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Building and running Batfish and its tests

Batfish runs as a service that can be accessed via RESTful APIs. A Python client comes bundled with the suggested allinone Docker container or can be set up separately.


We provide OS-specific advice below.

Operation-system specific prerequisite installation


Do the following before doing anything

  1. Install XCode command-line tools.

    • xcode-select --install
  2. Install Homebrew. Follow these steps.

  3. Open a fresh terminal to ensure the utilities are correctly picked up.

  4. If you don't already have the Java 11 JDK installed, first install homebrew cask and then Java 11 using the following commands.

    • brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    • brew install --cask temurin11
  5. If you don't already have it, install Bazelisk.

    • brew install bazelisk


Do the following before doing anything

  1. Install Java 11 and corresponding debug symbols

    • sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-dbg
  2. If you don't already have it, install wget:

    • sudo apt-get install wget
  3. If you don't already have it, install Bazelisk.

    • Open the bazelisk release page

    • Copy the link for the bazelisk-linux-amd64 release asset for the latest version

    • Download and install bazelisk using the copied link (example url below is for v1.12.2, but you should use the latest version):

      wget -O- | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/bazelisk > /dev/null

    • Make bazelisk executable:

      sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bazelisk

    • Symlink bazel to bazelisk:

      sudo ln -s bazelisk /usr/local/bin/bazel

Note: multiple versions of Java

If you have multiple versions of Java installed on your machine, the default java/javac commands may still not be using JVM 11. In that case, you can force the version of Java in use by setting JAVA_HOME. @dhalperi has these aliases in his .zshrc to control which Java is running in a given shell on macOS:

# Java options
# j8q switches to Java 8, quietly. Could make a loud version that runs `java -version` after.
function j8q() {
    export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
function j11q() {
    export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11`
# Default to Java 11.

Installation steps

  1. Check out the Batfish code
    • git clone
    • cd batfish

Running (simple)

  1. To build any unbuilt changes and run the Batfish service:
    • tools/

Running (advanced)

  1. (Optional, done automatically in next step) Compile Batfish

    • bazel build //projects/allinone:allinone_main
  2. Run the Batfish service

    • bazel run //projects/allinone:allinone_main -- -runclient false -coordinatorargs "-templatedirs $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/questions -containerslocation $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/containers"
      will start Batfish in service mode using the library of questions within the Batfish repository.

    Data stored by the service to analyze a network will be stored in a containers folder.

    If you wish to provide Java arguments, use the --jvmopt option once for each java argument in between run and //projects/allinone:allinone_main:

    To set the RAM:

    bazel run --jvmopt=-Xmx2g //projects/allinone:allinone_main -- -runclient false -coordinatorargs "-templatedirs $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/questions -containerslocation $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/containers"

    To turn on assertions and enable a debugger to attach:

    bazel run --jvmopt=-ea --jvmopt=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5009 //projects/allinone:allinone_main -- -runclient false -coordinatorargs "-templatedirs $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/questions -containerslocation $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/containers"

    For more info, see the Bazel documentation.

  3. Explore using Pybatfish

    Once the service is running, you can use Pybatfish to analyze your network.

Running tests

You can run all tests in this repository by running:

bazel test //...

The above is a specific instance of the general form for running all tests in all Bazel packages in a subtree. The above uses the entire repository // as the root; to test only the coordinator:

bazel test //projects/coordinator/...

To run a specific test, just use its Bazel target:

bazel test //projects/batfish:pmd

You can also combine multiple test target expressions:

bazel test //projects/coordinator/... //projects/batfish:pmd

If you want to test just a single function of a rule of type junit_test, do:

bazel test --test_filter=<fully-qualified-class-name>#test-function$ -- <test-target-containing-test-class>

For example, to run just the getNonExistNetwork test function of the WorkMgrServiceTest class, do:

bazel test --test_filter=org.batfish.coordinator.WorkMgrServiceTest#getNonExistNetwork$ -- //projects/coordinator:coordinator_tests

Dependency management and upgrades

We use Bazel's rules_jvm_external to manage our Java dependencies from Maven. Refer to that project's documentation to understand how it works, how Maven dependencies are versioned and captured in maven_install.json, and other information.

Commonly, some Java library will have a CVE and we will want to upgrade our dependence on it. While the true reference for upgrading should be the rules_jvm_external instructions on re-pinning, here is a summary of the steps involved:

  1. Edit library_deps.bzl to update the version of the library used to a non-vulnerable release.
  2. Run bazel run @unpinned_maven//:pin to re-generate maven_install.json.
  3. Manually review the changes (e.g., with git diff) to ensure all needed upgrades are achieved.
  4. Run all the tests (e.g., bazel test //...) to ensure that Batfish still builds and the tests still pass.
  5. Submit a PR to this repository as usual.

Building a deployable batfish or allinone docker image

  • Use the batfish image if you just want the batfish service.
  • Use the allinone image if you want the batfish service and a built-in jupyter notebook server.

Building images locally

This section of the doc is still in progress. Check back later!

Building images via GitHub actions

This section of the doc is still in progress. Check back later!