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Farewell Brompt
2024-02-13 17:49 PST

I'm planning to shut down Brompt, which I previously wrote about in 2008, 2011, and 2022. I archived the code on GitHub.

Let's do a final confetti drop 🎉 together.

Farewell 👋 Brompt is shutting down

I have some sad news to share: I’m planning to shut down this service, Brompt, at the end of the month (February, 2024).

Shutting down Brompt means that you’ll no longer receive these automated reminders for your blog or writing. I’ve been running Brompt since 2008 and unfortunately, I haven’t been able to make it sustainable. You’re one of about 80 people who are still using the service, though I’m never sure if you or anyone ever opens the emails regularly.

Regardless of Brompt shutting down, I hope you’re doing well and I’d love to stay in touch. Send me an email at or read my own blog at

All the best,

Ben (the person who made Brompt)

Screenshots from Brompt

<script> // // Usage: window.confetti.drop(); window.Confetti = function () { // globals var canvas; var ctx; var W; var H; var mp = 150; //max particles var particles = []; var angle = 0; var tiltAngle = 0; var confettiActive = true; var animationComplete = true; var deactivationTimerHandler; var reactivationTimerHandler; var animationHandler; // objects var particleColors = { colorOptions: ["DodgerBlue", "OliveDrab", "Gold", "pink", "SlateBlue", "lightblue", "Violet", "PaleGreen", "SteelBlue", "SandyBrown", "Chocolate", "Crimson"], colorIndex: 0, colorIncrementer: 0, colorThreshold: 10, getColor: function () { if (this.colorIncrementer >= 10) { this.colorIncrementer = 0; this.colorIndex++; if (this.colorIndex >= this.colorOptions.length) { this.colorIndex = 0; } } this.colorIncrementer++; return this.colorOptions[this.colorIndex]; } } function confettiParticle(color) { this.x = Math.random() * W; // x-coordinate this.y = (Math.random() * H) - H; //y-coordinate this.r = RandomFromTo(10, 30); //radius; this.d = (Math.random() * mp) + 10; //density; this.color = color; this.tilt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 10; this.tiltAngleIncremental = (Math.random() * 0.07) + .05; this.tiltAngle = 0; this.draw = function () { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = this.r / 2; ctx.strokeStyle = this.color; ctx.moveTo(this.x + this.tilt + (this.r / 4), this.y); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.tilt, this.y + this.tilt + (this.r / 4)); return ctx.stroke(); } } // $(document).ready(function () { // SetGlobals(); // InitializeConfetti(); // // $(window).resize(function () { // W = window.innerWidth; // H = window.innerHeight; // canvas.width = W; // canvas.height = H; // }); // }); function SetGlobals() { canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); W = window.innerWidth; H = window.innerHeight; canvas.width = W; canvas.height = H; } function InitializeConfetti() { particles = []; animationComplete = false; for (var i = 0; i < mp; i++) { var particleColor = particleColors.getColor(); particles.push(new confettiParticle(particleColor)); } StartConfetti(); } function Draw() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, W, H); var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < mp; i++) { (function (j) { results.push(particles[j].draw()); })(i); } Update(); return results; } function RandomFromTo(from, to) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from); } function Update() { var remainingFlakes = 0; var particle; angle += 0.01; tiltAngle += 0.1; for (var i = 0; i < mp; i++) { particle = particles[i]; if (animationComplete) return; if (!confettiActive && particle.y < -15) { particle.y = H + 100; continue; } stepParticle(particle, i); if (particle.y <= H) { remainingFlakes++; } CheckForReposition(particle, i); } if (remainingFlakes === 0) { StopConfetti(); } } function CheckForReposition(particle, index) { if ((particle.x > W + 20 || particle.x < -20 || particle.y > H) && confettiActive) { if (index % 5 > 0 || index % 2 == 0) //66.67% of the flakes { repositionParticle(particle, Math.random() * W, -10, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 20); } else { if (Math.sin(angle) > 0) { //Enter from the left repositionParticle(particle, -20, Math.random() * H, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 20); } else { //Enter from the right repositionParticle(particle, W + 20, Math.random() * H, Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) - 20); } } } } function stepParticle(particle, particleIndex) { particle.tiltAngle += particle.tiltAngleIncremental; particle.y += (Math.cos(angle + particle.d) + 3 + particle.r / 2) / 2; particle.x += Math.sin(angle); particle.tilt = (Math.sin(particle.tiltAngle - (particleIndex / 3))) * 15; } function repositionParticle(particle, xCoordinate, yCoordinate, tilt) { particle.x = xCoordinate; particle.y = yCoordinate; particle.tilt = tilt; } function StartConfetti() { W = window.innerWidth; H = window.innerHeight; canvas.width = W; canvas.height = H; (function animloop() { if (animationComplete) return null; animationHandler = requestAnimFrame(animloop); return Draw(); })(); } function ClearTimers() { clearTimeout(reactivationTimerHandler); clearTimeout(animationHandler); } function DeactivateConfetti() { confettiActive = false; ClearTimers(); } function StopConfetti() { animationComplete = true; if (ctx == undefined) return; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, W, H); } function RestartConfetti() { ClearTimers(); StopConfetti(); reactivationTimerHandler = setTimeout(function () { confettiActive = true; animationComplete = false; InitializeConfetti(); }, 100); } window.requestAnimFrame = (function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); return { initialize: function() { SetGlobals(); InitializeConfetti(); // $(window).resize(function () { // W = window.innerWidth; // H = window.innerHeight; // canvas.width = W; // canvas.height = H; // }); }, start: function() { RestartConfetti(); }, stop: function() { DeactivateConfetti(); }, drop: function(duration) { RestartConfetti(); window.setTimeout(function() { DeactivateConfetti(); }, duration || 1500); }, } }; </script>