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26 lines (16 loc) · 1.97 KB

File metadata and controls

26 lines (16 loc) · 1.97 KB


Notes from Bruce Elgort

pip install gitpython

This script is for teachers of CS50P. It will let you pull all the student work for a number of assignments, into folders that you name or that are auto-generated from the slug. The script then runs compare50 against other student submissions and against archived submissions (I use Douglas Kiang's source50 repo) and creates a list of submissions as list.html.

Run the script with python3

  • This script does not handle authentication with GitHub. You must set up an SSH key according to the instructions here.

  • You must create slugs.csv and students.csv. Templates are proivded.

  • Students listed in students.csv should have already joined your me50 class. Otherwise, you won't have access to their private me50 repo.

  • By default, student repos will be cloned into []/studentwork/[assignment folder]/[student folder] where "student folder" is defined in students.csv and "assignment folder" is defined in slugs.csv OR is auto-generated from the last term in the slug (or two terms if the last term is "more" or "less").

    • cs50/problems/2021/fall/mario/more becomes mario_more
    • cs50/problems/2021/fall/cash becomes cash
  • If a repo has already been cloned into the folder specified in students.csv, the script will pull the latest changes.

  • If a student has not turned in an assignment, the script simply does not create a folder for that assignment for that user

  • You can compare work with cs50's compare tool with from the assignment folder wtih, for example, compare50 studentwork/mario_more/*/*.c -o studentwork/mario_more/compare50 or compare50 puller/studentwork/cash/*/*.c -a source50/cash/*/*.c -o puller/studentwork/cash/compare50

This project is based on puller by Mark Sobkowicz