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This sample work includes the following tasks

Simple Database Challenge In the Simple Database problem, you'll implement an in-memory database similar to Redis. For simplicity's sake, instead of dealing with multiple clients and communicating over the network, your program will receive commands via standard input (stdin), and should write appropriate responses to standard output (stdout).

Instead of using stdin and out I use the Test files to input to the database system

For this kata, we’re going to write a program to solve a simple problem, and we’re going to write it with three different sub-objectives. Our program is going do process the dictionary we used in previous kata, this time looking for all six letter words which are composed of two concatenated smaller words. For example: al + bums => albums; bar + ely => barely; be + foul => befoul; con + vex => convex; here + by => hereby; jig + saw => jigsaw; tail + or => tailor; we + aver => weaver;

Work was done in a factory pattern, as the test was asking about extensibility.

Added a simple GetEnumerable Overload that during a test i failed to complete... Shame on me. Next day. five minutes to complete

Second Solution EnterpriseSOlution

Create a Custom Memberhip System that uses 3 security Questions, and password is stored in plain text on the db. Make it so the humber of questios can be configured by the user. Use Code first as much as posible.