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JavaScript API

.. versionadded:: 2.11

This document describes the JavaScript API available for django-jsonform widget.

Some use cases:

  • Dynamically modifying schema directly in the browser
  • Enabling/disabling inputs dynamically
  • Updating choices dynamically
  • Making AJAX requests on value changes



django-jsonform uses react-json-form under the hood.

So, this is a shortened documentation of the actual API. We'll only look at the functions which concern the widget.


Use this function to get an instance of the form widget.

The id is the ID of the widget container which looks like this: id_<field-name>_jsonform.

E.g., if your model's JSONField is called "my_field", then the container id will be id_my_field_jsonform.

You can also do Right-click > Inspect element on the form widget to view the ID of the container.

var form = reactJsonForm.getFormInstance('id_my_field_jsonform');

formInstance.addEventListener(event, callback)

Use this function to add a callback function for an event. It will be called every time the event occurs.

The callback will receive an object containing these keys:

  • data: The data of the widget
  • schema: The schema of the widget
  • prevData: Previous data (before the event)
  • prevSchema: Previous schema (before the event)
function onChangeHandler(e) {
    // do something ...

var form = reactJsonForm.getFormInstance('id_my_field_jsonform');

form.addEventListener('change', onChangeHandler);


Use this function to update the schema or the data of the widget.

The config is a JavaScript object (dict) which looks like this:

var config = {
    schema: ...,
    data: ...,



If you call the update function from a change event listener, it is important that you call it conditionally. Otherwise, it might lead to an infinite loop.

For example, call this function if the current data (data) and the previous data (prevData) are not the same. This way you can avoid the infinite loop.


Returns the current data of the form instance.


Returns the current schema of the form instance.

Practical example

Updating choices dynamically: Let's look at an example where there are two select inputs and choices of the second input depends on the first input.

Interactive Demo

In the following demo, Vehicle input's choices and helpText will change dynamically depending upon the value of the Category input.

See the Pen <a href=""> django-jsonform JS API demo</a> by Bharat Chauhan (<a href="">@bhch</a>) on <a href="">CodePen</a>.


The schema for this demo:

    'type': 'object',
    'title': 'Mode of transportation',
    'keys': {
        'category': {
            'type': 'string',
            'choices': ['Land', 'Water', 'Air']
        'vehicle': {
            'type': 'string',
            'choices': [] # vehicle choices will be added dynamically

JavaScript code

Following is the code which is used in the demo above:

// my-script.js

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    /* We want to run this code after all other scripts have been loaded */

    if (window.reactJsonForm) {
        /* We put this inside a condition because
         * we only want it to run on those pages where
         * django-jsonform widget is loaded
        var form = reactJsonForm.getFormInstance('id_my_field_jsonform');
        form.addEventListener('change', onJsonFormChange);

var vehicleChoiceMap = {
    'Land': ['Car', 'Bus', 'Train'],
    'Water': ['Ship', 'Boat', 'Submarine'],
    'Air': ['Aeroplane', 'Rocket'],

function onJsonFormChange(e) {
    var data =; // current data
    var prevData = e.prevData; // previous data (before this event)

    var schema = e.schema; // current schema
    var prevSchema = e.prevSchema; // previous schema (before this event)

    var selectedCategory = data.category;

    if (!selectedCategory) {
        /* no category selected yet, exit the function */

    if (selectedCategory === prevData.category) {
        /* category hasn't changed, no need to update choices */

    schema.keys.vehicle.choices = vehicleChoiceMap[selectedCategory];
    schema.keys.vehicle.helpText = "Select " + selectedCategory + " vehicle";
    data.vehicle = ''; // reset previously selected vehicle

        schema: schema,
        data: data

Loading your custom JS file on the admin page

You can use the Media class to load your custom JS files in the admin page.

Quickest way is via your admin class:


class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    class Media:
        js = ('path/to/my-script.js',)

There are other ways as well (and perhaps more suitable in certain cases) for loading your custom files, such as by subclassing the widget.

.. seealso::

    `Form Assets (the Media class) <>`__
        Django's documentation on the ``Media`` class.