search related stats
  • secondary_index - Secondary Index stats (LevelDB and Memory backends only)
  • strong_consistency - Riak Strong Consistency related stats
  • write_once - Write-optimized type stats introduced in Riak 2.1


Description / explanation for the stat, meant to be displayed as help text or tooltips for graphs.

If a description is empty (description == ""), it means the stat is currently undocumented in the Basho Docs -- these should be filled in asap (see issue #1 and basho_docs/#1884).

Note: Some category == 'versions' stats link to the relevant libraries in Markdown format -- this should probably be changed to straight HTML.


These are example values for the stat; these should be improved (there's a lot of 0s currently, it could be updated to some representative numbers).


Classifies the stats by JSON Schema primitive types. (string, number, boolean, array, object).


Classifies the stats by statistical metric type, to aid with deciding which to aggregate and to graph, and how.

One of:

  • nominal - These are "named" values that don't generally change. For example, library versions, node names, config values, etc.
  • interval - These are stats that are sampled during an interval of time (in the case of Riak stats, usually 1 minute). Used for latencies, ops/minute and so on. These need to be stored and aggregated by any sort of monitoring or graphing services.
  • summary - These are aggregate stats, here used to denote the various *_total counts (generally tallied since the start of the node). These typically don't need to be stored in the same time-series like way as the interval type stats, since only their latest total values are interesting.


This is meant to store human-readable stat names, such as you would use for labels under a graph.

In the initial implementation, the name just stores the ids (so, it currently stores node_put_fsm_time_median instead of Node Median Put Time).


The time period for which the stats were collected / aggregated.

One of:

  • 1 minute - Most stats with metric_type == interval are gathered over the period of 1 minute.
  • since start - Most totals (metric_type == summary) are kept since node start. Restarting a node resets these to 0.
  • current - Some stats are supposed to display the "current" state of the node or the system (for example, cpu_nprocs). It's unclear what the time-interval resolution for these is (that is, how recent these are and how frequently they change). However, since all Riak stats are cached on a 1 minute basis, assume that these are "current to within 1 minute".
  • ? - These stats are undocumented, and it's unknown to the initial implementers what the time period is. All ? values should be fixed/filled in.


The Score attribute denotes whether the stat applies to the whole cluster ( such as the various cluster state stats), the node, or its vnodes. This one is also meant to aid in separating stats into tabs / sections on a graphing GUI.

One of:

  • cluster - These stats apply to the whole cluster (and are kept in the cluster_metadata directory, or gossiped around the ring)
  • config - Config settings and library versions. While these can technically vary from node to node (such as when a live cluster is being upgraded), generally these should be the same among all the nodes.
  • erlang vm - Stats that apply to a particular node's Erlang VM.
  • node - Per-node stats. Generally mean "these are the operations this node has coordinated".
  • vnode - Per-vnode average stats (local to this node). Generally these mean "these are the operations that the node has performed locally, as opposed to coordinated with other nodes". Comparing node vs vnode stats is a good way to diagnose disk and network problems. For example, if the vnode latencies are drastically higher than the node latencies, it means that the local disk I/O is having problems (whereas operations sent to other nodes doing fine).


Units for the stats. Meant to be displayed under graphs.

Most latency type stats are in microseconds, except that some ring operations like converge_delay_mean are in milliseconds.

Units with value n/a generally means that these are not for graphing, such as library versions. Units with value ? means that these are undocumented / unclear, and should be fixed.

Riak Stats code snippets

Python script to output un-documented stats (that aren't library versions):

import json

with open('riak_status.json') as data_file:
    stats = json.load(data_file)

for key in stats:
    if stats[key]["description"] == '' and stats[key]["category"] != "versions":
        print key

You can generate a sorted list of stats with empty descriptions, and use grep against a local basho_docs repo to see if they've been documented there. (Assumes that the basho_docs repo is in the parent directory containing the riak-help-json repo -- that is, one level up.)

python | sort  > undocumented.txt
grep -rnf undocumented.txt ../basho_docs/ --exclude ../basho_docs/.git/* --include ../basho_docs/*/*.md

Bucket Properties Help

The bucket_props.js file contains a hashmap (JS object) of bucket and bucket type properties, in the following format:

    "active": {
        "default": true,
        "description": "Has this bucket type been activated?",
        "editable": false,
        "json_schema_type": "boolean",
        "name": "Activated"

Each Bucket or Bucket Type property has the following attributes.


The default value for this property, used for all newly-created bucket types. Note: a default of "*" just means that this property is absent by default. For example, the search_index or datatype properties are not present in a bucket type's properties, unless explicitly set.


A more detailed helptext description for the property. If the property has been deprecated, the description starts with the string (Deprecated).


Can this property be edited via a Edit Bucket Type Props call? Some properties can only be set when creating a bucket type, such as datatype, consistent, write_once or name. Others cannot be changed at all, such as the claimant property, which is there only for informational purposes, or the chash_keyfun property, which has been deprecated.


Specifies the property's JSON Schema primitive type. (string, number, boolean, array, object). In case a property accepts several different value types, the types are separated by a | character. For example, the various Quorum properties have a schema type of integer|string, because they can contain either integer values, or symbolic quorum string values such as all, one or quorum.


Human-readable name for the property.


A few properties (namely, repl and datatype) will have an additional attribute that lists the valid values that this attribute can take. These are meant for display as pulldown menus or radio buttons, for a Riak-related UI such as Explorer.

For example:

    "repl": {
        "default": "*",
        "description": "Has Multi Data Center Replication been enabled for this bucket?",
        "editable": true,
        "json_schema_type": "boolean|string",
        "name": "Per-Bucket MDC Replication",
        "valid_options": [
            [true, "Both Realtime and Fullsync"],
            [false, "Not replicated"],
            ["fullsync", "Fullsync Only"],
            ["realtime", "Realtime Only"]

Riak Config Help

The riak_config.js file contains a hashmap (JS object) of Riak Effective Config properties (the results of riak config effective, for example), in the following format:

    "anti_entropy": {
        "default": "active",
        "description": "How Riak will repair out-of-sync keys. Some features require\nthis to be set to 'active', including search.\n* active: out-of-sync keys will be repaired in the background\n* passive: out-of-sync keys are only repaired on read\n* active-debug: like active, but outputs verbose debugging\ninformation",
        "example": "passive",
        "internal_key": "riak_kv.anti_entropy",
        "valid": ["active", "passive", "active-debug"]

Each Riak Config property has the following attributes.


Default value for that property.


The property description, taken from the riak.conf Cuttlefish schema.


Example value.


The internal Erlang environment config variable name for this property. This is what you would look for in the Riak source code. It also helps to identify this key in legacy app.config files.


Valid values for the property to have. This is either a text description, or an array of acceptable values.


JSON files describing riak stats, config settings and bucket properties (for help tips and other automated help)







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