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Regression and Other Stories: ChileSchools

Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill, Aki Vehtari 2021-04-20

Tidyverse version by Bill Behrman.

Code and figures for ChileSchools example. See Chapter 21 in Regression and Other Stories.

Data are from

  • Chay, K. Y., McEwan, P. J., and Urquiola, M. (2005). The central role of noise in evaluating interventions that use test scores to rank schools. American Economic Review 95, 1237–1258.

# Packages

# Parameters
  # Seed
SEED <- 733
  # Results of educational experiment
file_chile <- here::here("ChileSchools/data/chile.csv") 
  # Common code
file_common <- here::here("_common.R")


# Run common code

21 Additional topics in causal inference

21.3 Regression discontinuity: known assignment mechanism but no overlap

Example: The effect of an educational program on test scores in Chile


chile_all <- read_csv(file_chile)

#> Rows: 2,591
#> Columns: 11
#> $ p90        <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,…
#> $ cmb_regn   <chr> "Regions 2,5,10", "Regions 6,8", "Regions 6,8", "Region 13"…
#> $ urban88    <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,…
#> $ rule2      <dbl> 3.415, 31.815, 4.445, 16.800, 0.095, -2.030, 3.600, -2.625,…
#> $ cutoff     <dbl> 49.4, 43.4, 43.4, 46.4, 49.4, 46.4, 43.4, 49.4, 49.4, 49.4,…
#> $ cutoff_cmb <dbl> 49.4, 43.4, 43.4, 46.4, 49.4, 46.4, 43.4, 49.4, 49.4, 49.4,…
#> $ eligible   <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,…
#> $ read92     <dbl> 57.0, 85.5, 52.0, 66.4, 52.5, 55.3, 68.0, 67.8, 57.3, 68.4,…
#> $ read88     <dbl> 54.4, 79.1, 47.8, 65.1, 49.3, 50.5, 49.7, 48.5, 42.5, 42.4,…
#> $ math92     <dbl> 67.1, 84.7, 53.3, 56.4, 50.9, 59.0, 64.1, 73.1, 52.3, 62.6,…
#> $ math88     <dbl> 51.3, 71.4, 47.9, 61.3, 49.7, 38.2, 44.3, 45.0, 39.9, 42.2,…

Check consistency of eligible and rule2.

chile_all %>% 
  count(eligible, rule2 < 0, rule2 == 0, rule2 > 0)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 5
#>   eligible `rule2 < 0` `rule2 == 0` `rule2 > 0`     n
#>      <dbl> <lgl>       <lgl>        <lgl>       <int>
#> 1        0 FALSE       FALSE        TRUE         2019
#> 2        1 TRUE        FALSE        FALSE         572

eligible accurately reflects whether rule2 is greater than or less than 0.

Basic regression discontinuity analysis

Fit linear regression on all data.


fit_1 <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2, data = chile_all, refresh = 0)

#> stan_glm
#>  family:       gaussian [identity]
#>  formula:      read92 ~ eligible + rule2
#>  observations: 2591
#>  predictors:   3
#> ------
#>             Median MAD_SD
#> (Intercept) 60.5    0.3  
#> eligible     1.5    0.5  
#> rule2        0.7    0.0  
#> Auxiliary parameter(s):
#>       Median MAD_SD
#> sigma 7.1    0.1   
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg

Intent-to-treat effect of exposure to P-900 on schools in Chile: All data.

coefs <- 
    ~eligible, ~intercept, ~slope,
    0, coef(fit_1)[["(Intercept)"]], coef(fit_1)[["rule2"]],
    1, coef(fit_1)[["(Intercept)"]] + coef(fit_1)[["eligible"]],

plot <- function(data, coefs, all = FALSE, binned = FALSE) {
  segments <- 
    coefs %>% 
      x = if_else(eligible == 1, min(data$rule2), 0),
      xend = if_else(eligible == 1, 0, max(data$rule2)),
      y = intercept + slope * x,
      yend = intercept + slope * xend

  size <- if_else(binned, 3, if_else(all, 0.75, 1.5))
  alpha <- if_else(binned, 1, if_else(all, 0.75, 1))
  breaks_width <- if_else(all, 10, 2)
  data %>%
    ggplot(aes(rule2, read92)) +
    geom_point(aes(color = factor(eligible)), size = size, alpha = alpha) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
    geom_segment(aes(x, y, xend = xend, yend = yend), data = segments) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::breaks_width(breaks_width)) +
      breaks = c(1, 0),
      labels = c("Eligible", "Not eligible"),
      direction = -1
    ) +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
      title = "Intent-to-treat effect of exposure to P-900 on schools in Chile",
      x = "Assignment variable",
      color = "School eligibility"

chile_all %>% 
  plot(coefs = coefs, all = TRUE) +
    subtitle = "All data",
    y = "Post-test score"

Data near cutoff.

chile_5 <- 
  chile_all %>% 
  filter(abs(rule2) <= 5)

Fit linear regression on data near cutoff.


fit_2 <- stan_glm(read92 ~ eligible + rule2, data = chile_5, refresh = 0)

