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File metadata and controls

144 lines (131 loc) · 8.56 KB

Change Log

Below you will find all the different changes that have been added since the first introduction of versioning for the bbUI toolkit.

Version 0.9.4

  • Compatibility Changes:
    • bb10ActionBarDark changed to actionBarDark for bb.init()
    • bb10ControlsDark changed to controlsDark for bb.init()
    • bb10ListsDark changed to listsDark for bb.init()
    • bb10HighlightColor changed to highlightColor for bb.init()
    • You no longer specify a viewport meta tag in your main index.htm. This is now supplied by the toolkit at runtime based on the OS version
    • BlackBerry 10 title bars now take on the control coloring
    • You no longer need to specify a unique id for your script tags used with screens.
    • Scroll Panel JavaScript interfaces have been modified
    • If you were calling bb.scroller.refresh() you will want to change your code to "if (bb.scroller) bb.scroller.refresh();"
  • BlackBerry 10 Styling
    • Updated DropDown look to match Cascades
    • Added new Title Bar styling for screens
    • Grid view items display either one or two level of titles depending on what is provided in markup
    • Added accent text to tab overflow items now allowing for a title and optional accent text for an action
    • Truncated text on image lists now use a "fade" instead of an "ellipsis" on BB10 phones. Other devices still use "ellipsis"
  • PlayBook 2.0 Styling
    • Added Activity Indicator
    • Text Input updates
    • Image List updates
    • Button updates
  • JavaScript Interfaces
    • Image List: Added clear() function
    • Buttons: Added show(), hide(), remove() functions as well as a dynamic way to create/style buttons
    • DropDowns: Added enable(), disable(), show(), hide(), remove(), refresh(), setCaption(), setSelectedText() functions as well as a dynamic way to create/style dropdowns
    • Action Bar: Added setCaption(), setImage() to actions
    • Context Menu: Added setCaption(), setImage() to actions
    • Screens: Added refresh(), scrollTo(), scrollToElement()
    • Activity Indicator: Added show(), hide(), remove()
    • Added bb.refresh() to refresh scrolling for the current screen
    • Added the ability to pass custom parameters to pushScreen() and read them in ondomready and onscreenready
  • Samples
    • Added sample screen for dynamic button manipulation
    • Added sample screen for dynamic dropdown manipulation
    • Added sample screen for dynamic action bar manipulation
  • Noteable Bug Fixes:
    • Back button used to have problems when you were more than 2 screens deep
    • Back button used to have issues when screens did not have unique id's
    • Context menu was not showing when doing a right-to-left swipe if it was on the same screen with an Action Bar that had action overflow items
    • Sliders would sometimes would not color correctly and/or jump back to zero after you set their initial value in the DOM
    • BlackBerry 6/7 Dropdowns now emulate properly in Ripple

