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File metadata and controls

453 lines (304 loc) · 13.1 KB


Create, audit and distribute authenticated directory snapshots.




--cache-dir=DIR        Directory where the object cache is stored.
--catalog=NAME         Catalog adapter to use. Defaults to $SNAPDIR_CATALOG.
--debug                Enable debug output.
--dryrun               Run without making any changes.
--exclude=PATTERN      Excludes paths matching PATTERN.
                       set to "%system%" to default to
--force                Force an action to run.
--help, -h             Prints help message.
--id=ID                Manifest ID to use.
--keep                 Keeps the staging directory.
--linked               Use symlinks instead of copies.
--location=DIR|STORE   Context for catalog queries.
--paths=PATTERN        Only includes paths matching PATTERN
                       when checking out manifests.
--purge                Purges objects with invalid checksums.
--store=URI            Store URI protocol://location/path.
--verbose              Enable verbose output.
--version, -v          Prints version.


ancestors --id=                Get a list of ancestor snapdir IDs their location.
                               Requires --catalog.
checkout --id= [--linked] DIR  Checkout a snapshot to a directory.
defaults                       Prints default settings and arguments.
fetch --id= --store=           Fetch a snapshot from a store.
flush-cache                    Flushes the local cache.
help [COMMAND]                 Prints help information.
id [PATH]                      Prints the manifest ID of a directory
                               or manifest provided via stdin.
locations                      Lists directories and stores where snapshots
                               have been taken or published. Requires --catalog.
manifest PATH                  Prints the manifest of a directory.
pull --id= --store= PATH       Fetches a snapshot from a store and checks
                               it out the given path.
push --store= [--id=] [PATH]   Pushes a snapshot to a store given its path or
                               a staged manifest ID.
revisions --location=          Get a list of snapdir IDs created on a
                               location (store or abs path). Requires --catalog.
stage DIR                      Saves into the local cache a snapshot of
                               a directory.
test                           Runs unit tests for snapdir.
verify --id= [--purge]         Verifies the integrity of a staged snapshot.
verify-cache [--purge]         Verifies the integrity of the local cache.
version                        Prints the version.


<DIR>    Directory path for snapshot operations.
<PATH>   Path to an object in a manifest to cherry-pick.

Environment variables

SNAPDIR_CACHE_DIR              Where are the object cache files stored?
                               Defaults to $HOME/.cache/snapdir and will be
                               overridden by --cache-dir.
SNAPDIR_CATALOG                Default catalog to use when no --catalog is
                               provided. Defaults to none.
SNAPDIR_MANIFEST_CONTEXT       Context string for deriving key in keyed mode.
SNAPDIR_SYSTEM_EXCLUDE_DIRS    Directories to exclude on --exclude="%system%".


# generates a manifest for the current directory
snapdir manifest ./

# generates an id for the manifest of the current directory
snapdir id ./

# excludes files and directories matching the pattern
snapdir --exclude="/(.git|.DS_Store)($|/)" manifest ./

# stages a snapshot of the current directory
snapdir stage ./

# verifies a snapshot given its id, to purge invalid objects add --purge
snapdir verify --verbose --id=d640dce8e26f39d4dae336a7da83478385ce52a844c1d9b91f204ef83c558dd2

# checks out a copy of the snapshot on a given directory
snapdir checkout --id=d640dce8e26f39d4dae336a7da83478385ce52a844c1d9b91f204ef83c558dd2 ./two

# use --linked if you prefer to create a hard link and use a COW filesystem
snapdir checkout --link --id=d640dce8e26f39d4dae336a7da83478385ce52a844c1d9b91f204ef83c558dd2 ./two

API Reference

snapdir manifest

Prints on the stdout a manifest for a directory or staged manifest ID.


snapdir manifest \
    [--(id="${MANIFEST_ID}")] \
    [--(exclude="${EXCLUDE_PATTERN}")] \
    [--cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}"] \
    [--stage] \

Returns: A snapdir manifest as a UTF-8 encoded string.


# generates a manifest for a directory
snapdir manifest "${DIR}"

# generates a manifest for a directory and stages it
# creating a copy of the objects in the local cache
snapdir manifest --stage "${DIR}"

# excludes files matching the pattern
snapdir manifest --exclude ".ignore" "${DIR}"

exclude commonly ignored files, such as .git and .DS_Store

snapdir manifest --exclude "%common%" "${DIR}"

# excludes files matching the pattern while
# keeping the default common pattern
snapdir manifest --exclude ".ignore|%common%" "${DIR}"

# use a custom secret for b3sum context
SNAPDIR_MANIFEST_CONTEXT="${SECRET}" snapdir manifest "${DIR}"

# reads the directory from stdin
 echo "${DIR}" | snapdir manifest

# shows the manifest for an staged manifest ID
snapdir manifest --id "${MANIFEST_ID}"

# shows the manifest given a staged manifest ID trhough stdin
echo "${MANIFEST_ID}" | snapdir manifest

snapdir id

Generates a snapshot id for a given directory and writes it to stdout.


snapdir id \
    [--stage] \
    [--cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}"] \

Returns: Snapshot ID (a BLAKE3 hash for the manifest contents)


# generates a snapshot id for a directory
snapdir id "${DIR}"

# generates a snapshot id for a directory and stages
# the contents and the manifest id in the local cache
snapdir manifest --stage "${DIR}"

# generates a snapshot id for a manifest provided as stdin
echo "${DIR}" | snapdir manifest | snapdir id

snapdir push

Pushes a directory snapshot to a store.