#> stan_glm
#>  family:       gaussian [identity]
#>  formula:      read92 ~ eligible + rule2
#>  observations: 883
#>  predictors:   3
#> ------
#>             Median MAD_SD
#> (Intercept) 59.8    0.5  
#> eligible     2.1    1.0  
#> rule2        0.9    0.2  
#> Auxiliary parameter(s):
#>       Median MAD_SD
#> sigma 7.3    0.2   
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg

Intent-to-treat effect of exposure to P-900 on schools in Chile: Data near cutoff.

coefs <- 
    ~eligible, ~intercept, ~slope,
    0, coef(fit_2)[["(Intercept)"]], coef(fit_2)[["rule2"]],
    1, coef(fit_2)[["(Intercept)"]] + coef(fit_2)[["eligible"]],

chile_5 %>% 
  plot(coefs = coefs) +
    subtitle = "Data near cutoff",
    y = "Post-test score"

Including other pre-treatment variables as regression predictors

Fit linear regression on data near cutoff, including pre-treatment variables.


fit_3 <- 
    read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88,
    data = chile_5,
    refresh = 0

#> stan_glm
#>  family:       gaussian [identity]
#>  formula:      read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88
#>  observations: 883
#>  predictors:   5
#> ------
#>             Median MAD_SD
#> (Intercept) 23.4    4.4  
#> eligible     2.1    0.9  
#> rule2        0.2    0.2  
#> read88       0.6    0.1  
#> math88       0.2    0.1  
#> Auxiliary parameter(s):
#>       Median MAD_SD
#> sigma 6.9    0.2   
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg

Intent-to-treat effect of exposure to P-900 on schools in Chile: Data near cutoff.

v <- 
  chile_5 %>% 
    read92 = 
      read92 - coef(fit_3)[["read88"]] * (read88 - mean(read88)) -
      coef(fit_3)[["math88"]] * (math88 - mean(math88))

intercept_0 <- 
  coef(fit_3)[["(Intercept)"]] + 
  coef(fit_3)[["read88"]] * mean(chile_5$read88) +
  coef(fit_3)[["math88"]] * mean(chile_5$math88)

coefs <- 
    ~eligible, ~intercept, ~slope,
    0, intercept_0, coef(fit_3)[["rule2"]],
    1, intercept_0 + coef(fit_3)[["eligible"]], coef(fit_3)[["rule2"]]

v %>% 
  plot(coefs = coefs) +
    subtitle = "Data near cutoff",
    y = "Adjusted post-test score"

Intent-to-treat effect of exposure to P-900 on schools in Chile: Data near cutoff binned

n_bins <- 20

v <- 
  chile_5 %>% 
    read92 = 
      read92 - coef(fit_3)[["read88"]] * (read88 - mean(read88)) -
      coef(fit_3)[["math88"]] * (math88 - mean(math88)),
    bin = 
        breaks = seq(-5, 5, length.out = n_bins + 1),
        include.lowest = TRUE
  ) %>% 
  group_by(bin) %>% 
    eligible = as.double(min(rule2) < 0),
    rule2 = mean(rule2),
    read92 = mean(read92)

v %>% 
  plot(coefs = coefs, binned = TRUE) +
    subtitle = "Data near cutoff binned",
    y = "Adjusted post-test score"

This plot is different from the one in the book. The adjustment above only uses the data near the cutoff that is used in the model. The plot in the book adjusts using all data.

Including interactions

Center and scale read88 and math88.

chile_5 <- 
  chile_5 %>% 
    read88_z = scale(read88) %>% as.double(),
    math88_z = scale(math88) %>% as.double()

Fit linear regression with interaction.


fit_4 <- 
    read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88_z + math88_z + eligible:read88_z,
    data = chile_5,
    refresh = 0

#> stan_glm
#>  family:       gaussian [identity]
#>  formula:      read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88_z + math88_z + eligible:read88_z
#>  observations: 883
#>  predictors:   6
#> ------
#>                   Median MAD_SD
#> (Intercept)       60.2    0.5  
#> eligible           2.0    0.9  
#> rule2              0.1    0.2  
#> read88_z           2.8    0.4  
#> math88_z           0.6    0.3  
#> eligible:read88_z -0.3    0.6  
#> Auxiliary parameter(s):
#>       Median MAD_SD
#> sigma 6.9    0.2   
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg

The results are again different from those in the book, since we have centered and scaled only using the data near the cutoff that is used in the model.

In this case, the available data are clearly too noisy to estimate this interaction.

Regression fit to all the data

Fit linear regression on all data, including pre-treatment variables.


fit_5 <- 
    read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88,
    data = chile_all,
    refresh = 0

#> stan_glm
#>  family:       gaussian [identity]
#>  formula:      read92 ~ eligible + rule2 + read88 + math88
#>  observations: 2591
#>  predictors:   5
#> ------
#>             Median MAD_SD
#> (Intercept) 21.6    2.3  
#> eligible     1.9    0.4  
#> rule2        0.0    0.1  
#> read88       0.7    0.0  
#> math88       0.1    0.0  
#> Auxiliary parameter(s):
#>       Median MAD_SD
#> sigma 6.7    0.1   
#> ------
#> * For help interpreting the printed output see ?print.stanreg
#> * For info on the priors used see ?prior_summary.stanreg