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RDD simulation based on LRD paper
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adamSales committed Aug 5, 2022
1 parent baa8270 commit 8d586ab
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,101 additions and 0 deletions.
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions inst/rdd-simulation/ddsandwich.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
##' Extract bread matrix from an lmrob fit
##' This is part of a workaround for an issue in the robustbase code
##' affecting sandwich covariance estimation.
##' The issue in question is issue #6471, robustbase project on R-Forge.
##' @title Bread method for lmrob objects
##' @param x an lmrob object produced using an MM/SM estimator chain
##' @param ...
##' @return k by (k+1) matrix, with first column for scale estimate and rows, remaining cols for coefficients
##' @author lrd author 2
##' @export
bread.lmrob <- function(x, ...)
stopifnot(is.list(ctrl <- x$control))
if (!(!is.null(ctrl$method) && nchar(ctrl$method)<=2 &&
substr(ctrl$method, nchar(ctrl$method),nchar(ctrl$method))=="M") )
stop("bread.lmrob() supports only SM or MM estimates")

psi <- chi <- ctrl$psi
if (is.null(psi))
stop("parameter psi is not defined")
stopifnot(is.numeric(c.chi <- ctrl$tuning.chi), is.numeric(c.psi <- ctrl$tuning.psi))
r0 <- x$init$resid
r <- resid(x)
scale <- x$scale
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
bb <- 1/2
n <- length(r)
stopifnot(n == length(r0), is.matrix(xmat), n == nrow(xmat))
p <- ncol(xmat)
r.s <- r/scale
r0.s <- r0/scale
w <- robustbase::Mpsi(r.s, cc = c.psi, psi = psi, deriv = 1)
w0 <- robustbase::Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi, deriv = 1)
x.wx <- crossprod(xmat, xmat * w)
if (inherits(A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx) * scale, error = function(e) e),
"error")) {
A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx, tol = 0) * scale, error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(A, "error"))
{ stop("X'WX is singular.") } else warning("X'WX is almost singular.")
## At this point A has no sample size scaling, as in robustbase:::.vcov.avar1
## The lack of scaling there precisely compensates for the lack of scaling of the crossproduct
a <- A %*% (crossprod(xmat, w * r.s)/mean(w0 * r0.s))
colnames(a) <- "sigma"
## Now we restore sample size scaling to A
A <- n * A

cbind(a, A)
##' Only SM or MM estimates supported
##' @title Estfun method for lmrob objects
##' @param x a fitted lmrob
##' @param ...
##' @return an estfun object, as in the sandwich package
##' @author lrd author 2
##' @export
estfun.lmrob <- function(x, ...)
stopifnot(is.list(ctrl <- x$control))
if (!(!is.null(ctrl$method) && nchar(ctrl$method)<=2 &&
substr(ctrl$method, nchar(ctrl$method),nchar(ctrl$method))=="M") )
stop("estfun.lmrob() supports only SM or MM estimates")

xmat <- model.matrix(x)
xmat <- naresid(x$na.action, xmat)
psi <- chi <- ctrl$psi
if (is.null(psi))
stop("parameter psi is not defined")
stopifnot(is.numeric(c.chi <- ctrl$tuning.chi), is.numeric(c.psi <- ctrl$tuning.psi))
r0 <- x$init$resid
r <- resid(x)
scale <- x$scale

n <- length(r)
stopifnot(n == length(r0), is.matrix(xmat), n == nrow(xmat))
p <- ncol(xmat)
r0.s <- r0/scale
w0 <- robustbase::Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi)
Usigma <- scale(w0, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)

r.s <- r/scale
w <- robustbase::Mpsi(r.s, cc = c.psi, psi = psi)

Ubeta <- w * xmat
rval <- cbind("sigma"=Usigma, Ubeta)
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL

##' Overloading of sandwich::sandwich to accommodate non-square bread
##' The sandwich package's sandwich function presumes the bread matrix
##' to be symmetric. Obviously this won't do if the bread is rectangular but not
##' square.
##' This is part of a workaround for an issue in the robustbase code
##' affecting sandwich covariance estimation.
##' The issue in question is issue #6471, robustbase project on R-Forge.
##' @title Sandwich estimate of covariance
##' @param x a fitted model object, as in sandwich::sandwich
##' @param bread. function or matrix,
##' @param meat. function or matrix, as in sandwich::sandwich
##' @param ... additional arguments to downstream methods, as in sandwich::sandwich
##' @return matrix, bread %*% meat %*% t(bread)
##' @author lrd author 2
LRDsandwich <- function (x, bread. = sandwich::bread, meat. = sandwich::meat, ...)
if (is.list(x) && !is.null(x$na.action))
class(x$na.action) <- "omit"
if (is.function(bread.))
bread. <- bread.(x)
if (is.function(meat.))
meat. <- meat.(x, ...)
n <- NROW(sandwich::estfun(x))
## the t() in the below is the only difference from sandwich::sandwich()
return(1/n * (bread. %*% meat. %*% t(bread.)))

