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311 lines (192 loc) · 13.4 KB

File metadata and controls

311 lines (192 loc) · 13.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.51.6 (2019-02-08)


  • Added ProductAttribute class.

0.51.5 (2018-08-30)


  • Added purge_api_key_logs event to remove api log older than 12 months.

0.51.4 (2018-08-13)


  • New table MediaVideoFile for transcoded videos versions.

0.51.3 (2018-07-30)


  • ProductTranslation new field: additional_description (Additional description for products)


  • Deps requirements updated: dbal 2.8, orm 2.6

0.51.2 (2018-06-18)


  • Added travis tests for mariadb 10.3+


  • [MySQLExtra] Fix creation of function get_searchable_reference and add DETERMINISTIC to avoid possible problem if binlog is enabled.

0.51.1 (2018-05-29)


  • ProductTranslation new field: usp (Unique selling proposition)


  • ProductTranslation field specs now varchar(5000) instead of text


  • Minor typehint fixes for ProductTranslation entity.

Example of migration:

ALTER TABLE product_translation ADD usp VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique Selling Proposition', CHANGE description description VARCHAR(5000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Product description', CHANGE specs specs VARCHAR(5000) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Product specifications';

0.51.0 (2018-05-05)


  • Removed magic getter/setters in entities (possible BC-break)

0.50.0 (2018-04-18)


  • Updated to doctrine/dbal 2.7 for mariadb 10.2 support.


  • Some phpdoc type-hints

0.40.0 (2017-05-18)


  • [BC-BREAK] updated to utf8mb4 by default. In order to migrate, you must backup database, recreate the schema and restore the data, for development you can use:

    # 1. Backup existing database
    # 1.1 Make backup of the data (sql: inserts)
    $ mysqldump -u {USER} -p --no-create-info --skip-triggers --complete-insert --disable-keys --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --lock-tables {DATABASE} > /{PATH}/{DATABASE}.data.sql
    # 1.2 Make backup of the schema (ddl: create tables, routines...)
    $ mysqldump -u {USER} -p --no-data --triggers --events --routines --default-character-set=utf8mb4 {DATABASE} > /{PATH}/{DATABASE}.schema.sql
    # 2. Create a new database and create the latest schema
    $ ./bin/openstore-schema-core openstore:schema:create --dump-sql > /{PATH}/openstore.schema.sql    
    $ mysql -e "create database {NEW_DATABASE} CHARSET='utf8mb4' COLLATE='utf8mb4_unicode_ci'" -u{USER} -p  
    $ mysql -u {USER} -p {NEW_DATABASE} < /{PATH}/openstore.schema.sql
    # 3. Import data backup in newly created database
    $ mysql -u {USER} -p {NEW_DATABASE} < /{PATH}/{BACKUP_FILE}.data.sql  
  • Moved doc/sql to resources/sql.

  • Split generated sql doc into ddl and extras triggers, procedures, functions...


  • New console inputOption to generate schema without extras (triggers,...) see ./bin/openstore-schema-core openstore:schema:create --dump-sql --no-extras.
  • Preliminary tests with phpstan


  • Removed indexes made on text columns (varchar > 255 chars).
  • A lot of cs-issues


  • Removed getArrayCopy() from all entities.

0.30.3 (2017-01-10)


  • Added ProductDepartment and ProductTarget entities
CREATE TABLE product_target (target_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, reference VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference', title VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT NULL, description VARCHAR(15000) DEFAULT NULL, flag_exclude_enduser TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL COMMENT 'Visibility should be excluded for enduser target audience', icon_class VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL, sort_index INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Relative sort index', created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record creation timestamp', updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record last update timestamp', created_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Creator name', updated_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last updater name', legacy_mapping VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique reference of this record taken from legacy system', legacy_synchro_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last synchro timestamp', INDEX sort_index_idx (sort_index), INDEX description_idx (description), UNIQUE INDEX unique_reference_idx (reference), UNIQUE INDEX unique_legacy_mapping_idx (legacy_mapping), UNIQUE INDEX unique_title_idx (title), PRIMARY KEY(target_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = 'Product target audience table' ;
CREATE TABLE product_department (department_id SMALLINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, reference VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Reference', title VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT NULL, description VARCHAR(15000) DEFAULT NULL, icon_class VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL, sort_index INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Relative sort index', created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record creation timestamp', updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record last update timestamp', created_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Creator name', updated_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last updater name', legacy_mapping VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique reference of this record taken from legacy system', legacy_synchro_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last synchro timestamp', INDEX sort_index_idx (sort_index), INDEX description_idx (description), UNIQUE INDEX unique_reference_idx (reference), UNIQUE INDEX unique_legacy_mapping_idx (legacy_mapping), UNIQUE INDEX unique_title_idx (title), PRIMARY KEY(department_id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = 'Product departments' ;
ALTER TABLE product ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D34A04ADAE80F5DF FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES product_department (department_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE product ADD CONSTRAINT FK_D34A04AD158E0B66 FOREIGN KEY (target_id) REFERENCES product_target (target_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
CREATE INDEX IDX_D34A04ADAE80F5DF ON product (department_id);
CREATE INDEX IDX_D34A04AD158E0B66 ON product (target_id);

0.30.2 (2016-12-07)


  • Added ProductBrand::logo_url and ProductBrand:flag_public
ALTER TABLE product_brand ADD logo_url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Url to logo', ADD flag_public TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the brand is active in public website', CHANGE url url VARCHAR(80) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Brand homepage', CHANGE flag_active flag_active TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the brand is currently active';

0.30.1 (2016-12-07)


  • Added ProductBrand::sort_index
ALTER TABLE product_brand ADD sort_index INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Relative sort index';
CREATE INDEX sort_index_idx ON product_brand (sort_index);

0.30.0 (2016-12-05)


  • [BC-Break] Breaking change

    Removal of zf-commons/zfc-rbac and zf-commons/zfc-user dependencies.