This method will stage the snapshot and then push it to the store.

The STORE is a URI of the form:


For example: s3://my-bucket/my-snapshots or file:///tmp/my-snapshots


snapdir push \
    --store="${STORE}" \
    [--id="${ID}"] or ["${DIR}"] \
    [--cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}"] \

Returns: snapshot id


# pushes a snapshot of a directory to a store
snapdir push --store="${STORE}" "${DIR}"

# pushes a staged snapshot id to a store
snapdir push --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}"

# pushes the stdin provided snapshot id to a store
snapdir id "${DIR}" | snapdir push --store="${STORE}"

show the snapdir-$adapter-store command that would be executed

# for a dry run
snapdir push --store="${STORE}" --verbose --dryrun "${DIR}"

snapdir fetch

Retrieves a snapshot from a store and saves it in the local cache.


snapdir fetch \
    --store="${STORE}" \
    --id="${ID}" \
    [--(dryrun|verbose)] \

Returns: No output unless in --verbose mode. Exit code 1 in case of error.


# fetches a snapshot from a store and saves it in the local cache
snapdir fetch --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --verbose

# dry run
snapdir fetch --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --dryrun

snapdir pull

Fetches a snapshot from a store and checks it out on a given directory.


snapdir pull \
    --store="${STORE}" \
    --id="${ID}" \
    [--(dryrun|verbose|force|linked)] \
    [--cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}"] \

Returns: No output unless in --verbose mode. Exit code 1 in case of error.


# fetches a snapshot and checks it out
snapdir pull --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --verbose "${DIR}"

# forces a checkout even if the directory contains modified files
snapdir pull --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --force "${DIR}"

# dry run
snapdir pull --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --dryrun "${DIR}"

snapdir checkout

Checks out a snapshot from the cache on a given directory.

When the linked option is used, the files are hardlinked instead of copied. This only works if the files are on the same filesystem and it's only recommended for filesystems with copy-on-write (COW) support.


snapdir checkout \
    --store="${STORE}" \
    --id="${ID}" \
    [--(dryrun|verbose|force|linked)] \
    [--cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}"] \

Returns: No output unless in --verbose mode. Exit code 1 in case of error.


# checks out a snapshot
snapdir checkout --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --verbose "${DIR}"

# forces a checkout even if the directory contains modified files
snapdir checkout --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --force "${DIR}"

# dry run
snapdir checkout --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --dryrun "${DIR}"

# hardlinks files instead of copying them
snapdir checkout --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --linked "${DIR}"

# only include paths matching the given prefixes
snapdir checkout --store="${STORE}" --id="${ID}" --paths="configs,i18n" "${DIR}"

snapdir stage

Stages the files in a given directory into the local cache.


snapdir stage ["${DIR}"] \

Returns: The manifest id or the staging directory when --keep is provided.


# Stages the current directory so that it can be
# pushed to the store or checked out elsewhere locally.
snapdir stage

# stages a given directory and keeps the staging directory
snapdir stage "${DIR}" --keep # this prints the staging directory

# stages a to a custom cache directory
snapdir stage "${DIR}" --cache-dir="${CACHE_DIR}" --verbose

snapdir verify

Verifies the integrity of a snapshot.


snapdir verify \
    --id="${ID}" \

Returns: Exits with 0 if the snapshot is valid, 1 otherwise.


# verify a snapshot that has been cached locally
snapdir verify --id="${ID}" --verbose

# verify and purge invalid objects from the cache
snapdir verify --id="${ID}" --purge

snapdir locations

Lists locations tracked by the catalog. These include local directories and stores.


snapdir locations \

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


# Use the default catalog defined by SNAPDIR_CATALOG
snapdir locations

snapdir ancestors

Get a list of ancestor snapdir IDs and the location where they where created.


snapdir ancestors \
    --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}" \
    [--location="${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"] \

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${PARENT_SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


# Use the default catalog defined by SNAPDIR_CATALOG
snapdir ancestors --id="${SNAPDIR_ID}"

snapdir revisions

Get a list of snapdir IDs created on a specific location.


snapdir revisions \
    --location="${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}" \

Returns: JSON lines of the form:

    "created_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS",
    "id": "${SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "previous_id": "${PREVIOUS_SNAPDIR_ID}",
    "location": "${ABSOLUTE_DIR_NAME_OR_STORE_URI}"


# Gets a list of revisions stored on a store
snapdir revisions --location="s3://my-bucket/some/path"

# Gets a list of revisions stored on a local directory
snapdir revisions --location="/home/user/some/path"

snapdir verify-cache

Verifies the integrity of all the objects in the cache.


snapdir verify-cache \

Returns: Exits with 0 if all the objects are valid, 1 otherwise.


# verify all the objects in the cache and purges invalid objects
snapdir verify-cache --verbose --purge

snapdir flush-cache

Empties the local cache.


snapdir verify-cache \

snapdir defaults

Shows the default environment variables and options.


snapdir defaults

snapdir test

Runs the tests for the snapdir command.

Requires the helper script snapdir-test to be on the same directory.


snapdir test