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Formatting BEdita objects

Introducing the ApiFormatter Component

To respond with consistent data the BEdita object types are transformed and formatted using the ApiFormatter Component that deals with cleaning objects from useless data and casting and trasforming some fields in correct format.

If you have a look at /objects/:id response you'll see that fields as 'id' are integer other like 'latitude' and 'longitude' of geo tag are float and dates are formatted in ISO-8601. ApiFormatter Component with a little help from Models takes care of it.

When you load an object or list of objects you should always use the ApiFromatter Component to have data always formatted in the same way.

// load an object
$object = $this->loadObj($id);
$result = $this->ApiFormatter->formatObject($object);
// in $result['object'] you have the formatted object

// list of objects
$objects = $this->loadSectionObjects($id, array('itemsTogether' => true));
$result = $this->ApiFormatter->formatObjects($objects['children']);
// in $result['objects'] you have the formatted objects

ApiFormatter::formatObject() and ApiFormatter::formatObjects() accept as second argument an array of options with which it is possible add to the formatted object the count of relations and children.

$result = $this->ApiFormatter->formatObject($object, array(
    'countRelations' => true,
    'countChildren' => true

By default no count is done.

Help ApiFormatter to cast object fields in the right way

When formatting BEdita object ApiFormatter asks help to related object type Model to know which fields have to be cast in the right type. Basically every object type returns an array of fields that are defined in database as 'integer', 'float', 'date', 'datetime', 'boolean'. This array is returned from BEAppObjectModel::apiTransformer() method and it is something similar to

    'id' => 'integer',
    'start_date' => 'datetime',
    'end_date' => 'datetime',
    'duration' => 'integer',
    'object_type_id' => 'integer',
    'created' => 'datetime',
    'modified' => 'datetime',
    'valid' => 'boolean',
    'user_created' => 'integer',
    'user_modified' => 'integer',
    'fixed' => 'boolean',
    'GeoTag' => array(
        'id' => 'integer',
        'object_id' => 'integer',
        'latitude' => 'float',
        'longitude' => 'float',
        'gmaps_lookat' => array(
            'latitude' => 'float',
            'longitude' => 'float',
            'zoom' => 'integer',

    'Tag' => array(
        'id' => 'integer',
        'area_id' => 'integer',
        'object_type_id' => 'integer',
        'priority' => 'integer',
        'parent_id' => 'integer',
    'Category' => array(
        'id' => 'integer',
        'area_id' => 'integer',
        'object_type_id' => 'integer',
        'priority' => 'integer',
        'parent_id' => 'integer',

By default only tables that form the object chain plus 'categories', 'tags' and 'geo_tags' are automatically returned, but that method can be overridden to customize the result. For example the Event model add to basic transformer the DateItem transformer:

public function apiTransformer(array $options = array()) {
    $transformer = parent::apiTransformer($options);
    $transformer['DateItem'] = $this->DateItem->apiTransformer($options);
    return $transformer;

The ApiFormatter uses these transformers merged to common object transformer ApiFormatterComponent::$transformers['object'] to present consistent data to client. It is possible to use some special transformer types that are:

  • underscoreField that underscorize a camelcase field maintaining value unchanged
  • integerArray that cast to integer all array values

Remove unwanted fields

Another useful task of ApiFormatter is to clean unwanted fields from data exposed to client. To do that it uses ApiFormatter::$objectFieldsToRemove array that can be customized through configuration or on the fly in controller.

Add fields to remove from configuration

In config/frontend.ini.php or config/frontend.cfg.php is possible to customize which fields exposed by default you want to remove from results.

$config['api'] = array(
    'baseUrl' => '/api/v1',
    'formatting' => array(
        'fields' => array(
            // fields that should be added
            // to ApiFormattingComponent::objectFieldsToRemove
            // i.e. removed from formatted object
            'remove' => array(
                'Category' => array('name'),
                'GeoTag' => array('title'),

In this way you say to ApiFormatter that 'description', 'title', 'name' of 'Category', 'title' of 'GeoTag' and all 'Tag' array must be cleaned from final results. Every time ApiFormatter::formatObject() or ApiFormatter::formatObjects() is called the data are cleaned up using ApiFormatter::cleanObject().

Add fields to remove on the fly

In your ApiController you can decide in every moment to change which fields remove from results using ApiFormatter::objectFieldsToRemove() method.

// get the current value
$currentFieldsToRemove = $this->ApiFormatter->objectFieldsToRemove();

// to ovveride all. It completely replaces current fields to remove with new one

// to add new fields to remove
    'remove' => array('title', 'description')

Keep fields that are removed by default

Sometime you could want to present to client some fields that normally are cleaned up. Likewise to what seen with fields to remove, it is possible do it from configuration or on the fly.

Add fields to keep from configuration

In config/frontend.cfg.php

$config['api'] = array(
    'baseUrl' => '/api/v1',
    'formatting' => array(
        'fields' => array(
            // fields that should be removed
            // to ApiFormattingComponent::objectFieldsToRemove
            // i.e. kept in formatted object
            'keep' => array(
                'Category' => array('object_type_id', 'priority')

In this way you say to ApiFormatter that 'fixed', 'ip_created' and 'object_type_id', 'priority' of 'Category' must be preserved and presented to client.

Add fields to keep on the fly

In your ApiController

// to keep fields
    'keep' => array('ip_created', 'fixed')

It is possible to mix 'remove' and 'keep' options both in configuration and in controller.