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Setting up a single-server Devstack cloud as a Kubernetes platform

The goal is creating Kubernetes clusters on a single-node Devstack server. This document covers the server itself, deploying Devstack and a few post-deployment configuration steps.

Table of contents

  1. The Devstack server
  2. Preparing the Devstack server and deploying the cloud
  3. Configuring your cloud
  4. If you need to reboot the Devstack server
  5. Optionally: Test if load balancing works

The Devstack server

Install the server version of Ubuntu 18.04 on a computer with these properties:

  • RAM about 15GB for comfortable operation. You will run at least two Kubernetes nodes (4GB each) and a 1GB loadbalancer instance in addition to the cloud overhead.
  • Storage around 50GB
  • A few CPUs (minimum 2, the more the better)
  • A single NIC that can reach the internet and that can be reached from outside

This computer, henceforth named Devstack server, can be a physical computer in your lab or at a public provider, or a virtual machine running in your lab or a public cloud.

Should you opt for running the Devstack server in a VM in your lab, ensure that the hypervisor supports nested virtualization and allows network traffic to flow to the nested VMs. KVM fulfills both conditions. In my experience, VirtualBox and Xen block traffic to the nested VMs, perhaps because they refuse to talk to unknown IP addresses (I am a Xen newbie; there might be a configuration setting that changes this behaviour). I have not tried Vmware, Hyper-V or WSL.

Without nested virtualization, many actions will be painfully slow, e.g. an hour or more for installing software on nested VMs.

To enable nested virtualization on KVM, add kvm-intel.nested=1 or kvm-amd.nested=1 to the Linux kernel parameters. Alternatively, create a modprobe.conf.d file that loads the corresponding kernel module kvm_adm or kvm_intel with the nested=1 parameter.

Here is my setup: The Devstack server runs in a KVM virtual machine that is connected to the external network via a Linuxbridge. The K8s cluster nodes (master and worker) are OpenStack instances running inside the Devstack server. br-ex is an Openvswitch bridge that connects all OpenStack instances to the outside world. The Devstack server's single NIC is plugged into br-ex.

 +---------------- Physical host -----------------+
 |                                                |
 |                                                |
 | +------ Devstack server (a KVM VM) ----------+ |
 | |                                            | |
 | |  +------------+          +------------+    | |
 | |  | K8s master |          | K8s worker |    | |
 | |  +------\-----+          +------/-----+    | |
 | |          \                     /           | |
 | |           -----\     /---------            | |
 | |                 |   |                      | |
 | |               /-------\                    | |
 | |               | br-ex |                    | |
 | |               \-------/                    | |
 | |                   |                        | |
 | +------------- Virtual NIC ------------------+ |
 |                     |                          |
 |              /-------------\                   |
 |              | Linuxbridge |                   |
 |              \-------------/                   |
 |                     |                          |
 +-----------------Physical NIC-------------------+
_______________________|_________External Network_______________

Thanks to the bridges, the Devstack server and the K8s nodes can get IP addresses from the external network. This is desirable, as it allows to expose K8s cluster services to the outside world.

Preparing the Devstack server and deploying the cloud

The Devstack documentation site has instructions for deploying Devstack and for enabling the loadbalancer. These instructions don't cover everything; for example, how to connect the cloud to the external network or how to enable the loadbalancer's GUI. The steps below worked for me.

Start with a default Ubuntu 18.04 installation with SSH access. Before setting up Devstack:

  • configure a static IP address (DHCP probably works as well, but static is safer)

  • create a user stack with password-less sudo as shown on the Devstack site.

  • I had problems with Ubuntu's default DNS resolution, which was magically destroyed during cloud deployment. While I don't know precisely why this happened, I solved the problem by linking /etc/resolv.conf as follows:

      ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc

After these preparations, log on as the stack user and clone the Ussuri version of Devstack.

git clone -b stable/ussuri

This creates the $HOME/devstack directory and copies Devstack to it. Devstack is a collection of Bash scripts, and it's instructive to analyze them.

Devstack has a single configuration file named local.conf. Adapt the local.conf template from this repo and copy it to the devstack directory. Then launch the cloud:

cd $HOME/devstack

This will generate a lot of output, which is also written to /opt/stack/logs/ The deployment process installs Ubuntu and Python packages from the internet and obtains VM images. For this reason, installation time depends to a large extent on your internet bandwidth but also the speed of your harddisk(s). Rough estimation: One to two hours.

Deployment can fail for many reasons, including:

  • apt or dpkg are running in the background, perhaps because Ubuntu is currently looking for updates. Try again when apt/dpkg are quiet.
  • access to some packages fails due to network problems. Try again after a few minutes.
  • incompatibilities among Python packages. This requires a fix either from the package maintainers or the Devstack team. Count 24 hours minimum.
  • problems with your Devstack server: Network breaks down, not enough space, ...

