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File metadata and controls

167 lines (148 loc) · 4.75 KB

InfluxDB schema

Influxdb knows about measurements which live in a database. Each measurement has multiple values. Such values can be tagged, and each set of tags forms a series.

Our schema is not yet very consistent, but this documentation is a start.


These measurements are tagged by gnssid, sv and sigid. Sigid represents the band on which this data was received.

  • ephemeris, updated every frame (so, a lot)
    • iod-live: current IOD number
    • eph-age: age of this ephemeris (distance from t0e)
  • sisa, updated every frame
    • value: raw Galileo SISA value
  • gpsura, updated every frame
    • value: raw GPS URA value
  • beidouurai, updated every frame
    • value: raw BeiDou URAI value (more or less same as GPS)
  • FT, GLONASS specific FT value (SISA)
  • clock, clock information, updated every frame
    • offset_ns: time offset of this clock wrt GST/GPS time/Beidou time
    • t0c: t0 of the clock parameters
    • af0, af1, af2: clock polynomial parameters, in Galileo raw units, even for non-galileo SVs
  • clock_jump_ns
    • value: number of nanoseconds jump in clock correction from this ephemeris to the previous one
  • iono, ionospheric parameters
    • ai0, ai1, ai2: Galileo NeQuick parameters
    • sf1-sf5: The as yet unused 'storm flags'
  • galbgd, Galileo Broadcast Group Delay
    • BGDE1E5a in raw galileo values
    • BGDE1E5b in raw galileo values
  • galhealth, Galileo-specific health bits, values according to ICD
    • e1bhs
    • e5bhs
    • e1bdvs
    • e5bdvs
  • gpshealth, GPS-specific health bits
    • value
  • beidouhealth, BeiDou-specific health bits
    • sath1
  • glohealth, GLONASS-specific health bits
    • Bn
  • glo_taun_ns, GLONASS-specific TauN
    • value, in nanoseconds
  • FT, GLONASS specific FT value
  • utcoffset, for GPS, Galileo, Beidou
    • a0, in Galileo units
    • a1, in Galileo units
    • delta, in nanoseconds
    • t0t, in seconds
  • gpsoffset, for Galileo, BeiDou does not fill this out. GPS doesn't need to
    • a0g, in Galileo units
    • a1g, in Galileo units
    • delta, in nanoseconds
    • t0g, in seconds
  • eph-disco, statistics about ephemeris transitions
    • x,y,z: ECEF coordinates according to new ephemeris at new t0e
    • oldx,oldy,oldz: ECEF coordinates according to old ephemeris at new t0e
    • iod, oldiod: new and old IOD

RTCM SSR corrections:

These measurements are tagged by gnssid, sv

  • rtcm-eph-correction:
    • iod: iod this correction corresponds to
    • radial: radial error (millimeters)
    • along: error along track
    • cross: error across track
    • dradial: velocity error in millimeters/second
    • dalong: along track velocity error
    • dcross: across track velocity error
    • ssr-iod
    • ssr-provider
    • ssr-solution
    • total-dist
    • tow
    • udi
  • rtcm-clock-correction
    • dclock0: in meters
    • dclock1: meters/s
    • dclock2
    • ssr-iod
    • ssr-provider
    • tow
    • udi

Observer measurements:

  • fix
    • x,y,z: ECEF coordinates of receiver
    • lat, lon: degrees latitude and longitude
    • h: hight above WGS84 ellipsoid
    • acc: accuracy (meters)
    • groundspeed: m/s
  • observer_details
    • clock_offset_ns: receiver reported internal clock offset
    • clock_drift_ns: drift rate, ns/s
    • clock_acc_ns: clock accuracy (ns)
    • freq_acc_ps: picosecond/s frequency accuracy
    • uptime: uptime in seconds

Observer and SV measurements:

  • rfdata
    • carrierphase
    • doppler (Hz)
    • locktime (milliseconds)
    • pseudorange (meters)
    • prstd (pseudorange standard deviation)
    • dostd (doppler standard deviation)
  • correlator
    • delta_hz_corr: Doppler residual against active ephemeris, corrected for receiver clock drift
    • delta_hz: Doppler residual, uncorrected
    • elevation: Elevation of SV over horizon
    • prres: pseudorange residual according to receiver
    • qi: 0-7, quality indicator according to receiver
    • hz: Doppler Hz offset reported by receiver (uncorrected)
  • recdata
    • db: receiver reported dB (can be non-sensical)
    • azi: calculated azimuth for SV from this receiver
    • ele: calculated elevation for SV from this receiver
    • prres: pseudorange residual according to receiver
    • qi: 0-7, quality indicator according to receiver
    • used: did the receiver use this SV?
  • ubx_jamming
    • noise_per_ms: the Ublox noisePerMS field
    • agccnt: the Ublox automatic gain correction "count"
    • jamind: The Ublox jamming indicator
    • flag: The Ublox jamming flag field

Fed by separate tool:

SP3 design, tagged by GNSSID, SV:

  • sp3_data:
    • x
    • y
    • z
    • clk
    • provider

ephemeris, tagged by GNSSID, SV, SIGID:

  • active-ephemeris
    • all the raw parameters

GDOP/PDOP stats?

  • covdop
    • lat
    • lon
    • cov5
    • cov10
    • cov20
    • hdop5
    • hdop10
    • hdop20
