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File metadata and controls

224 lines (159 loc) · 7.47 KB

Code structure

A hermes-3 model, like all BOUT++ models, is an implementation of a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The time integration solver drives the simulation, calling the Hermes::rhs function to calculate the time-derivatives of all the evolving variables.

The calculation of the time derivatives is coordinated by passing a state object between components. The state is a nested tree, and can have values inserted and retrieved by the components. The components are created and then run by a scheduler, based on settings in the input (BOUT.inp) file.

In terms of design patterns, the method used here is essentially a combination of the Encapsulate Context and Command patterns.

Simulation state

The simulation state is passed between components, and is a tree of objects (Options objects). At the start of each iteration (rhs call) a new state is created and contains:

  • time BoutReal, the current simulation time
  • units
    • seconds Multiply by this to get units of seconds
    • eV Temperature normalisation
    • Tesla Magnetic field normalisation
    • meters Length normalisation
    • inv_meters_cubed Density normalisation

so the temperature normalisation can be extracted using:

BoutReal Tnorm = state["units"]["eV"];

As the components of a model are run, they set, modify and use values stored in this state. To ensure that components use consistent names for their input and output variables, a set of conventions are used for new variables which are added to the state:

  • species Plasma species
    • e Electron species
    • species1 Example "h", "he+2"
      • AA Atomic mass, proton = 1
      • charge Charge, in units of proton charge (i.e. electron=-1)
      • density
      • momentum
      • pressure
      • velocity Parallel velocity
      • temperature
      • collision_frequency Normalised collision frequency
      • density_source Normalised particle source
      • momentum_source Normalised momentum source
      • energy_source Normalised energy source
      • particle_flow_xlow Normalised particle flow through lower X cell face
      • particle_flow_ylow Normalised particle flow through lower Y cell face
      • momentum_flow_xlow Normalised momentum flow through lower X cell face
      • momentum_flow_ylow Normalised momentum flow through lower Y cell face
      • energy_flow_xlow Normalised energy flow through lower X cell face
      • energy_flow_ylow Normalised energy flow through lower Y cell face
  • fields
    • vorticity
    • phi Electrostatic potential
    • DivJdia Divergence of diamagnetic current
    • DivJcol Divergence of collisional current
    • DivJextra Divergence of current, including 2D parallel current closures. Not including diamagnetic, parallel current due to flows, or polarisation currents

For example to get the electron density:

Field3D ne = state["species"]["e"]["density"];

This way of extracting values from the state will print the value to the log file, and is intended mainly for initialisation. In Component::transform and Component::finally functions which run frequently, faster access methods are used which don't print to the log. To get a value:

Field3D ne = get<Field3D>(state["species"]["e"]["density"]);

If the value isn't set, or can't be converted to the given type, then a BoutException will be thrown.

To set a value in the state, there is the set function:

set(state["species"]["h"]["density"], ne);

A common need is to add or subtract values from fields, such as density sources:

add(state["species"]["h"]["density_source"], recombination_rate);
subtract(state["species"]["h+"]["density_source"], recombination_rate);


  • When checking if a subsection exists, use option.isSection, since option.isSet is false if it is a section and not a value.
  • The species name convention is that the charge state is last, after the + or - sign: n2+ is a singly charged nitrogen molecule, while n+2 is a +2 charged nitrogen atom.


The basic building block of all Hermes-3 models is the Component. This defines an interface to a class which takes a state (a tree of dictionaries/maps), and transforms (modifies) it. After all components have modified the state in turn, all components may then implement a finally method to take the final state but not modify it. This allows two components to depend on each other, but makes debugging and testing easier by limiting the places where the state can be modified.

.. doxygenstruct:: Component

Components are usually defined in separate files; sometimes multiple components in one file if they are small and related to each other (e.g. atomic rates for the same species). To be able to create components, they need to be registered in the factory. This is done in the header file using a code like:

#include "component.hxx"

struct MyComponent : public Component {
  MyComponent(const std::string &name, Options &options, Solver *solver);

namespace {
RegisterComponent<MyComponent> registercomponentmine("mycomponent");

where MyComponent is the component class, and "mycomponent" is the name that can be used in the BOUT.inp settings file to create a component of this type. Note that the name can be any string except it can't contain commas or brackets (), and shouldn't start or end with whitespace.

Inputs to the component constructors are:

  • name
  • alloptions
  • solver

The name is a string labelling the instance. The alloptions tree contains at least:

  • alloptions[name] options for this instance
  • alloptions['units']

Component scheduler

The simulation model is created in Hermes::init by a call to the ComponentScheduler:

scheduler = ComponentScheduler::create(options, Options::root(), solver);

and then in Hermes::rhs the components are run by a call:


The call to ComponentScheduler::create treats the "components" option as a comma-separated list of names. The order of the components is the order that they are run in. For each name in the list, the scheduler looks up the options under the section of that name.

components = component1, component2


# options to control component1


# options to control component2

This would create two Component objects, of type component1 and component2. Each time Hermes::rhs is run, the transform functions of component1 amd then component2 will be called, followed by their finally functions.

It is often useful to group components together, for example to define the governing equations for different species. A type setting in the option section overrides the name of the section, and can be another list of components

components = group1, component3

type = component1, component2

# options to control component1 and component2


# options to control component3

This will create three components, which will be run in the order component1, component2, component3: First all the components in group1, and then component3.

.. doxygenclass:: ComponentScheduler