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77 lines (58 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (58 loc) · 2.6 KB




This is a personal exploratory project that I intend to officially release (and use myself). As of now, you should be able to run most commands (with colored and bold/italic text), edit inline, scroll through the terminal's history, and load scalable TTF/OTF fonts. However, many required features haven't been implemented yet - most notably, mouse selection and a number of common escape sequences and terminal modes - especially with regard to TUI programs. As such, you shouldn't use this for anything resembling real work (yet).


This application targets Linux, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD - however, I've only tested it on Linux. Currently, only X11 is supported but it appears to run fine under XWayland as well. That being said, a proper native Wayland backend will be implemented at some point.

Note that you may encounter problems running this in a 3D-accelerated virtual environment due to limited driver support for OpenGL (irrespective of your hardware). This will be fixed in the future.


Quick Start

$ ./
$ cd build
$ make
$ ./temu

or, manually:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ ./temu

Key Bindings

Proper key bindings have not been implemented yet, but you can scroll up/down with ALT-k/j, and page up/down with SHIFT-PageUp/PageDown.

Note that the scrollback buffer is kept abnormally small by default for debugging purposes. You can configure the number of saved lines with the "-m" command-line option.


The core terminal implementation is licensed under the GPL-3. Any derived modules that become standalone libraries will likely be re-released under a permissive license. Such changes will be reflected in this repository.
