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Interfacing with your data

The simplest way to use modred is with the Matlab-like functions and 2D arrays. However, sometimes your data is too large for this. In these cases, there is a high-level object-oriented interface that works with data in any format and never needs the data stacked into a 2D array. Of course, you'll need to tell modred how to interact with your data. This section explains how to do this and provides some mathematical background.

Vector objects

The building block of the modal decompositions is the vector object. Sets of these vector objects are decomposed into modes by POD, BPOD, and DMD. Others call these vector objects snapshots, planes of spatial data, fields, time histories, and many other names. Within modred, "vector" refers to the object you, the user, use to represent your data. By "vector", we do not mean a 1D array. We do mean an element of a vector space (technically an inner product space). You are free to choose any object, from numpy arrays to your own class, so long as it satisfies a few simple requirements.

The vector object must:

  1. Support scalar multiplication, i.e. vector2 = 2.0*vector1.
  2. Support addition with other vectors, i.e. vector3 = vector1 + vector2.
  3. Be compatible with a user-supplied inner_product(vector1, vector2) function.

Numpy arrays already meet requirements 1 and 2. For your own classes, define the special methods __mul__ and __add__ for 1 and 2.

You also need an inner product function that takes two vectors and returns a single number. This number can be real or complex, but may not switch from real to complex depending on the input, i.e., it must be real for all inputs or complex for all inputs. Your inner product must satisfy the mathematical definition for an inner product:

  • Conjugate symmetry: inner_product(vec1, vec2) == numpy.conj(inner_product(vec2, vec1)).
  • Linearity: inner_product(vec1, scalar*vec2) == scalar*inner_product(vec1, vec2).
  • Implied norm: inner_product(vec, vec) >= 0 with equality if and only if vec is the zero vector.

The two examples we show are numpy's vdot and the trapezoidal rule in :py:class:`vectors.InnerProductTrapz`. It's often a good idea to define an inner product function as a member function of the vector class, and write a simple wrapper. There is an example of this in the tutorial.

The resulting modes are also vectors. We mean this in both the programming sense that modes are vector objects and the mathematical sense that modes live in the same vector space as vectors.

Base class

We provide a useful base class for all user-defined vectors to inherit from, mr.Vector. It isn't required to inherit from it, but encouraged because it defines a few useful special functions and has some error checking. If you're curious, take a look at it in the :mod:`vectors` module (click on the [source] link on the right side).

Vector handles

When the vectors are large, it can be inefficient or impossible to have all of them in memory simultaneously. Thus, modred only needs a subset of vectors in memory, loading and saving them as necessary. Therefore, you can provide it with a list of vector handles. These are lightweight objects that in some sense point to a vector's location, like the filename where it's saved. In general, vector handles get a vector from a location and return it, and also put a vector in a location. That is, they implement this interface:

  • Constructor with interface VectorHandle(location).
  • A get function with interface vec = vec_handle.get().
  • A put function with interface vec_handle.put(vec).

An example would be a constructor that takes a file name as an argument, a get that loads and returns the vector, and a put that saves the vector to the file name.

One can think of get as loading, but it is more general because get can retrieve the vector from anywhere (though most often from file). Similarly, one can think of put as saving, but it is more general because put can send the vector anywhere (though most often to file).

It's natural to think of a vector handle's get and put as inverses, but they don't have to be. For example, it's acceptable to load an input vector from one file format and save modes to another file format. However, it does mean that if one wanted to load the modes, one couldn't with this vector handle because get assumes a different file format.

Another way to handle the case of different input vector and mode (or any output vector) file formats is to define a different vector handle class for each. In this case, technically one wouldn't need a put for the input vector handle since one never saves to this format. Similarly, one only needs to write a get for the mode vector handle if one wants to load the modes (for example to plot them).

It's very important that the vector handles actually be lightweight (use little memory). modred is most efficient when it uses all of the memory available to have as many vectors in memory as possible. So if vector handles contain vectors or other large data, then modred could run slowly or stop with "out of memory" errors.

Base class

We provide a useful base class for all user-defined vector handles to inherit from. An example of a user-defined vector handle that inherits from mr.VecHandle is provided in the tutorial. This isn't required, but strongly encouraged because it contains extra functionality. The mr.VecHandle constructor accepts two additional arguments, a base vector handle base_handle and a scaling factor scale. This allows the get function to retrieve a vector, subtract from it a base vector (for example an equilibrium or mean state), scale it (for example by a quadrature weight), and return the modified vector. The base class achieves this via a get that calls the derived class's member function _get and performs the additional operations for base vectors and/or scaling. The base class's put simply calls _put of the derived class. Examples are shown in the tutorial.

One might be concerned that the base class is reloading the base vector at each call of get, but this is avoidable. As long as the base_handle you give each vector handle instance is equal (with respect to ==), then the base vector is loaded on the first call of get and stored as mr.VecHandle.cached_base_vec, which is used by all instances of classes derived from mr.VecHandle.

If you're curious, feel free to take a look at it in the :mod:`vectors` module (click on the [source] link on the right side).

Checking requirements automatically

First, we encourage you to write your own tests (see module unittest) to be sure your vector object and vector handle work as you expect. Many classes provide a function sanity_check that checks a few common mistakes in your vector object addition, scalar multiplication, and inner products. We encourage you to run sanity_check every time you use modred. We used to call this the idiot_check as motivation to use it; keep that in mind!

How vector objects and handles are used in modred

The classes POD, BPOD, and DMD have similar interfaces which interact with vectors and vector handles. First, each has compute_decomp functions that take lists of vector handles, vec_handles, as arguments. Within the compute_decomp functions, vec = vec_handle.get() is called repeatedly to retrieve vectors as needed. In fact, compute_decomp does not "know" or "care" what's inside the vector handles and vectors; only that they satisfy the requirements.

More information about these methods is provided in the documentation for each class.


An example of a custom class for vectors and vector handles is shown below:

.. literalinclude:: ../modred/examples/

For an example using this class, see the tutorial in :ref:`sec_modaldecomp`.

Summary and next steps

Summarizing, to use modred on arbitrary data, define

  1. A vector object that has:
    1. Vector addition ("+", __add__),
    2. Scalar multiplication ("*", __mul__),
    3. Optional: inherits from :py:class:`vectors.Vector`.
  2. A function inner_product(vec1, vec2).
  3. A vector handle class that has:
    1. Member function get() which returns a vector handle.
    2. Member function put(vec) where vec is a vector handle.
    3. Optionally inherits from :py:class:`vectors.VecHandle`. If so, member function names in 1 and 2 change to _get and _put.

Then you can get started using any of the modal decomposition classes! Before writing your own classes, check out :py:mod:`vectors`, which has several common vector and vector handles classes.

For large data, Python's speed limitations can be bypassed by implementing functions in compiled languages such as C/C++ and Fortran and accessing them within python with Cython, SWIG, f2py, etc.