    User, Roles and Permissions entities are not implementing the user and rbac interfaces. If you rely on them, just extend the entity classes.

0.26.0 (2016-11-22)


  • Added a new procedure CALL rebuild_category_keywords() to rebuild product translation keywords

Update your database with

$ ./bin/openstore-schema-core openstore:schema:recreate-extra

0.25.0 (2016-11-09)


  • Added keywords in ProductCategoryTranslation that can be used with fulltext search
  • Added rank_pricelist_id in Pricelist useful when you want to use ProductRank on another pricelist than current.
ALTER TABLE product_category_translation ADD keywords VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX keywords_ft_idx ON product_category_translation (keywords);

ALTER TABLE pricelist ADD CONSTRAINT FK_5CCFEA6D5ECD273E FOREIGN KEY (rank_pricelist_id) REFERENCES pricelist (pricelist_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
CREATE INDEX IDX_5CCFEA6D5ECD273E ON pricelist (rank_pricelist_id);

0.24.0 (2016-11-02)


  • For Pricelist, added condition for marking products as 'new': cond_product_new_max_days And REMOVAL of new_product_min_date
ALTER TABLE pricelist ADD cond_product_new_max_days SMALLINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Flag products as new if more recent than the number of days';
ALTER TABLE pricelist DROP new_product_min_date;

0.23.0 (2016-09-21)

  • For 'Media', refactored media_remote_id, media_remote_url and preview_url in remote_media_id, remote_media_url and remote_preview_url to preserve consistencies
DROP INDEX unique_remote_media_id_idx ON media;
ALTER TABLE media ADD remote_preview_url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Remote media image preview url', DROP preview_url, CHANGE media_remote_url remote_media_url VARCHAR(385) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Only for remote content (with a null container)', CHANGE media_remote_id remote_media_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'External media id, only for remote content (with a null container)';
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_remote_media_id_idx ON media (type_id, remote_media_id);  
  • For 'ProductSerieMedia', refactored type_id in product_media_type_id.
ALTER TABLE product_serie_media DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_E0F0B87C54C8C93;
DROP INDEX IDX_E0F0B87C54C8C93 ON product_serie_media;
DROP INDEX unique_product_media_type_idx ON product_serie_media;
DROP INDEX unique_product_type_flag_primary_idx ON product_serie_media;
ALTER TABLE product_serie_media CHANGE type_id product_media_type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE product_serie_media ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E0F0B877E761628 FOREIGN KEY (product_media_type_id) REFERENCES product_media_type (type_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
CREATE INDEX IDX_E0F0B877E761628 ON product_serie_media (product_media_type_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_product_media_type_idx ON product_serie_media (serie_id, media_id, product_media_type_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_product_type_flag_primary_idx ON product_serie_media (product_media_type_id, serie_id, flag_primary);

0.22.0 (2016-09-19)

  • Added unique constraint on container and location for media table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_container_location_idx ON media (container_id, location);

0.21.0 (2016-09-19)

  • Added product_serie_media table
CREATE TABLE product_serie_media (id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, serie_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, media_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, flag_primary TINYINT(1) DEFAULT NULL, sort_index INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record creation timestamp', updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Record last update timestamp', created_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Creator name', updated_by VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last updater name', legacy_mapping VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Unique reference of this record taken from legacy system', legacy_synchro_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Last synchro timestamp', INDEX IDX_E0F0B87D94388BD (serie_id), INDEX IDX_E0F0B87EA9FDD75 (media_id), INDEX IDX_E0F0B87C54C8C93 (type_id), INDEX sort_index_idx (sort_index), UNIQUE INDEX unique_product_media_type_idx (serie_id, media_id, type_id), UNIQUE INDEX unique_product_type_flag_primary_idx (type_id, serie_id, flag_primary), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = 'Product serie media table' ;
ALTER TABLE product_serie_media ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E0F0B87D94388BD FOREIGN KEY (serie_id) REFERENCES product_serie (serie_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE product_serie_media ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E0F0B87C54C8C93 FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES product_media_type (type_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;

0.20.0 (2016-09-15)

  • Added unique constraint on media type and remote_id
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_remote_media_id_idx ON media (type_id, media_remote_id);
  • Added preview picture url
ALTER TABLE media ADD preview_url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Image preview url';

0.19.0 (2016-09-15) MediaType added, possibility to null container in media (remote)

  • Added MediaType table in relation to Media
  • Removed constraint of container_id in Media
  • Added columns media_remote_url and media_remote_id in Media

0.18.0 (2016-06-29) Added column

  • Added weight_gross in product table
ALTER TABLE product ADD weight_gross NUMERIC(12, 6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Gross weight per sales unit in Kg', CHANGE weight weight NUMERIC(12, 6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Net weight per sales unit in Kg';

0.17.0 (2016-05-15) Added is_deal, is_fresh

  • Added columns into in ProductPricelist is_deal, is_fresh

0.14.0 (2016-01-28) Added maximum discount 1

  • Added columns into in ProductPricelist

0.13.0 (2016-01-15) Added minimum price

  • Added sales minimum price in ProductPricelist
  • Receipts for compressing tables with INNODB file_format barracuda in README

0.12.0 (2016-01-14) Fulltext innodb

  • Drop support for mysql < 5.6 or mariadb < 10
  • ProductSearch is now InnoDb by default

0.11.0 (2016-01-14) Table additions

  • Added ProductSerie and ProductSerieTranslation tables