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File metadata and controls

202 lines (153 loc) · 9.08 KB


Configuration vs. Runtime

Some APIs are only available after configuration is complete, or only during configuration. We expose a project-is-finalized function to indicate whether the docker-compose project definition has been generated yet.

project-is-finalized() { [[ ${DOCO_CONFIG-} ]]; }

File and Function Names

Configuration is loaded using loco. Specifically, by searching for *, .doco, or docker-compose.yml above the current directory. The loco script name is hardcoded to doco, so even if it's run via a symlink the function names for custom subcommands will still be doco.subcommand-name. User and site-level configs are also defined.

loco_preconfig() {
    set -- "${BASH_VERSINFO[@]}"
    (( $1 > 4 || $1 == 4 && $2 >= 4 )) || mdsh-error "Sorry; doco requires bash 4.4 or better"
    LOCO_FILE=("?*[-.]" ".doco" "docker-compose.yml")

Project-Level Configuration

Project configuration is loaded into $LOCO_ROOT/.doco-cache.json as JSON text, and COMPOSE_FILE is set to point to that file, for use by docker-compose. (COMPOSE_FILE also gets the name of the docker-compose.override file, if any, with COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR set to a newline.)

If the configuration is a * file, it's entirely responsible for generating the configuration, and any standard docker-compose{.override,}.y{a,}ml file(s) are ignored. Otherwise, the main YAML config is read before sourcing .doco, and the standard files are used to source the configuration. (Note: the .override file, if any, is passed to docker-compose, but is not included in any jq filters or queries done by doco.)

Either way, service targets are created for any services that don't already have them. (Minus any services that are only defined in an .override.)

loco_loadproject() {
    cd "$LOCO_ROOT"; [[ ! -f .env ]] || export-env .env
    mdsh-use-cache "$LOCO_ROOT/.doco-cache/includes"
    export COMPOSE_FILE=$LOCO_ROOT/.doco-cache.json COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR=$'\n'
    local json=$COMPOSE_FILE; DOCO_CONFIG=

    realpath.basename "$1"; case "$REPLY" in
        check_multi '?*[-.]'
        include "$1" "$LOCO_ROOT/"
        compose-variants "" load_yaml; compose-variants ".override" add_override
        [[ ! -f .doco ]] || source .doco

    event fire "finalize project"  # allow overriding the final compose project def
    RUN_JQ -c -n >"$json"; DOCO_CONFIG=$json; services-matching || return
    DOCO_CONFIG='' GROUP --all := "${REPLY[@]}"   # ensure SERVICES exist for all services
    target --all readonly          # make --all a read-only group
    event fire "before commands"   # hook to set up aliases, custom commands, etc.

# Run a command with variants accepted by docker-compose, first checking that
# no more than one such variant exists
compose-variants() {
    check_multi "docker-compose$1" "docker-compose$1.yml" "docker-compose$1.yaml"
    "${@:2}" "$LOCO_ROOT/docker-compose$1.yml" "$LOCO_ROOT/docker-compose$1.yaml"

# Load listed YAML files as JSON, if they exist
load_yaml() { while (($#)); do [[ ! -f "$1" ]] || JSON "$(yaml2json /dev/stdin <"$1")"; shift; done; }

# Add a file to the COMPOSE_FILE list
add_override() { while (($#)); do [[ ! -f "$1" ]] || COMPOSE_FILE+=$'\n'"$1"; shift; done; }

# Abort if more than one given filename exists
check_multi() {
   # shellcheck disable=SC2012,SC2068  # we're using wc and glob expansion is intentional
   (("$(ls ${@:2} 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" < 2)) || loco_error "Multiple $1 files in $LOCO_ROOT"


GROUP name(s)... operator target(s)...

Add targets to the named group(s), defining or redefining jq functions to map those groups to the targeted services. The targets may be services or groups; if a target name isn't recognized it's assumed to be a service and defined as such. The operator can be any of the following:

  • += adds targets to the named groups,
  • := clears the the named groups before adding the targets, and
  • /= only adds the targets to groups that don't already exist.

Note that this function recursively expands groups in the target list, but this expansion is immediate: redefining a group used in the target list will not update the definition of the referencing group.

    (($#>1)) || loco_error "GROUP requires at least two arguments"
    local op groups=(); while (($#)) && [[ $1 != [+:/]= ]]; do groups+=("$1"); shift; done
    for svc in "${@:2}"; do target "$svc" exists || target "$svc" declare-service || return; done
    case "${1-}" in
        +=) op='add' ;;
        :=) op='set' ;;
        /=) op='set-default' ;;
        *) fail "GROUP needs an operator: +=, :=, or /=" || return
    [[ ${groups[*]-} ]] || fail "No groups given" || return
    for REPLY in "${groups[@]}"; do target "$REPLY" "$op" "${@:2}"; done

Also note: services can't be declared once the docker-compose project definition has been finalized, so any targets passed to GROUP after the project definition is finalized must be existing services or groups. Otherwise an error will occur.

SERVICES name...

Declare the named targets to be services and define jq functions for them. SERVICES foo bar will create jq functions foo() and bar() that can be used to alter and, respectively. The given names must be valid container names and must not already be defined as groups.

Note: services can't be declared once the docker-compose project definition has been finalized.

SERVICES() { for REPLY; do target "$REPLY" declare-service; done; }

VERSION docker-compose version

Set the version of the docker-compose configuration (by way of a jq filter):

VERSION() { FILTER ".version=\"$1\""; }

Docker-Compose Configuration

The JSON form of the docker-compose configuration can be obtained using compose-config (with the result in $COMPOSED_JSON), so long as the project configuration has been finalized.

compose-config() {
	project-is-finalized || fail "compose configuration isn't finished" || return
	[[ ${COMPOSED_JSON-} ]] ||	COMPOSED_JSON=$(compose config | yaml2json)

Configuration Files API

export-env filename

Parse a docker-compose format env_file, exporting the variables found therein. Used to load the project-level configuration, but can also be used to load additional environment files.

Blank and comment lines are ignored, all others are fed to export after stripping the leading and trailing spaces. The file should not use quoting, or shell escaping: the exact contents of a line after the = (minus trailing spaces) are used as the variable's contents.

export-env() {
    while IFS= read -r; do
        REPLY="${REPLY#"${REPLY%%[![:space:]]*}"}"  # trim leading whitespace
        REPLY="${REPLY%"${REPLY##*[![:space:]]}"}"  # trim trailing whitespace
        [[ ! "$REPLY" || "$REPLY" == '#'* ]] || export "${REPLY?}"
    done <"$1"

export-source filename

source the specified file, exporting any variables defined by it that didn't previously exist. (Note: the environment files are in shell syntax (bash syntax to be precise), not docker-compose syntax.)

export-source() {
    local before="" after=""
    before="$(compgen -v)"; source "$@"; after="$(compgen -v)"
    after="$(echo "$after" | grep -vxF -f <(echo "$before"))" || true
    [[ -z "$after" ]] || eval "export $after"

include markdownfile [cachefile]

Source the mdsh compilation of the specified markdown file, saving it in cachefile first. If cachefile exists and has the same timestamp as markdownfile, cachefile is sourced without compiling. If no cachefile is given, compilation is done to a file under .doco-cache/includes. A given markdownfile can only be included once: this operation is a no-op if markdownfile has been included before.

include() {
    realpath.absolute "$1"
    if [[ ! "${2-}" ]]; then
        @require "doco-include:$REPLY" mdsh-run "$1" ""
        __include() { mdsh-make "$1" "$2"; mdsh-ok && source "$2"; }
        @require "doco-include:$REPLY" __include "$@"