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File metadata and controls

167 lines (110 loc) · 4.9 KB


This is AEWeb repository!

This command line interface enables you to deploy files/ websites / folders (.jpg, .png, .pdf, .html, etc...) on top of Archethic Public Blockchain.

It also provide an API to format files content according to Archethic web hosting API.



To get the AEWeb CLI, you need NodeJS (latest version) installed. Then you need to install the CLI, using:

npm install aeweb -g

To check if AEWeb CLI is installed successfully, try :

aeweb about

To generate address you need -

  • seed is a string representing the transaction chain entropy to be able to derive and generate the keys for the transactions
  • index is the number of transactions in the chain, to generate the current and the next public key
aeweb generate-address --seed myseedphrase --index 0

To deploy files, folder or website -

  • seed is a string representing the transaction chain entropy to be able to derive and generate the keys
  • endpoint is the URL of a welcome node to receive the transaction
  • path is the path of the folder or file you want to deploy
aeweb deploy --seed myseedphrase --endpoint --path ./website

To enable SSL certificates and HTTPS websites you can need -

  • ssl-certificate PEM file of the public certificate for your domain
  • ssl-key PEM file of the private key related to your certificate for your domain (The key will be encrypted for the Archethic nodes - so only them would be able to decrypt it to deliver your website in HTTPS)
aeweb deploy --seed myseedphrase --endpoint --path ./website --ssl-certificate example-com-cert.pem --ssl-key example-com-key.pem


First you need to instanciate an AEWeb object with a instance of Archethic from libjs

import AEWeb from 'aeweb'
import Archethic from 'archethic'

const archethic = new Archethic('')

const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)

addFile(filePath, data)

This function compress the file in gzip format and create one or multiple content structure for the transactions

  • filePath is the path of the file from the root directory
  • data is the content of the file

For a folder containing these files

│   index.html
│   app.js
│   │   image.png

The filePath parameter should be index.html, app.js and assets/image.png

const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)
const data = readFile(filePath)

aeweb.addFile(filePath, data)


This function returns an array of the files transactions (see AEWeb documentation for more details). Transaction are instance of libjs transaction ( These transactions need to be signed.

An empty array is returned if no transaction can be created.

const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)
// Use aeweb.addFile for each needed file
const transactions = aeweb.getFilesTransactions()

transactions.forEach(tx => {, index).originSign(originPrivateKey)


This function returns the reference transaction (see AEWeb documentation for more details). This transaction needs to be signed.

  • transactions is an array of the files transactions previously signed.

This function is asynchronous and return a Promise

const archethic = new Archethic()
const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)
// Use aeweb.addFile for each needed file
// Get transactions with aeweb.getFilesTransactions() and sign them
const refTx = await aeweb.getRefTransaction(transactions), index).originSign(originPrivateKey)

addSSLCertificate(sslCertificate, sslKey)

This function add the SSL certificate in the content and the SSL key in the secret in the reference transaction. This function needs to be called before getRefTransaction

  • sslCerticate is the SSL certificate
  • sslKey is the SSL private key
const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)

const sslCertificate = getSSLCertificate()
const sslKey = getSSLKey()

aeweb.addSSLCertificate(sslCertificate, sslKey)


This function clear all data stored in AEWeb instance (files data and SSL certificate / key)

const aeweb = new AEWeb(archethic)



Thank you for considering to help out with the source code. We welcome contributions from anyone and are grateful for even the smallest of improvement.

Please to follow this workflow:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
