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File metadata and controls

252 lines (196 loc) · 9.73 KB

Compiling a Contract

Command-Line Tools

Vyper includes the following command-line scripts for compiling contracts:

  • vyper: Compiles vyper contract files into LLL or bytecode
  • vyper-json: Provides a JSON interface to the compiler


The --help flag gives verbose explanations of how to use each of these scripts.


vyper provides command-line access to the compiler. It can generate various outputs including simple binaries, ASTs, interfaces and source mappings.

To compile a contract:

$ vyper yourFileName.vy

Include the -f flag to specify which output formats to return. Use vyper --help for a full list of output options.

$ vyper -f abi,bytecode,bytecode_runtime,ir,asm,source_map,method_identifiers yourFileName.vy

The -p flag allows you to set a root path that is used when searching for interface files to import. If none is given, it will default to the current working directory. See searching_for_imports for more information.

$ vyper -p yourProject yourProject/yourFileName.vy


vyper-json provides a JSON interface for the compiler. It expects a JSON formatted input and returns the compilation result in a JSON formatted output.

Where possible, the JSON formats used by this script follow those of Solidity.

To compile from JSON supplied via stdin:

$ vyper-json

To compile from a JSON file:

$ vyper-json yourProject.json

By default, the output is sent to stdout. To redirect to a file, use the -o flag:

$ vyper-json -o compiled.json

Input JSON Description

The following example describes the expected input format of vyper-json. Comments are of course not permitted and used here only for explanatory purposes.

    // Required: Source code language. Must be set to "Vyper".
    "language": "Vyper",
    // Required
    // Source codes given here will be compiled.
    "sources": {
        "contracts/foo.vy": {
            // Optional: keccak256 hash of the source file
            "keccak256": "0x234...",
            // Required: literal contents of the source file
            "content": "@public\ndef foo() -> bool:\n    return True"
    // Optional
    // Interfaces given here are made available for import by the sources
    // that are compiled. If the suffix is ".vy", the compiler will expect
    // a contract-as-interface using proper Vyper syntax. If the suffix is
    // "abi" the compiler will expect an ABI object.
    "interfaces": {
        "contracts/bar.vy": {
            "content": ""
        "contracts/baz.json": {
            "abi": []
    // Optional
    "settings": {
        "evmVersion": "byzantium"  // EVM version to compile for. Can be byzantium, constantinople or petersburg.
    // The following is used to select desired outputs based on file names.
    // File names are given as keys, a star as a file name matches all files.
    // Outputs can also follow the Solidity format where second level keys
    // denoting contract names - all 2nd level outputs are applied to the file.
    // To select all possible compiler outputs: "outputSelection: { '*': ["*"] }"
    // Note that this might slow down the compilation process needlessly.
    // The available output types are as follows:
    //    abi - The contract ABI
    //    ast - Abstract syntax tree
    //    interface - Derived interface of the contract, in proper Vyper syntax
    //    ir - LLL intermediate representation of the code
    //    evm.bytecode.object - Bytecode object
    //    evm.bytecode.opcodes - Opcodes list
    //    evm.deployedBytecode.object - Deployed bytecode object
    //    evm.deployedBytecode.opcodes - Deployed opcodes list
    //    evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap - Deployed source mapping (useful for debugging)
    //    evm.methodIdentifiers - The list of function hashes
    // Using `evm`, `evm.bytecode`, etc. will select every target part of that output.
    // Additionally, `*` can be used as a wildcard to request everything.
    "outputSelection": {
        "*": ["evm.bytecode", "abi"],  // Enable the abi and bytecode outputs for every single contract
        "contracts/foo.vy": ["ast"]  // Enable the ast output for contracts/foo.vy

Output JSON Description

The following example describes the output format of vyper-json. Comments are of course not permitted and used here only for explanatory purposes.

    // The compiler version used to generate the JSON
    "compiler": "vyper-0.1.0b12",
    // Optional: not present if no errors/warnings were encountered
    "errors": [
        // Optional: Location within the source file.
        "sourceLocation": {
            "file": "source_file.vy",
            "lineno": 5,
            "col_offset": 11
        // Mandatory: Exception type, such as "JSONError", "KeyError", "StructureException", etc.
        "type": "TypeMismatchException",
        // Mandatory: Component where the error originated, such as "json", "compiler", "vyper", etc.
        "component": "compiler",
        // Mandatory ("error" or "warning")
        "severity": "error",
        // Mandatory
        "message": "Unsupported type conversion: int128 to bool"
        // Optional: the message formatted with source location
        "formattedMessage": "line 5:11 Unsupported type conversion: int128 to bool"
    // This contains the file-level outputs. Can be limited/filtered by the outputSelection settings.
    "sources": {
        "source_file.vy": {
            // Identifier of the source (used in source maps)
            "id": 0,
            // The AST object
            "ast": {},
    // This contains the contract-level outputs. Can be limited/filtered by the outputSelection settings.
    "contracts": {
        "source_file.vy": {
            // The contract name will always be the file name without a suffix
            "source_file": {
                // The Ethereum Contract ABI.
                // See
                "abi": [],
                // Intermediate representation (string)
                "ir": "",
                // EVM-related outputs
                "evm": {
                    "bytecode": {
                        // The bytecode as a hex string.
                        "object": "00fe",
                        // Opcodes list (string)
                        "opcodes": ""
                    "deployedBytecode": {
                        // The deployed bytecode as a hex string.
                        "object": "00fe",
                        // Deployed opcodes list (string)
                        "opcodes": "",
                        // The deployed source mapping as a string.
                        "sourceMap": ""
                    // The list of function hashes
                    "methodIdentifiers": {
                        "delegate(address)": "5c19a95c"

Importing Interfaces

vyper-json searches for imported interfaces in the following sequence:

  1. Interfaces defined in the interfaces field of the input JSON
  2. Derived interfaces generated from contracts in the sources field of the input JSON
  3. (Optional) The local filesystem, if a root path was explicitely declared via the -p flag.

See searching_for_imports for more information on Vyper's import system.


Each error includes a component field, indicating the stage at which it occurred:

  • json: Errors that occur while parsing the input JSON. Usually a result of invalid JSON or a required value that is missing.
  • parser: Errors that occur while parsing the contracts. Usually a result of invalid Vyper syntax.
  • compiler: Errors that occur while compiling the contracts.
  • vyper: Unexpected errors that occur within Vyper. If you receive an error of this type, please open an issue.

You can also use the --traceback flag to receive a standard Python traceback when an error is encountered.

Online Compilers

Vyper Online Compiler

Vyper Online Compiler is an online compiler which lets you experiment with the language without having to install Vyper. It allows you to compile to bytecode as well as LLL.


While the vyper version of the online compiler is updated on a regular basis it might be a bit behind the latest version found in the master branch of the repository.

Remix IDE

Remix IDE is a compiler and Javascript VM for developing and testing contracts in Vyper as well as Solidity.


While the vyper version of the Remix IDE compiler is updated on a regular basis it might be a bit behind the latest version found in the master branch of the repository. Make sure the byte code matches the output from your local compiler.