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bastimeyer edited this page Jan 6, 2024 · 35 revisions


Streamlink Twitch GUI requires Streamlink to be installed on the system in order to be able to launch streams.

Please follow the install instructions for both applications.


Check the Streamlink install documentation for a detailed list of all available installation methods on the supported operating systems.

Streamlink Twitch GUI

  • Windows

    Requires at least Windows 10.
    Older versions of Windows are not supported.

    • Installer

      A Windows installer is available on the Github releases page.

    • Packages

      Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows

      choco install streamlink-twitch-gui

      Scoop - A command-line installer for Windows

      scoop bucket add extras
      scoop install streamlink-twitch-gui

      Winget - The Windows package manager

      winget install streamlink-twitch-gui
    • Archives

      Download the archive from the Github releases page and extract it to a folder of your choice. Then simply execute streamlink-twitch-gui.exe or create a shortcut to the desktop, taskbar or startmenu.

  • macOS

    • Packages

      Homebrew cask - The missing package manager for macOS

      brew install --cask streamlink-twitch-gui
    • Archive

      Download the archive from the Github releases page and extract it to /Applications or $HOME/Applications, so that the app can be accessed from the launchpad.

  • Linux

    • AppImage

      What are AppImages? AppImages are portable apps which are independent of the distro and package management. No root permissons are required for installing and no files need to be manually extracted from a compressed tarball, just set the executable flag on the AppImage file and run it, either from the command line shell or graphical file browser.

      Note: Check out AppImageLauncher, which automates the setup and system integration of AppImages. AppImageLauncher may also be available via your distro's package management.

      Download the AppImage which matches your system's architecture from the Github releases page and optionally compare checksums.

      # make AppImage file executable
      # note that AppImage release file names include the release version
      chmod +x ./streamlink-twitch-gui-v123.45.67-x86_64.AppImage
      # run the app
    • Arch Linux, Manjaro, etc. (AUR)


      # install via your AUR helper of choice, eg. yay
      yay -S streamlink-twitch-gui-bin
      # install via makepkg
      git clone ''
      cd streamlink-twitch-gui-bin
      makepkg --install --syncdeps --cleanbuild


      # install via your AUR helper of choice, eg. yay
      yay -S streamlink-twitch-gui-git
      # install via makepkg
      git clone ''
      cd streamlink-twitch-gui-git
      makepkg --install --syncdeps --cleanbuild


      # install via your AUR helper of choice, eg. yay
      yay -S streamlink-twitch-gui
      # install via makepkg
      git clone ''
      cd streamlink-twitch-gui
      makepkg --install --syncdeps --cleanbuild

      A mirror repo with branches of all the AUR packages can be found here where issues and pull requests can be submitted.

    • NixOS


      nix-env -iA nixos.streamlink-twitch-gui-bin
    • Solus (EOPKG)


      sudo eopkg install streamlink-twitch-gui
    • Other packages

      Due to build- and license restrictions and/or traffic limitations, deb packages for Debian, Ubuntu/*buntu, Linux Mint, Elementary, etc. and rpm packages for Fedora, OpenSuse, etc. can't be created at the moment. An experiment with custom package repositories was done in late 2016, but unfortunately it didn't work out properly.

      If you want to help with the creation of a package for your distro, or even better, a Flatpak, Snap or AppImage package, then please open a new thread on the issue tracker. Thank you very much!

    • Archives

      Regular archives (gzipped tarballs) of the latest release can be found on the Github releases page.

      Download the archive that is matching your system's architecture (eg. "linux64" for x86_64 systems), optionally compare checksums and extract it to any directory you want. After extracting, execute the included shell script once, so that app icons and menu entries get installed ( will remove them). This can be done as a regular user, or as root, so that app icons and menu entries get installed system-wide.

      Then simply run the streamlink-twitch-gui executable or use the newly added menu entry to launch the application.

  • Building from source

    See the "Building and developing" section of the contribution guidelines.