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245 lines (194 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (194 loc) · 12.6 KB


Common Function

BOOL __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_IsSystemSupport();

Check current system is windows 10 rs5 or higher version.
if returned 'FALSE' system does not support this library.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_InitializeApartment(BOOL useMTA);

Initialize UWP control.
if system supported, you must call this function to use library.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_UnInitialize();

Uninitialize library.
You must call this function on exit program, if you call 'EasyWinModernCtrl_InitializeApartment' before.

Common Function For All Controls.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_ShowControl(PVOID pControl, HWND parentHwnd);

Show control at parent window.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_AdjustLayout(PVOID pControl);

Resize uwp control if parent window size has been changed.

HWND __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_GetRawControlHwnd(PVOID pControl);

Get uwp control raw hwnd.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_SetTheme(PVOID pControl,DWORD dwFlags);

Set uwp control theme.
*dwFlags : theme type (0 : system default , 1 : light , 2 : dark)

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_HideControl(PVOID pControl,BOOL reShow);

Hide / Reshow uwp control.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CloseControl(PVOID pControl);

Close uwp control.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CleanupControl(PVOID pControl);

Cleanup uwp control.


PEASYMODERNTEXTBOX __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateTextbox(LPCWSTR controlName, LPCWSTR headerTitle, LPCWSTR textPlaceholder, BOOL enableMultiLine, BOOL enableUserChangeLine, DWORD maxTextLength);

Create uwp textbox.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*headerTitle : Set control header text. This parameter can be NULL.
*textPlaceholder : Set textbox placeholder text. This parameter can be NULL.
*enableMultiLine : Set textbox multiple line mode.
*enableUserChangeLine : in multiple line mode, set user can change line using 'Enter key'.
*maxTextLength : Set maximum text count. Set 0 to unlimited.

LPCWSTR __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TextboxGetText(PEASYMODERNTEXTBOX pTextboxInfo);

Get entered text at textbox.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TextboxSetText(PEASYMODERNTEXTBOX pTextboxInfo,LPCWSTR text);

Set text at textbox.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TextboxSetReadonlyMode(PEASYMODERNTEXTBOX pTextboxInfo, BOOL enable);

Set textbox readonly mode. *enable : If 'TRUE' , textbox will be in readonly mode. else textbox will be in read,write mode.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TextboxSetEnableControl(PEASYMODERNTEXTBOX pTextboxInfo, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable textbox.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.

Password Box

PEASYMODERNPWDBOX __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreatePasswordBox(LPCWSTR controlName, LPCWSTR headerTitle, LPCWSTR textPlaceholder, DWORD maxLength);

Create uwp password input box.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*headerTitle : Set control header text. This parameter can be NULL.
*textPlaceholder : Set password box placeholder text. This parameter can be NULL.
*maxTextLength : Set maximum password length. Set 0 to unlimited.

LPCWSTR __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_PasswordboxGetPassword(PEASYMODERNPWDBOX pPwdboxInfo);

Get entered password in password box.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_PasswordboxSetEnableControl(PEASYMODERNPWDBOX pPwdboxInfo, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable password box.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.


PEASYMODERNBTN __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateButton(LPCWSTR controlName,DWORD id, LPCWSTR buttonLabel);

Create uwp button.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*id : user-defined unique control id. used in clicked callback function.
*buttonLabel : Button label.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_ButtonSetClickCallback(PEASYMODERNBTN pBtnInfo, TEasyWinModernCtrl_BtnCallback cb, PVOID userData);

Set button clicked callback.
cb : user-defined callback function. (type : 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_BtnCallback)(DWORD id, PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_ButtonSetUseAccentColor(PEASYMODERNBTN pBtnInfo, BOOL enable);

Set button system accent color. If system color is blue, button will has blue color.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_ButtonSetEnableControl(PEASYMODERNBTN pBtnInfo, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable button.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.

Slidebar (Slider)

PEASYMODERNSLIDEBAR __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateSlidebar(LPCWSTR controlName, DWORD id, DOUBLE minVal, DOUBLE maxVal, DOUBLE step, DOUBLE defaultValue);

Create uwp slidebar.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*id : user-defined unique control id. used in clicked callback function.
*minVal : slidebar minimum value.
*maxVal : slidebar maximum value.
*step : slidebar step value.
*defaultValue : slidebar default value.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_SlidebarSetValueChangedCallback(PEASYMODERNSLIDEBAR pSlidebarInfo, TEasyWinModernCtrl_SlidebarCallback cb, PVOID userData);

Set slidebar value changed callback.
cb : user-defined callback function. (type : 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_SlidebarCallback)(DWORD id, DOUBLE currentValue, PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.

DOUBLE __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_SlidebarGetValue(PEASYMODERNSLIDEBAR pSlidebarInfo);

Get slidebar value.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_SlidebarSetEnableControl(PEASYMODERNSLIDEBAR pSlidebarInfo, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable slidebar.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.

Progress Ring (Loading ring)

PEASYMODERNPROGRESSRING __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateProgressring(LPCWSTR controlName);

Create uwp progress ring.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.