.vcov.avar2 <- function(obj, x=obj$x, posdef.meth = c("posdefify","orig"))
{ ## was .vcov.MM
stopifnot(is.list(ctrl <- obj$control))
## works only for MM & SM estimates:
### if (!is.null(ctrl$method) && !ctrl$method %in% c('SM', 'MM'))
### I replaced line above w/ 2 lines below for own reasons unrelated to bug fix -BH
if (!is.null(ctrl$method) && !(nchar(ctrl$method)==2 &&
substr(ctrl$method, nchar(ctrl$method),nchar(ctrl$method))=="M") )
stop('.vcov.avar2() supports only SM or MM estimates')
## set psi and chi constants
psi <- chi <- ctrl$psi
if (is.null(psi)) stop('parameter psi is not defined')
stopifnot(is.numeric(c.chi <- ctrl$tuning.chi),
is.numeric(c.psi <- ctrl$tuning.psi))

## need (r0, r, scale, x, c.psi,c.chi, bb)
r0 <- obj$init$resid
r <- resid(obj)
scale <- obj$scale
if (is.null(x)) x <- model.matrix(obj)
bb <- 1/2 ## this is always 1/2 for S estimates by convention
### --- start code from .vcov.MM ---
## scaled residuals
n <- length(r)
stopifnot(n == length(r0), is.matrix(x), n == nrow(x))
p <- ncol(x)
## Next 2 lines added post-.vcov.MM, addressing #6471.
## This assumes initial S-estimate solved sum( loss )/(n-p) == bb,
## not mean( loss ) == bb as assumed in .vcov.avar1
adj <- (n-p)/n
bb <- bb * adj
r.s <- r / scale # final scaled residuals
r0.s <- r0 / scale # initial scaled residuals
w <- Mpsi(r.s, cc = c.psi, psi = psi, deriv = 1)
w0 <- Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi, deriv = 1)
## FIXME for multivariate y :
x.wx <- crossprod(x, x * w)
if(inherits(A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx) * scale,
error=function(e)e), "error")) {
warning("X'WX is almost singular. Consider rather using cov = \".vcov.w\"")
A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx, tol = 0) * scale, error=function(e)e)
if(inherits(A, "error"))
stop("X'WX is singular. Rather use cov = \".vcov.w\"")
a <- A %*% (crossprod(x, w * r.s) / mean(w0 * r0.s))
w <- Mpsi( r.s, cc = c.psi, psi = psi)

## 3) now the standard part (w, x, r0.s, n, A,a, c.chi, bb)
w0 <- Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi)
Xww <- crossprod(x, w*w0)
u1 <- A %*% crossprod(x, x * w^2) %*% (n * A)
u2 <- a %*% crossprod(Xww, A)
u3 <- A %*% tcrossprod(Xww, a)
u4 <- mean(w0^2 - bb^2) * tcrossprod(a)

## list(cov = matrix((u1 - u2 - u3 + u4)/n, p, p),
## wt = w / r.s, a = a)
### --- end code from .vcov.MM ---
ret <- (u1 - u2 - u3 + u4)/n

## this might not be a positive definite matrix
## check eigenvalues (symmetric: ensure non-complex)
ev <- eigen(ret, symmetric = TRUE)
if (any(neg.ev <- ev$values < 0)) { ## there's a problem
posdef.meth <- match.arg(posdef.meth)
message("fixing ", sum(neg.ev),
" negative eigen([",p,"])values")
Q <- ev$vectors
"orig" = {
## remove negative eigenvalue:
## transform covariance matrix into eigenbasis
levinv <- solve(Q)
cov.eb <- levinv %*% ret %*% Q
## set vectors corresponding to negative ev to zero
cov.eb[, neg.ev] <- 0
## cov.eb[cov.eb < 1e-16] <- 0
## and transform back
ret <- Q %*% cov.eb %*% levinv
"posdefify" = {
## Instead of using require("sfsmisc") and
## ret <- posdefify(ret, "someEVadd",eigen.m = ev,eps.ev = 0)
lam <- ev$values
lam[neg.ev] <- 0
o.diag <- diag(ret)# original one - for rescaling
ret <- Q %*% (lam * t(Q)) ## == Q %*% diag(lam) %*% t(Q)
## rescale to the original diagonal values
## D <- sqrt(o.diag/diag(ret))
## where they are >= 0 :
D <- sqrt(, o.diag)/diag(ret))
ret[] <- D * ret * rep(D, each = p) ## == diag(D) %*% m %*% diag(D)
stop("invalid 'posdef.meth': ", posdef.meth))
attr(ret,"weights") <- w / r.s
attr(ret,"eigen") <- ev
}## end{.vcov.avar2}


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