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File metadata and controls

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Common issue remediation/prevention

To solve some common issues:

  • Ensure PermitRootLogin yes remains set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (in the instance) or the machine may become inaccessible/fail to start.
  • If a custom root password (e.g. pass) is set (in the instance), add rootpassword: pass in config.yaml via alpine edit machine-name or directly with any text editor.
  • If alpine list reports a machine is Running but the process has been terminated/killed, deleting the PID file at ~/.macpine/machine-name/ may resolve the issue. killall qemu-system may also be useful to hard stop any running instances if needed.

Adjusting time

Time sync issues between the host and a VM are well known. For example, when the host is suspended, the VM clock will also stop ticking.

To re-adjust a macpine instance real-time clock to its system clock, execute (inside the instance):

hwclock -s

Or on the host:

alpine exec instance-name "hwclock -s"

Also, consider an ntp daemon within your instance to maintain the system clock. This can be added inside your instance:

apk update; apk add openntpd
rc-update add openntpd default
rc-service openntpd start


apk update; apk add chrony
service chronyd start

More information on chronyd can be found on the Arch wiki

Networking issues

  • Due to how qemu forwards network connections from the guest out via the host, utilities such as ping may not work (as ICMP is not handled).
  • If an instance fails to start with a port error, there may be a listener already bound to the requested port(s). Ensure that the ssh port and any ports on the host side in the Ports configuration are mutually exclusive between instances which must run simultaneously.
  • netstat -anp tcp and netstat -anp udp can be used to discover active LISTEN connections on the host. Ensure no other running services have bound ports that are configured to be forwarded to an instance (ssh or otherwise).
  • qemu binds for forwarded ports. This means that by default any source IP may send traffic to a guest. If the host system does not have a firewall enabled then any machines which can reach the host can send traffic to the guest. If this is not desired, enable a host firewall. You do not need to click "Allow" for incoming connection to qemu when prompted by macOS as loopback connections (i.e. directly from the host itself) will still be allowed.

Other issues

  • If alpine is not able to resize the disk, it will error out with this message: unable to resize disk: signal: abort trap. Internally, it runs the command qemu-img resize <IMAGE_LOCATION> <+SIZE>. If the qemu-img resize command errors out with dyld[...]: Library not loaded: /opt/homebrew/opt/libunistring/lib/libunistring.2.dylib then re-installing gettext via brew reinstall gettext may resolve the issue.