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The best hashing algorithm for speed, uniqueness, speed and length for Javascript

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The best hashing algorithm for speed, uniqueness and length for Javascript

Problems of conventional hashes and HonestHash solutions

problem SPEED: hashing can't be too slow (for big files) or too fast (rainbow(*) tables)
solution: HonestHash has an optional speed parameter and can be set between 4ms ~ 22000ms

problem LENGTH: hash can't be too long (shorter hash means faster and cheaper databases)
solution: HonestHash is only 40 characters long and still without any collisions

problem SALTING: can't be hashed without a salt (rainbow tables have 43(*) billion results)
solution: HonestHash has a mandatory salt and an optional number of hashing

problem UNIVERSALITY: you must be able to reuse the same library on cliend and server
solution: HonestHash has just one implementation for Node.js and client JS

problem COLLISIONS: many hashes have already known collisions (MD5, SHA0, SHA1..)
solution: HonestHash uses internally SHA3-512 and RIPEMD-160 (not known collisions)


How to install and use Honest Hash?

Installation on server within package.json

> npm install honesthash
> node require("./Honesthash.js")

Short usage with salt and speed options

var options = { salt : "744bdf813e57252146", speed : 15000 };
var result = require("./Honesthash.js")(options).hex("123");

> e457227529744e2146bdf813e57259f256fd7cdc

Standard usage with more instances of the hash

var hashModule = require("./Honesthash.js");

var develHash = hashModule({ speed: 1, salt: "1f5a5ab970a1945c91394", logs: true });
var testHash = hashModule({ speed: 10000, salt: "159139413f5a5970a", logs: true });
var prodHash = hashModule({ speed: 10000, salt: "d73ce9fc1776ad4f", logs: false  });

console.log( develHash.hex("123"), testHash.hex("123"), prodHash.hex("123") );

Shortest usage without options

console.log( require("./Honesthash.js")().hex("string") );
> 1176e5c9188f73a5203656949848c19680ecc062

Available options

  (mandatory) salt: "1234567890", // your custom hash, can be any string
  (optional) loop: 1, //  can be between 1 and 1000000
  (optional) logs: false // logs everything to console (speed, hash, string)

How Honest Hash works?


Honest Hash puts raw string to SHA512 with given salt. SHA3-512 is used because its the best implementation of famous SHA serie and result is unique, without any collisions and strong. Problem is that is too long. This SHA3 result is given to hashing function RIPE160 and it result is provided back.

uniqButLong = SHA3-512("your string" + salt);
shortAndUniq = RIPE160(uniqButLong + salt);



Speed is inspired by Niels Provos(*) and David Mazières and theirs bcrypt. Optional speed besides incorporating a salt protects against rainbow table attacks. Hashing iterates within a loop that is set by optional parameter speed. Iteration makes hashing slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computer power.

Backward compatibility algorithms

Honest Hash is tested not just for English characters, but also for the Cyrillic script (1), numbers (2), special characters (3), Eastern European characters (4) and many others..

1: `бвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя`
2: `1234567890`
3: `!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]:;"'|\?/>.<,œ∑´†¥¨ˆπ¬˚∆˙ƒ∂ßåΩ≈ç√∫˜Ω`
4: `ąàáäâãåæăăâćęèéëêìíïîîłńòóöôõøśșşțţùúüûñçżźа`
5: `zxcvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop`


For a full benchmark see file docs/, that contains results of our benchmark. We used iMac 2011 with OSX Yosimite and Node.js v10.17. Computer had installed 4GB RAM.

HonestHash HonestHash


  • Free for all projects (commercial and non-commercial)
  • MIT licenced
  • For security reasons - use please only the original repository


The best hashing algorithm for speed, uniqueness, speed and length for Javascript






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