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File metadata and controls

88 lines (48 loc) · 2.02 KB


The following setting will make manipulating more easy, thus are strongly suggested.

Save the startup file

In Blender, click on the File dropdown, Defaults and click Save Startup File. This will save the entire scene for the startup. For example, delete the Cube, and open a python console, then save this scene as startup.

This is the startup scene of mine:


3-button-mouse and Numpad

For laptop without mouse, open preference panel and select:

  • Emulate Numpad
  • Emulate 3 Button Mouse

After that, you can:

  • To rotate the view, press Alt + Left Mouse button and drag.
  • To pan the view, press Shift + Alt + Left Mouse button and drag.


Change rotation and zoom center of viewport to selected object

Open preference panel and select:

  • Orbit Around Selection
  • Zoom to Mouse Position


The following tips are optional.

Grid setting

you can deselect Grid and Floor.



You could avoid install inside Blender by setting bl to use system python package:

export BLENDER_COMMAND='blender --python-use-system-env'

Troubleshooting during installation ==============

Here are our advices to some of the issues (albeit rare) you may encounter during the setup:

  1. Error: ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found

Newer versions of scipy and numpy distributed by conda-forge are compiled using gcc-toolchain and requires the up-to-date dynamic library to run them. You may specify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to let Blender know where to find these libraries instead of your system's default: