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Benny Lutati edited this page Aug 28, 2021 · 6 revisions

Relaxed Poetry

This fork, serve as a relaxed version of poetry (currently based on poetry v1.2.0a2).

Poetry is a great tool and was a perfect fit for my team. Over the time, we found several issues where it is a bit too strict, and while most of the time for good reasons, these issues still made poetry unusable for us in many projects.

Since, in my eyes, there is no real alternative to poetry, I choose to fork it and include some relaxations for the issues that we encounter. While I'm at it, I also modified some of poetry's behavior and added some features that suite our workflows and views better.

What it includes

All of the changes that were made in this fork are documented in this wiki, I tried to modify the source as little as possible so that it will be easy to keep in sync with the original-poetry.

The relaxations and behavior changes done in this fork can be divided into 3 groups

  • Relaxations that seems to conflict with the original-poetry maintainer's views (as evident in the replays to some of these issues)
    • these issues are the main reason why this fork was made as a standalone alternative and not a PR.
  • Issues that already has an open PR with a solution waiting, but required by projects in my team.
    • For these issues, when the PR or another fix/workaround will get accepted, the relaxation will get deprecated in relaxed-poetry (in the most user-transparent way possible)
  • New features
    • These new features will get battle tested for some time and if works well, will be offered to the original poetry maintainers.
    • if functionality-equivalent features will be added to the original poetry, the redundant features in relaxed-poetry will get deprecated or bridged-over (in the most user-transparent way possible).