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Releases: bbuchfink/diamond

DIAMOND v0.9.22

11 May 15:21
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  • Added output field full_sseq to tabular output format.
  • Database sequences that exceed the maximum accession length will no longer cause an error.
  • Added support for PAF output format.
  • Optimized performance of database taxonomy filtering.

DIAMOND v0.9.21

20 Apr 18:32
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  • Fixed compiler errors on some systems.

DIAMOND v0.9.20

19 Apr 18:07
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  • Added Bioconda installation instructions to the manual.
  • Added official docker release:
  • Fixed a bug that could cause corrupted output if compression was activated.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause high memory usage by automatic use of the query-indexed algorithm.

DIAMOND v0.9.19

16 Mar 19:01
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This release provides the option to conduct filtered searches by taxonomy. Using --taxonlist followed by a comma-separated list of NCBI taxonomy IDs will search only against matching reference sequences. Any taxonomic rank can be used. For example, use --taxonlist 562 to search against all E. coli sequences; use --taxonlist 2 to search against all bacterial sequences.

This feature requires taxonomy data to be built directly into the database. The --taxonmap and --taxonnodes options now need to be provided exclusively to the makedb command if taxonomy features are to be used.

This release changes the database format and requires database rebuilding. To rebuild the database from an existing one, a Unix pipe can be used like this:
/path/to/old/diamond getseq -d dbfile | /path/to/new/diamond makedb -d newdb

DIAMOND v0.9.18

15 Feb 16:23
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  • Optimized output writing performance.
  • Fixed a bug in the XML output format.

DIAMOND v0.9.17

01 Feb 19:07
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  • Added option --range-culling to restrict hit culling to overlapping query ranges. This feature is designed for long query DNA sequences that may span several genes. In these cases, the default of reporting the 25 best overall hits could cause hits to a lower scoring gene to be overshadowed. But just increasing the number of alignments reported will bloat the output size and reduce performance.
    Using this feature along with -k 25 (default), a hit will only be deleted if at least 50% of its query range is spanned by at least 25 higher or equal scoring hits.
    Using this feature along with --top 10, a hit will only be deleted if its score is more than 10% lower than that of a higher scoring hit over at least 50% of its query range.
    The percentage is configurable using --range-cover. Note that this feature is currently only available in frameshift alignment mode.
  • Fixed a compiler error on FreeBSD.
  • Fixed escape sequences in XML output.

DIAMOND v0.9.16

26 Jan 19:15
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  • Fixed a bug that caused an error for non-SSSE3 builds.

DIAMOND v0.9.15

25 Jan 20:53
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  • Highly improved performance of frameshift alignment mode.

DIAMOND v0.9.14

12 Dec 19:26
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Added support for frameshift alignments (option -F to set the frameshift penalty). For example: diamond blastx -F 15 ...

Enabling this feature will have the aligner tolerate missing bases in DNA sequences and is most recommended for long, error-prone sequences like MinION reads.

In the pairwise output format, frameshifts will be indicated by \ and / for a shift by +1 and -1
nucleotide in the direction of translation respectively.

Note that this feature is disabled by default. This release changes the DAA format. DAA files created by this version are not backward compatible with previous versions.

DIAMOND v0.9.13

13 Nov 18:05
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  • Fixed query positions in pairwise format for translated searches.
  • Changed default behaviour of --max-hsps option to report an unlimited number of HSPs for a single query/subject pair. Previously, only the single best HSP for a query/subject pair was reported. Since several HSPs are not uncommon for multidomain proteins and may contain valuable information, the default behaviour has been changed to report any HSP if its query and subject ranges are not enveloped by a higher scoring HSP.