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Benchmarking Setup for GraphQL Frameworks

Approximate history:

  • Originally created as graphql-bench by Hasura
  • Modified by Prisma to use vegeta to generate load instead of wrk2 and to change the environmental setup
  • Modified by Benjie (PostGraphile) to add greater automation, to make sure each environment is torn down before the next one is set up, to fix PostGraphile setup, and to add postgraphile@next testing

I (@benjie) ran these benchmarks on a Digital Ocean compute-optimised droplet, specifically the 8GB RAM, 4 vCPU, 50GB SSD Droplet that works out at $0.119/hr.

Assuming you want to do the same, I've included as many instructions as I can remember below. (The commands are from memory or screenshots so may not be exact - please validate as you go through.)

Really, if you're serious about benchmarking, you should run the client (vegeta) on completely different hardware to the server (Prisma / PostGraphile); and they should connect to a similar/identical database that's hosted on yet another server. This would prevent the various softwares from interfering from each other. Sadly I did not have the time to accomplish this.


Provision the Droplet

  1. Visit
  2. Select "One-click apps"
  3. Select "Docker 17.12.0~ce on 16.04"
  4. Select Optimized Droplet with 8GB of RAM
  5. Add you SSH key
  6. Create

Check docker works

  1. SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  2. Run docker run hello-world - you should receive "Hello from Docker"

Setup the box

First, update the box and reboot. Then:

Install vegeta

The benchmarking tool.

  1. SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  2. mkdir vegeta && cd vegeta
  3. curl -LO
  4. tar xf vegeta*
  5. cp vegeta /usr/local/bin

Install Node

Required to set up Prisma locally.

  1. SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  2. mkdir node && cd node
  3. curl -LO
  4. tar xf node-v*
  5. ln -s node-v10.1.0-linux-x64 latest
  6. Add PATH="$PATH:/root/node/latest/bin" to your ~/.bashrc
  7. Log out then SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  8. node --version - should give 10.1.0

Increase open files limit

Benchmarking consumes a lot of file descriptors! The values below worked for me, but you might want to raise them higher still...

  1. edit /etc/security/limits.conf;
    add "root soft nofile 16192" add "* soft nofile 16192"
  2. edit /etc/pam.d/common-session and add "session required"
  3. reboot server shutdown -r now

Install postgresql-client

Required to load the chinook dataset into the PostGraphile database.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install postgresql-client

Install the benchmark suite

  1. SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  2. git clone

Set up a new Prisma project

  1. change into the prisma folder graphql-bench-prisma/testcandidates/prisma
  2. run the following (line by line)
npm install -g prisma
mkdir project
cd project
prisma init
# answers:  (new database, MySQL)
cp ../clisetup/datamodel.prisma .
cp ../clisetup/docker-compose.yml .
docker-compose up -d
prisma deploy
prisma import --data ../import/
cat ../queries/byArtistId.json | curl -X POST -d @- -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i  http://localhost:4466

You should receive a sensible result from the curl request - if you do - well done!

These instructions were based on the following instructions given to me by @do4gr, Prisma's engineer responsible for benchmarking:

The files are probably not in the correct folders for the script to work, sorry. I just set that one up by hand I think. This is what you need to do
Install the Prisma CLI npm install -g prisma
Setup a new project prisma init
Change the datamodel to the one in the datamodel.graphql file
Run prisma deploy and choose local
Then start the docker container
then run prisma import --data to import the data
then you can verify in the databrowser that there is data (edited)

You then have a prisma instance running locally with that data. and in the bench.json can target it with

    “dir”: “prisma”,
    “url”: “http://localhost:4466”

Run the benchmarks

  1. SSH into the box ssh root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE
  2. cd graphql-bench-prisma/vegeta
  3. [OPTIONAL] edit bench.json with the configuration you wish to run
  4. ./
  5. The results are written to the results folder under each project's directory

Viewing the benchmark results

I recommend copying the resulting files to your local computer, which you can do easily with rsync:

rsync -avz root@IP.ADDRESS.HERE:graphql-bench-prisma path/to/destination/

Once done, you can change into the testcandidates and run node ./parser.js (you may need to tweak the dataFilter at the top of the file if you've ran more than one benchmark) - this will write a data.json file into the visualizer/src folder.

You can then change into visualizer and run yarn && yarn start - this will spawn a React server rendering the data.