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blond committed Mar 27, 2016
1 parent 21ead41 commit 701dcc5
Showing 1 changed file with 200 additions and 0 deletions.
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,206 @@
История изменений


### Разделитель модификатора ([#76])

Раньше можно было указать строку только для отделения имени модификатора от имени блока или элемента. Она же использовалась для разделения значения модификатора от его имени.

var myNaming = bemNaming({
mod: '--'

var obj = {
block: 'block',
modName: 'mod',
modVal: 'val',

myNaming.stringify(obj); // 'block--mod--val'

Добавлена возможность отделять имя модификатора от значения модификатора указанным символом.

var myNaming = bemNaming({
mod: { name: '--', val: '_' }

var obj = {
block: 'block',
modName: 'mod',
modVal: 'val',

myNaming.stringify(obj); // 'block--mod_val'

Так же добавлено поле [modValDelim](modValDelim), показывающее какая строка используется для разделения значения модификатора от его названия.

### Presets ([#81])

Добавлены предустановленные настройки стилей:
- `origin` (по умолчанию) — стиль Яндекса (`block__elem_mod_val`).
- `two-dashes` — стиль [Гарри Робертса](harry-roberts-convention) (`block__elem--mod_val`).

Предустановленные настройки стилей позволяют не указывать опции каждый раз при использовании стиля не по умолчанию.

var bemNaming = require('bem-naming');

// with preset
var myNaming = bemNaming('two-dashes');

## Исправления ошибок

- Метод `stringify` должен возвращать `undefined` для невалидных объектов, а не выбрасывать ошибку ([#71]).

Проще проверить результат на `undefined`, чем использовать `try..catch`.


try {
var str = bemNaming.stringify({ elem: 'elem' });
} catch(e) { /* ... */ }


var str = bemNaming.stringify({ elem: 'elem' });

if (str) {
/* ... */

- Функции для нестандартных стилей не работали без контекста ([#72]).



var bemNaming = require('bem-naming');

var myNaming = bemNaming({ mod: '--' });

['block__elem', 'block--mod'].map(myNaming.parse); // Функция `parse` требовала контекст объекта `myNaming`.
// Для корректной работы было необходимо
// писать так: `myNaming.parse.bind(myNaming)`.

- Вместо глобального объекта использовался `this` ([#86]).

### Устаревшее

- Поле `BEMNaming` было удалено ([#74]).

Для создания нового стиля следует использовать функцию `bemNaming`.

var bemNaming = require('bemNaming');

var myNaming = bemNaming({ elem: '__', mod: '--' });

- Опции `elemSeparator`, `modSeparator` и `literal` были удалены ([#75]).

Вместо них необходимо использовать `elem`, `mod` и `wordPattern` соответственно.

