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65 lines (51 loc) · 1.56 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (51 loc) · 1.56 KB

AskPDF 📄💬

An interactive Language Model-powered chatbot application that enables users to delve deep into their PDFs. Built with the power of Streamlit, LangChain, and OpenAI.

🌟 Overview

AskPDF is a chatbot that consumes a user-uploaded PDF, processes its text, and engages the user in a Q&A session about the content of the PDF. Dive into your documents and uncover insights with ease!

✨ Features

  • 📤 Upload a PDF and extract its text.
  • 💬 Interactive chat interface to ask questions.
  • 🧠 Uses embeddings for swift content lookup.
  • 🚀 Built leveraging Streamlit, LangChain, and OpenAI.

📋 Prerequisites

Ensure these libraries are set up:

  • Streamlit
  • streamlit_extras
  • PyPDF2
  • LangChain (and its modules)
  • OpenAI
  • dotenv
  • pickle (Standard Python Library)
  • os (Standard Python Library)

🔧 Setup & Installation

  1. 📥 Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. 🚀 Move to the repository directory:
    cd <repository-directory>
  3. 🛠 Install necessary packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. 🎉 Launch the Streamlit app:
    streamlit run

📘 Usage

  1. 🖥 Open the app in your browser.
  2. 📄 Drag and drop a PDF file.
  3. ❓ Pose your questions regarding the PDF content.

App Flow Diagram

graph TD
    B[Upload PDF]
    C[Extract Text from PDF]
    D[Process & Embed Text]
    E[User asks Question]
    F[Fetch & Display Answer]
    A --> B
    B --> C
    C --> D
    D --> E
    E --> F