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Markdown-based task manager. Inspired by OmniFocus, TaskPaper, and GitHub Flavored Markdown's task lists.


Install Ruby, and then:

gem install markdo


You might already be using Markdo-formatted text already!

Basically, you write Markdown, and use the GFM "task list" syntax:

# Example

Any Markdown you want

## Like headings

### And subheadings

> Quoted text.

And of course:

- [x] A completed task
- [ ] An incomplete task
- [ ] @due(2016-01-01) A task with a due date
- [ ] A task with a tag @downtown
- [ ] A starred task @star
- [ ] A work-in-progress task @wip
- [ ] A deferred task @defer(2016-10-01)
- [ ] A task I want to do soon @next

Then you can use markdo to interact with your files.

See markdo help for more information.

add "string"          Add a task to the inbox.  (Set $MARKDO_ROOT and $MARKDO_INBOX.)
edit                  Edit $MARKDO_ROOT in $EDITOR.
forecast              Display tasks due in the next week.  (@due(YYYY-MM-DD) format.)
help, --help          Display this help text.
inbox                 Display contents of $MARKDO_INBOX.
ics                   Make an iCalendar feed of all due dates in Markdo.  Can be imported
                      or subscribed to if on a remote server.
overview              Get overview of overdue, starred, today's, and tomorrow's tasks.
overdue               Search *.md files for tasks due on previous dates.  (@due(YYYY-MM-DD) format.)
process               Move lines from $MARKDO_INBOX to other files, one at a time.
tag "string"          Search *.md files for @string.
today                 Search *.md files for tasks due today.  (@due(YYYY-MM-DD) format.)
tomorrow              Search *.md files for tasks due tomorrow.  (@due(YYYY-MM-DD) format.)
star, starred         Search *.md files for @star.
summary               Display counts.
query, q "string"     Search *.md files for string.
week                  Search *.md files for due dates in the next week.  (@due(YYYY-MM-DD) format.)
version, --version    Display the version.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Development Environment

docker-compose build
docker-compose run guard # run tests interactively
docker-compose run guard script/build # build the gem