* [[`21ead41c7a`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/21ead41c7a)] - Merge pull request #86 from bem/issue-85 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`4c26980996`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/4c26980996)] - style(browser): add `browser` env for eslint (blond)
* [[`b31f3c068c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/b31f3c068c)] - fix(global): use `window` and `global` instead of `this` (blond)
* [[`27737a7f84`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/27737a7f84)] - Merge pull request #84 from bem/refact (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`7d5cb11f27`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/7d5cb11f27)] - docs(common-misconceptions): down info about common misconceptions (blond)
* [[`099ee42b2e`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/099ee42b2e)] - docs(naming object): rename BEM-naming to naming object (blond)
* [[`2d7402429f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/2d7402429f)] - test(unknow preset): add test for unknown preset (blond)
* [[`01e680b4f8`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/01e680b4f8)] - fix(unknow preset): throw error if preset is unknown (blond)
* [[`7273d172b3`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/7273d172b3)] - style(jscs): remove strict options (blond)
* [[`063ccfe877`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/063ccfe877)] - refactor(functionality): get rid of `BemNaming` class (blond)
* [[`a2e34cd70f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a2e34cd70f)] - Merge pull request #83 from bem/greenkeeper-eslint-2.5.1 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`509a816737`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/509a816737)] - chore(package): update eslint to version 2.5.1 (greenkeeperio-bot)
* [[`986c5b1785`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/986c5b1785)] - Merge pull request #81 from bem/issue-68 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`beaabbe447`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/beaabbe447)] - docs(presets): use `two-dashes` preset for convention by Harry Roberts (blond)
* [[`a2e7bd8da4`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a2e7bd8da4)] - test(presets): use presets (blond)
* [[`b93bd98407`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/b93bd98407)] - feat(presets): add `two-dashes` preset (blond)
* [[`b225514e1c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/b225514e1c)] - refactor(test): rename `harry-roberts` to `two-dashes` preset (blond)
* [[`f20e9f79a2`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/f20e9f79a2)] - Merge pull request #79 from bem/docs (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`4f49550f46`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/4f49550f46)] - docs(toc): add toc to readme (blond)
* [[`02c4094b59`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/02c4094b59)] - docs(install): add info about install (blond)
* [[`5111759236`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/5111759236)] - docs(usage): add info about usage (blond)
* [[`5b7b89770f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/5b7b89770f)] - docs(view): update view of readme (blond)
* [[`c19a7fe5e6`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/c19a7fe5e6)] - Merge pull request #80 from bem/greenkeeper-coveralls-2.11.9 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`bf30206f03`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/bf30206f03)] - chore(package): update coveralls to version 2.11.9 (greenkeeperio-bot)
* [[`441aabc74b`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/441aabc74b)] - Merge pull request #76 from bem/issue-69 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`a56e72f76d`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a56e72f76d)] - docs(harry-roberts): update Convention by Harry Roberts (blond)
* [[`da4497084b`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/da4497084b)] - docs(mod): add docs for mod option as object (blond)
* [[`a05bf68d3c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a05bf68d3c)] - docs(modValDelim): add docs about `modValDelim` field (blond)
* [[`a15ee5b7e9`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a15ee5b7e9)] - docs(nbsp): use normal spaces (blond)
* [[`6627261ccc`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/6627261ccc)] - test(presets): update `harry-roberts` cases (blond)
* [[`d3e1ab464a`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/d3e1ab464a)] - test(modValDelim): add tests for modValDelim field (blond)
* [[`326e375cd3`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/326e375cd3)] - test(options): add tests for options processing (blond)
* [[`4c1c11e186`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/4c1c11e186)] - feat(modVal): support custom modifier separator (blond)
* [[`722720e1bf`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/722720e1bf)] - Merge pull request #78 from bem/issue-77 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`c47b757340`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/c47b757340)] - test(fields): add tests for delim fields (blond)
* [[`d5f5e92a7a`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/d5f5e92a7a)] - fix(fields): does not delim fields (blond)
* [[`f512b06ee7`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/f512b06ee7)] - fix(jsdoc): fix `BemNaming` jsdoc (blond)
* [[`9c0eab77cb`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/9c0eab77cb)] - fix(BemNaming): simplify initialization (blond)
* [[`cc3751d151`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/cc3751d151)] - Merge pull request #75 from bem/issue-50 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`8750bc117b`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/8750bc117b)] - fix(options): remove deprecated options (blond)
* [[`56be076fd3`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/56be076fd3)] - Merge pull request #74 from bem/issue-51 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`6e1a11de84`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/6e1a11de84)] - fix(BEMNaming): remove `BEMNaming` filed (blond)
* [[`0b0f78a0a2`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/0b0f78a0a2)] - refactor(BemNaming): rename `BEMNaming` to `BemNaming` (blond)
* [[`8cadd87d0c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/8cadd87d0c)] - Merge pull request #71 from bem/issue-55 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`535b328fc8`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/535b328fc8)] - Merge pull request #72 from bem/issue-66 (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`27746dd44d`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/27746dd44d)] - Merge pull request #73 from bem/greenkeeper-update-all (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`59637a038f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/59637a038f)] - chore(package): update dependencies (greenkeeperio-bot)
* [[`e08019ba81`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/e08019ba81)] - fix(namespace): should return namespace (blond)
* [[`b0cd36c94b`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/b0cd36c94b)] - fix(stringify): should not throw error (blond)
* [[`87187a46b3`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/87187a46b3)] - chore(cover): add coveralls (blond)
* [[`2c5f0da71c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/2c5f0da71c)] - chore(bower): update bower.json (blond)
* [[`a29fbda2a0`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a29fbda2a0)] - refactor(index): move index file (blond)
* [[`f57a8f2a6c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/f57a8f2a6c)] - refactor(strict): use strict mode (blond)
* [[`a0eb1510ab`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/a0eb1510ab)] - chore(npm): update package.json (blond)
* [[`3c5dbc9982`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/3c5dbc9982)] - test(coverage): fix coverage (blond)
* [[`237f8def13`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/237f8def13)] - chore(npm): remove `.npmignore` file (blond)
* [[`73a494dbf7`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/73a494dbf7)] - chore(test): use ava instead of mocha (blond)
* [[`66fe215fb7`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/66fe215fb7)] - chore(lint): support ES 2015 (blond)
* [[`41a45e5774`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/41a45e5774)] - chore(jscs): update jscs to 2.11.0 (blond)
* [[`2afe2eb855`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/2afe2eb855)] - test(travis): run tests in NodeJS 4 and 5 (blond)
* [[`5310cabc19`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/5310cabc19)] - style(lint): fix code for eslint (blond)
* [[`b3768aed57`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/b3768aed57)] - chore(lint): use eslint instead of jshint (blond)
* [[`58d6d46403`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/58d6d46403)] - chore(editorconfig): update .editorconfig (blond)
* [[`95c474f682`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/95c474f682)] - chore(min): removed bem-naming.min.js (blond)
* [[`562dda5d08`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/562dda5d08)] - docs(badges): updated badges (blond)
* [[`32cc76799c`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/32cc76799c)] - chore(browsers): remove tests in browsers (blond)
* [[`e6a1af12e7`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/e6a1af12e7)] - Merge pull request #70 from sverbitckaya-bot/master (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`d1d5da419f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/d1d5da419f)] - Fixed jshint config (andrewblond)
* [[`3cdd0cb2db`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/3cdd0cb2db)] - Updated email (andrewblond)
* [[`54ffa6cdf9`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/54ffa6cdf9)] - Fixed typos (andrewblond)
* [[`cce496b844`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/cce496b844)] - Updated github username (andrewblond)
* [[`db2c296777`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/db2c296777)] - Merge pull request #63 from tavriaforever/master (Andrew Abramov)
* [[`de9e767abb`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/de9e767abb)] - Update shields secure http protocol (tavriaforever)
* [[`bf624ece46`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/bf624ece46)] - v0.5.1 (andrewblond)
* [[`2332b0da0f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/2332b0da0f)] - **Docs**: fix spell whithin → within (Ludmila Sverbitckaya (Bot))
* [[`27ad3c4d3f`]( Abramov <>/bem-naming/commit/27ad3c4d3f)] - **Docs**: fix spell in (Ludmila Sverbitckaya (Bot))

[custom-naming-convention]: ./
[modValDelim]: ./
[harry-roberts-convention]: ./В-стиле-Гарри-Робертса



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