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File metadata and controls

337 lines (221 loc) · 9 KB


.. versionadded:: 2.12

django-jsonform supports basic data validation by default and appropriate error messages are displayed below the input fields in case any value is invalid.

Validation keywords

For array type

Keyword Description
minItems (Integer) Minimum number or required items.
maxItems (Integer) Maximum number of allowed items.
uniqueItems (Boolean) Whether all items must be unique or not.

For object type

Keyword Description
required (List) A list containing names of required object properties (keys).
.. versionchanged:: 2.16.0
    Support for ``required`` keyword for object properties was added.

For string type

Keyword Description
required (Boolean) Whether this field is required or not.
minLength (Integer) Minimum length of the value.
maxLength (Integer) Maximum allowed length of the value.

For integer and number type

Keyword Description
required (Boolean) Whether this field is required or not.
minimum (Integer/Float) Minimum allowed value including this limit.
maximum (Integer/Float) Maximum allowed value including this limit.
exclusiveMinimum (Integer/Float) Minimum allowed value excluding this limit.
exclusiveMaximum (Integer/Float) Maximum allowed value excluding this limit.

For boolean type

Keyword Description
required (Boolean) Whether this field is required or not.


# Schema

    'type': 'array',
    'minItems': 1,
    'items': {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'name': {
                'type': 'string',
                'required': True,
                'maxLength': 30
            'age': {
                'type': 'integer',
                'minimum': '18'

Custom validation

There are many ways to validate a field in Django.

Two of the most basic ways are either by using the Model.clean() method or by passing a validators argument to the model field.

The problem with these validation methods is that there is no way to provide error messages for particular input fields.

The error message you return will be displayed above the JSON form widget.

Basic validation

  • Model.clean(): Refer to Django docs on using Model.clean() method.
  • validators: Refer Django docs on using Validators.

Advanced validation

Advanced validation allows you to provide error messages for each input field which will be displayed right below them.

Creating a form

For this, you're required to create a custom form class for the admin page.


class ShoppingList(models.Model):
    items = JSONField(schema=...)



class ShoppingListForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # set your validators on the form field
        self.fields['items'].validators = [items_validator]

class ShoppingListAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = ShoppingListForm

Writing the validator

In your validator function, instead of raising ValidationError you must raise :class:`~django_jsonform.exceptions.JSONSchemaValidationError`. This exception allows you to pass error messages for individual input field in the widget.

We'll use the :class:`~django_jsonform.utils.ErrorMap` helper class to create the mapping of field names to error messages:

from django_jsonform.exceptions import JSONSchemaValidationError
from django_jsonform.utils import ErrorMap

def items_validator(value):
    error_map = ErrorMap()

    if value[0] != 'Banana':
        error_map.set(coords=[0], msg='First item in shopping list must be Banana')

    if value[1] != 'Eggs':
        error_map.set(coords=[1], msg='Second item in shopping list must be Eggs')

    # do other validations ...

    if error_map:
        # if error_map has keys raise error
        raise JSONSchemaValidationError(
            'Please correct errors below',
            error_map=error_map # pass error_map to exception

For passing multiple error messages for one input, use a list:

# using ErrorMap.set()
error_map.set(coords=[0], msg=['First error', 'Second error', ...])

# or useing ErrorMap.append()
error_map.append(coords=[0], msg=['First error', 'Second error', ...])

See :class:`~django_jsonform.utils.ErrorMap` class's docs for more details on its usage.

Providing errors for deeply nested inputs

The keys in the error_map dict are "coordinates" of the invalid input fields (see :doc:`/guide/coordinates` page to learn more).

For example, if each shopping list item has a name and a quantity and you want to display an error message under the first item's quantity input, you'll do this:

from django_jsonform.utils import ErrorMap

error_map = ErrorMap()

# error message for 'quantity' of '0' (first item)
error_map.set(coords=[0, 'quantity'], msg='Minimum quantity must be 5')

Validating data in the browser before form submission

The JavaScript part of this widget supports optional in-browser validation.

The data will be validated before the form is submitted. If there are any errors, the form will not submit and user will be asked to correct them.

This method only supports basic validation. When the data has passed the browser validation tests, it will be validated once again on the server with your custom validation rules.

To enable in-browser validation, set the validate_on_submit attribute to True on the widget.

There are two ways to do this:

Option 1: Changing the attribute on the widget:

# Option 1: In form's __init__ method

class ShoppingListForm(forms.ModelForm):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.fields['items'].widget.validate_on_submit = True

Option 2: Alternatively, if you're overriding the widget in the Meta class, you can pass the validate_on_submit argument to the widget:

# Option 2: In form's Meta class

class ShoppingListForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        widgets: {
            'items': JSONFormWidget(schema=..., validate_on_submit=True)

Built-in validators

.. module:: django_jsonform.validators
    :synopsis: Built-in validators


.. versionadded:: 2.12

This is the default validator used for validating the submitted forms.


.. attribute:: schema
    :type: dict

    Schema to use for validation.


.. method:: validate(data)

    Validates the ``data`` against the schema provided to the validator instance.

    If the data is invalid, it will raise :class:`~django_jsonform.exceptions.JSONSchemaValidationError`


from django_jsonform.validators import JSONSchemaValidator

# create a validator instance
validator = JSONSchemaValidator(schema=...)

# validate the data

# if the data is invalid, JSONSchemaValidationError will be raised


.. module:: django_jsonform.exceptions
    :synopsis: Exceptions


.. versionadded:: 2.12

It is a subclass of Django's ValidationError. It accepts one extra argument called error_map.


.. attribute:: error_map
    :type: ErrorMap

    An instance of :class:`~django_jsonform.utils.ErrorMap` class for providing
    the errors for widget's input fields.