Version 0.9.3

  • Compatibility Changes:
    • Default for control colors changed from dark to light
    • The progress bar pause() function has been removed and replaced with setState(state)
    • Action Bar Overflow menu must now be configured
    • Arrow Lists have now been merged into the Image List control
    • By default screens are white unless you explicitly set their style
    • BlackBerry 10 Buttons no longer stretch by default
  • Action Bar:
    • Back buttons now have a colored slash "/"
    • Dark gradient area at the top of the overflow menu has been removed. This only appears on the press-and-hold context menu
    • Overflow and Context Menu items are now centered in the menu
    • Overflow and Context Menu can now "pin" an action to the bottom of the menu
    • Now supports Tab Overflow Menus
  • Image List:
    • Now supports (default | arrowlist | arrowbuttons | addbuttons | removebuttons) styling
    • Added JavaScript interface to list and items
    • Onbtnclick events are now availble for image lists that have secondary action buttons
    • Now re-adjust alignment when no description is given
  • Buttons:
    • BB10 styling now supports: text only | image only | text + image
    • BB10 styling now has a setImage() function added to buttons
    • setCaption() function added to buttons for all OS versions
    • PlayBook buttons have now been resized to better suit the screen resolution
  • File Input: BlackBerry 10 button styling applied to input of type "file"
  • Toggle Buttons: BlackBerry 10 styling added for toggle buttons
  • Activity Indicator: Added new BlackBerry 10 Activity Indicator
  • TitleBar: Added setCaption(value), getCaption(), setBackCaption(value), getBackCaption(), setActionCaption(value), getActionCaption()
  • CheckBoxes:
    • Added new BlackBerry 10 styling to check boxes
    • Added getChecked(), setChecked(value) javascript functions
  • RadioButtons: Added getChecked(), setChecked(value) javascript functions
  • Grid Layout: Added animation to images on orientation change for grid layouts
  • Scroll Panel: Added panel where all inner contents will scroll
  • Screen Transitions: Slide screen transitions are now supported for BlackBerry 10 and PlayBook
  • Noteable Bug Fixes:
    • Action Bar overflow used to appear briefly when changing orientation
    • Solid headers on image lists used to have a JavaScript exception
    • Jake file for building used to paste the wrong license file text causing exceptions in JavaScript
    • Increased Trackpad navigation speeds on input controls for BB7 devices (had to remove border radius on inputs)

Version 0.9.2

  • Grid list margins corrected
  • Grid list now supports square 1:1 ratio images
  • Grid list now will only show overlay if either a title or sub-title is provided
  • Grid list now has press-and-hold context menu support
  • Large text for title/description on context menu now truncated with an ellipsis
  • Large text for label on text arrow lists now truncated with an ellipsis
  • Bug fixes for swipe down menu
  • HTML5 input fields now supported in a Label/Control container
  • Added slider styling for BlackBerry 10
  • Added progress indicators for BlackBerry 5/6/7/PlayBook/10
  • Supplying a back caption in a title bar no longer creates an action bar with a back button
  • Added title bar support to BB10
  • Added placeholder image support for image lists
  • Added image effect on image lists for BB10
  • Added support for images lists to just have text and no images
  • Added radio button styling for BB10
  • Added header styling (normal, solid) to the BB10 image and grid list
  • Changed header text justification on the image and grid list
  • Changed list highlighting for BB10 to match UX specs

Version 0.9.1

  • First version number provided for the toolkit
  • Modified menus to require both a caption and an image for PlayBook 2.x and BlackBerry 10 to follow UX guidelines
  • Image List item text will now add an Ellipsis "..." to the end of text that is too long for the list item on devices that support it
  • Merged the Inbox style list into the Image List control
  • Removed the tall list layout... This will be merging into a feature of the Image List in a upcoming release
  • Added sub title text to the image list control
  • JS and CSS files now renamed to match the toolkit version
  • Updated all the samples to show how to handle BB10 color themes while supporting non-BB10 devices at the same time
  • New manditory function to initialize the toolkit allowing for overrides of properties and events
  • bb.onscreenready has now been removed and added as an option for the bb.init() function
  • New header item support for the image list
  • New grid view for BlackBerry 10
  • New action bar for BlackBerry 10 with dark and light themes. Support for back button, highlight tabs, and action buttons
  • New highlight and accent colors for BlackBerry 10
  • New BlackBerry 10 button & pill button styling with dark and light themes
  • New BlackBerry 10 swipe down menu styling
  • New BlackBerry 10 Context Menu
  • New BlackBerry 10 Press and hold Context Menu integration into Image Lists
  • New BlackBerry 10 styled inputs with "delete" button and styled placeholder text
  • Added screen and list coloring for BB10 with dark and light themes
  • New ondomready event which fires after your screen has been loaded into the DOM
  • Changed all of the isBB5/isBB6/etc functions to boolean properties. This avoids a scenario where these may evaluate to true simply because the function was assigned
  • Sample: Added a fun random color changer for highlight and accent colors on BlackBerry 10
  • Sample: Added BlackBerry 10 grid
  • Sample: Added BlackBerry 10 action bar
  • Sample: Grouped items on main menu screen