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User Management Service

The "User Management Service" is the API backend for the User Management Console. It's also a service proxy for the Keycloak Administration REST API.

It provides the following design benefits over using the Keycloak REST API directly:

  • Ability to implement custom fine-grained access control.
  • Doesn't expose the Keycloak REST API which could allow more access than intended.
  • Ability to extended or enhance the Keycloak REST API for future use cases.

(Note that Keycloak does have a "technology preview" feature called Fine Grain Admin Permissions. We evaluated this feature before implementing this application.)


Tested with:

  • Java 11
  • Maven 3.6.1
  • Keycloak 15.0.2


For local development, specify Keycloak details using the configuration file at src/main/resources/application.yaml. For deploys to other environments, we suggest external properties.

The configuration file expects an externally defined property (environment variable or JVM system property) named UMS_CLIENT_SECRET. Its value should match the Secret attribute of the Client's Credentials defined in Keycloak. Other enviroment variables required in the configuration file (check Dev Team keepass for details):

  • keycloak_db_password
  • keycloak_db_username
  • keycloak_db_url
  • ums_encryptor_password


To start the application run:

./mvnw spring-boot:run

To create an executable JAR run:

mvn clean package

To run the JAR:

java -jar target/<jar-file-name>.jar

Integration tests

The tests depend on the MoH Development Keycloak server. The test configuration file expects an externally defined property (environment variable or JVM system property) named UMS_INTEGRATION_TESTS_SECRET. Its value should match the Secret attribute of the Client's (UMS-INTEGRATION-TESTS) Credentials defined in Keycloak. You can run the tests with:

mvn test