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Call Of Duty 2 - server documentation

Full credit goes to

Map Name

All maps are available in each gamemodes:

  • dm: death match
  • tdm: team death match
  • sd: search & destroy
  • ctf: capture the flag
  • hq: headquarter

Map name list:

  • mp_breakout
  • mp_brecourt
  • mp_burgundy
  • mp_carentan
  • mp_dawnville
  • mp_decoy
  • mp_downtown
  • mp_farmhouse
  • mp_leningrad
  • mp_matmata
  • mp_railyard
  • mp_toujane
  • mp_trainstation

Console Commands

Here are the available commands you can use to control your server.

Usage :

  • from the server console: just type the command directly.
  • from the in-game console:
    • Enable in-game console in server configuration (sv_disableClientConsole=0);
    • Log in using rcon login;
    • add the /rcon prefix to the command.


  • /rcon login [rconpassword]: Login to remote rcon. Be VERY carreful not leaking your password when using rcon login !


  • status: Displays info of all the players on the server.
  • serverinfo: Shows the current server's settings.
  • systeminfo: Shows the current system information.
  • tell [id]: Sends private message to specified client id
  • say: Broadcast a message to all players
  • exec [FILENAME]: Executes a Server Config File (located in your server's main directory)
  • writeconfig [FILENAME]: Saves a Server Config File


  • matchtimeout: Calls a match timeout (see server cvars for timeout settings)
  • matchtimein: Cancels timeout
  • setkillcam: Set the killcam cvar (now that it is read only during play)
  • setfriendlyfire: Set the friendly fire cvar (now that it is read only during play)
  • setdrawfriend: Set the draw friend cvar (now that it is read only during play)

Map commands

  • map mapname: Loads the map specified by mapname.
  • map_rotate: Loads next map in rotation set in sv_maprotation.
  • map_restart: Restarts the map.

Kick/ban Commands

  • kick [name]: Kicks a player by name from the server. (Must include Color Codes)
  • rcon onlykick [name]: Kicks a player by name from the server. (Does not need Color Codes)
  • clientkick [id]: Kicks a player by client id from the server.
  • kick all: Kicks all players from server
  • banUser [name]: Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
  • banClient [id]: Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
  • tempBanUser [name]: Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server.
  • tempBanClient [id]: Kicks and temporarily bans player by client id from server
  • unban [name]: Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.

Server config

Server config files can be found in the /cod2server/main directory.

A note on server path:

  • set fs_basepath: set the game folder, where the config and .iwd files are.
  • set fs_homepath: set the multiplayer log file and live config folder.

Server config generator:

Server logs

There is two types of logs:

  • The server logs:
    • It's the output of the server binary when executed.
    • It contains server informations, map rotation, etc.
  • The game logs:
    • It's written by the server binary to a file, created under $fs_homepath/main/games_mp.log by default.
    • It contains all game information (kills, dammages, players join / quit, chat message, etc)