It should be possible to re-run an unsuccessful deployment as long as you don't change local.conf. Deploying a modified local.conf may require installation from scratch.

You know that the deployment was successful when it ends with messages similar to this:

DevStack Component Timing
 (times are in seconds)
run_process           39
test_with_retry        4
apt-get-update         5
osc                  437
wait_for_service      18
git_timed            260
dbsync               422
pip_install          455
apt-get              898
Unaccounted time     2074
Total runtime        4612

This is your host IP address:
This is your host IPv6 address: ::1
Horizon is now available at
Keystone is serving at
The default users are: admin and demo
The password: pw

Using lib/neutron-legacy is deprecated, and it will be removed in the future

Services are running under systemd unit files.
For more information see:

DevStack Version: ussuri
Change: f482957e89d1ee938da679529aa10f13b2d07631 Bionic: Enable Train UCA for updated QEMU and libvirt 2020-09-18 09:10:58 +0100
OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

Configuring your cloud

To access the cloud's GUI, direct a browser to the Devstack server's IP address. For command line access, use a shell on the Devstack server.

Before installing a Kubernetes cluster, add the following to the cloud: A project and user, a network, a security group, a keypair, a Centos image, and a master and worker instance. You can use the preparation script to create all these cloud resources.

If you need to reboot the Devstack server

Devstack is not designed for getting restarted, since some of its configuration is non-persistent. If you plan to switch the Devstack server off, you need to make it restart-proof.

The br-ex bridge must be configured with the Devstack server's IP address. This can be done with a netplan configuration file. Copy it to /etc/netplan.

To re-create the remaining configuration settings, I run the script after each reboot.

Optionally: Test if load balancing works

Based on the Devstack loadbalancer guide.

This is not really required, but it gives you insights if you are interested in the setup of a load balancer in an OpenStack cloud.

Perform these steps after configuring your cloud. Start with two Cirros instances in the kube project.

source ~/devstack/openrc kube kube
openstack server create --image cirros --network kubenet --flavor 1 \
                        --key-name kubekey --min 2 --max 2 c

This launches two instances named c-1 and c-2. Add them to the kubesg security group (this opens their firewall for ICMP and network ports 22 and 80) and associate floating IP addresses with them.

openstack floating ip create public
openstack floating ip create public   # you need two floating IPs
openstack server add security group c-1 kubesg
openstack server add security group c-2 kubesg
openstack server add floating IP c-1 FLOATING-IP-1
openstack server add floating IP c-2 FLOATING-IP-2

Install a rudimentary HTTP server on both instances.

ssh -i kubekey cirros@FLOATING-IP-1
$ while true
     do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nWelcome to server 1" | 
     sudo nc -l -p 80 
done &
$ exit

This short script responds with "Welcome to server 1" when the server receives an HTTP request. Do the same for the other instance.

ssh -i kubekey cirros@FLOATING-IP-2
$ while true
     do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nThis is server 2" | 
     sudo nc -l -p 80 
done &
$ exit

Test this.


Now create a load balancer with these two instances as backends. You need to create the load balancer, a listener, a pool for that listener, and add the two instances as pool members. The GUI allows you to do this intuitively. Here are the CLI instructions, almost verbatim from the Devstack guide with additions from the Basic Load Balancing Cookbook.

# Obtain fixed IP addresses from the Cirros instances
FIXED-IP-1=$(openstack server show c-1 -c addresses -f value | sed -e 's/kubenet=//' -e 's/,.*//')
FIXED-IP-2=$(openstack server show c-2 -c addresses -f value | sed -e 's/kubenet=//' -e 's/,.*//')

openstack loadbalancer create --name testlb --vip-subnet-id kubesubnet
openstack loadbalancer show testlb  
# Repeat the above `show` command until the provisioning status turns ACTIVE.

openstack loadbalancer listener create --protocol HTTP --protocol-port 80 --name testlistener testlb
openstack loadbalancer pool create --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --listener testlistener --protocol HTTP --name testpool
openstack loadbalancer member create --subnet-id kubesubnet --address $FIXED-IP-1 --protocol-port 80 testpool
openstack loadbalancer member create --subnet-id kubesubnet --address $FIXED-IP-2 --protocol-port 80 testpool

The loadbalancer is in place. As the final step, add a floating IP so that it can be reached from outside the cloud. This is a bit involved.

Obtain the loadbalancer's ID

LB_ID=$(openstack loadbalancer show testlb -c id -f value)

Obtain the Neutron port that carries the loadbalancer's virtual IP

PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --device-id lb-$LB_ID -c ID -f value)

Create a new floating IP and save its ID

FLOATINGIP_ID=$(openstack floating ip create public -c id -f value)

Associate this floating IP with the loadbalancer's VIP port

openstack floating ip set --port $PORT_ID $FLOATINGIP_ID