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File metadata and controls

43 lines (36 loc) · 1.83 KB

Tornado Word Cloud App

This demo is a simple word cloud demo app that uses encoding algorithm to encode words and store words in database. You must have MySQL installed to run this demo.

One line command to run: docker-compose up

  • If you have docker and docker-compose installed, the demo and all its prerequisites can be installed with docker-compose up.

If you dont have docker-compose, Please follow following steps:

  • Install mysql database if needed

  • Install Python prerequisites This demo requires Python 3.5 or newer, and the packages listed in requirements.txt. Install them with pip -r requirements.txt

  • Create a database and user for the blog. Connect to the database with mysql -U root -p (for Mysq;)

    Create a database and user, and grant permissions:

    1. mysql -u root -p
    2. Create database octopuslabs;
    3. CREATE USER 'octopus'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'octopus123';
    4. use octopuslabs;
    5. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON octopuslabs.* TO 'octopus'@'localhost';
  • Run the code -- Python Runserver


  • Follows MVC pattern
  • Define database table, also has manager to run crude operation on top of model
  • - file used to route request
  • - file that has logics stored for request, i.e Handlers
  • Other Files:
    • static: fodler that contains static files
    • templates: folder that contains templates that are rendered
    • utility: contais files that do encryption, decryption, wordcount etc

Using the App

  • Visit y -- http://localhost:8888 in your web browser.
  • Enter a url to get word cloud
  • Once you get word cloud, visit -- http://localhost:8888/admin
  • You will need to login, if not logged in, use following credentials
      • user: octopus
      • passwrod: octopus123
  • You will then be redirected to admin page