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%{ title: "Introduction Elixir", author: "Luiz Cattani", tags: ~w(elixir), description: "Introduction Elixir" }

Functional Programming

Install Elixir

$ brew update
$ brew install elixir

Imperative Languages

Limitations of imperative languages:

  • shared mutating values
  • mutating values can be dangerous to concurrency

Multiple parts of an application running in parallel and having access to this value at the same time If have access to modify, what happen if in the middle of some operation the values changes because of another process?

Functional Programming Paradigm

  • Functions are the basic building blocks
  • All values are immutable
  • Code is declarative


  • Dynamic
  • Functional language
  • Lives in the Erlang ecosystem, existed for 30 years, delivering software with nine 9s reliability

Functional Paradigm in a functional language

  • Functions
  • Immutability
  • Declarative code

Immutable Data

Ruby example freeze objects

irb> Food =
irb> foods = ["barbecue"),"lasagna")].freeze
irb> puts foods.inspect
irb> "[#<struct Food name="barbecue">, #<struct Food name="lasagna">]"

# In Ruby when we freeze some object, we can't add or remove items,
irb> foods.push("Pasta")
irb> "FrozenError (can't modify frozen Array: [#<struct Food name="barbecue">, ...)"

# but we can modify the the stored value
irb> = "piza"
irb> puts foods.inspect
irb> "[#<struct Food name="pizza">, #<struct Food name="lasagna">]"


Functions are the primary tool in the functional programming for building a program. We combine multiple little functions to create a large program

Pure functions:

  • These values are immutable
  • The function's result is affected only by the function's arguments
  • The function doens't generate effects beyond the value it returns
add2 = fn(n) -> n + 2 end
=> 4

Inpure Functions

  • The results are unpredictable

Using Values Explicitly

Object Oriented Paradigm

The conventionals object oriented languages use objects to store a state, providing methods for operating on that state.

class MySet
  attr_reader :items

  def initialize
    @items = []

  def push(item)
    if items.include?(item)
      return "item '#{item}' already included"

# set =
# set.push("apple")

# The operations must be called from a method that belongs to an object that contains data

Functional Paradigm

Functional programming always passes the values explicitly between the functions, making clear to the developer what the inputs and outputs are.

defmodule MySet do
  defstruct items: []

  def push(set = %{items: items}, item) do
    if Enum.member?(items, item) do
      %{set | items: items ++ [item]}

# set = %MySet{}
# set = MySet.push(set, "apple")

# The data must be explicitly sent to the MySet.push
# Every time we call the function, it generates a new data structure with updated values.
# Then we updated the set variable to store the updated value and print it

Using function in arguments

Functions can be used in the arguments and results of Functions

iex>["dogs", "cats", "birds"], &String.upcase/1)

# The function knows how to apply String.upcase to each item in the list.
# The result is a new list with all words uppercased

Transforming Values

Elixir focus is on the data transformation flow, it has a special operator called pipe "|>", to combine multiple functions calls and result.

Using the pipe operator the result of each expression will be passed to the next function

def capitalize_words(title) do
    |> String.split
    |> capitalize_all
    |> join_with_whitespace

Declaring code

Imperative Programming

Focus on how to solve a problem, describing each step as actions

When we use imperative mindset we'll need control flow structures like 'for' to navigate through each element of the list, incrementing the variable 'i' one by one, then we need push the new uppercased string in the newList variable

var list = ['dogs', 'cats', 'birds']

function upcase(list) {
  var newList = [];

  for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {

  return newList;

// upcase(list)
// => ['DOGS', 'CATS', 'BIRDS']

Declarative Programming

Focus on what is necessary to solve a problem, describing the data flow.

  • The upcase result of an empty list is an empty list
  • When the list has items, the result is a new list where the first string is uppercased and the rest of the items are passed to the upcase function.
  • We describe how the data must be, not the actions to generate the result
defmodule StringList do
  def upcase([]), do: []
  def upcase([first | rest]), do: [String.upcase(first) | upcase(rest)]

# StringList.upcase(["dogs", "cats", "birds"])
# ['DOGS', 'CATS', 'BIRDS']

Elixir File Compilation and Scripted Mode

Creating Elixir files

We can define a elixir file using two extension .ex or .exs.

# my_file.ex
# my_file.exs


Most of the times is convenient to write modules into the files so they can be compiled and reused. Each time that we compiled the file, will generates a beam file containing the bytecode for the defined module Files used by our application business logic

# my_elixir_file.ex
defmodule MyModule do
  def sum(a, b) do
    a + b

$ iex my_elixir_file.ex
iex> MyModule.sum(1, 1)
iex> 2


Also called as Scripted mode

Used to write elixir scripts that don't need to generates a compiled version to be executed.

# another_elixir_file.exs
defmodule MyModule do
  def sum(a, b) do
    a + b

$ iex another_elixir_file.exs
iex> 2