Time Picker

PEASYMODERNTIMEPICKER __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateTimePicker(LPCWSTR controlName,LPCWSTR headerText,BOOL use24hours);

Create uwp time picker.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*headerTitle : Set control header text. This parameter can be NULL.
*use24hours : use 24 hours format.

INT64 __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerGetSelectedTimeAsSeconds(PEASYMODERNTIMEPICKER pTimePickerInfo);

Get selected time as seconds.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerSetTimeUsingSeconds(PEASYMODERNTIMEPICKER pTimePickerInfo, INT64 seconds);

Set time as seconds.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerSetValueChangedCallback(PEASYMODERNTIMEPICKER pTimePickerInfo, TEasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerCallback cb, PVOID userData);

Set time changed callback.
cb : user-defined callback function. (type : 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerCallback)(INT64 seconds, PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_TimePickerEnableControl(PEASYMODERNTIMEPICKER pTimePickerInfo, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable timepicker.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.

Radio button

PEASYMODERNRADIOBTN __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateRadioButton(LPCWSTR groupName, LPCWSTR headerText, BOOL useVerticalMode);

Create radio button group.
*groupName : unique radio button group name.
*headerText : Set control header text. This parameter can be NULL.
*useVerticalMode : Add radio buttons to vertical.
Normal Mode
Vertical Mode

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnInsertItem(PEASYMODERNRADIOBTN pRadioBtn,DWORD idx, LPCWSTR text, BOOL defaultChecked, BOOL enabled);

Insert radio button at group.
*idx : radio button index. starts with 0.
*text : radio button text.
*defaultChecked : if 'TRUE' radio button will checked default.
*enabled : if 'FALSE' radio button will disabled.

DWORD __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnGetCheckedItem(PEASYMODERNRADIOBTN pRadioBtn);

Get Selected radio button.
Returned selected radio button index number.
If any radio buttons are not selected, will returned MAXDWORD value.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnSetCheckedItem(PEASYMODERNRADIOBTN pRadioBtn, DWORD idx);

Set radio button selected.
*idx : radio button index number which you want to select.\

void EasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnSetValueChangedCallback(PEASYMODERNRADIOBTN pRadioBtn, TEasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnCallback cb,PVOID userData);

Set radio button select changed callback.
cb : user-defined callback function (type 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_RadioBtnCallback)(LPCWSTR groupName, DWORD selectedIdx, PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.

Calendar Date Picker

PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateCalendarDatePicker(LPCWSTR controlName,LPCWSTR headerText);

Create uwp calendar date picker.
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*headerTitle : Set control header text. This parameter can be NULL.

BOOL __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerGetSelectedDate(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker,PFILETIME pSelectedTime);

Get selected date.
if user select date, function will return 'TRUE' and 'pSelectedTime' will has selected date.
if user does not select date, function will return 'FALSE'

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerSetDate(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker, FILETIME date);

Set date.
*date : date data if you want to set at calendar.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerSetMinDate(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker, FILETIME date);

Set minimum date at calendar.
If you set minimum date, user cannot select date before minimum date.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerSetMaxDate(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker, FILETIME date);

Set maximum date at calendar.
If you set maximum date, user cannot select date after maximum date.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerSetSelectedDateCallback(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker, TEasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerCallback cb, PVOID userData);

Set date changed callback function.
cb : user-defined callback function (type 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerCallback)(FILETIME selectedDate, PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.

declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CalendarDatePickerEnableControl(PEASYMODERNCALENDARDATEPICKER pCalendarDatePicker, BOOL enable);

Set enable / disable datepicker.
if control disabled, control will be 'graying out'.

Progress bar

PEASYMODERNPROGRESSBAR __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateProgressbar(LPCWSTR controlName, DOUBLE minVal, DOUBLE maxVal);

Create progressbar
*controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*minVal : minimum value for progress bar.
*maxVal : maximum value for progress bar.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_ProgressbarSetValue(PEASYMODERNPROGRESSBAR pProgressInfo, BOOL isIndeterminate, BOOL isPause, DOUBLE value);

Set progress bar value.
*isIndeterminate : set isIndeterminate mode for progress bar. If this value is 'TRUE', 'isPause' , 'value' parameters will be ignored.
*isPause : set progress bar paused color.
*value : progress bar value.

first : normal progress bar.
second : progress bar in paused mode.(grayed out)
third : Indeterminate mode.


PEASYMODERNHYPERLINK __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_CreateHyperlink(LPCWSTR controlName, LPCWSTR textLabel);

Create hyperlink control. *controlName : unique name for uwp control. This parameter can be NULL.
*textLabel : label for hyperlink.

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_HyperlinkSetNavigateUri(PEASYMODERNHYPERLINK pHyperlinkInfo,LPCWSTR uri);

Set hyperlink uri. if you set uri, custom callback will be ignored.
*uri : uri info.
website : ''
launch windows settings : 'ms-settings:'

void __cdecl EasyWinModernCtrl_HyperlinkSetCustomClickCallback(PEASYMODERNHYPERLINK pHyperlinkInfo, TEasyWinModernCtrl_HyperLinkCallback cb, PVOID userData);

Set hyperlink click custom callback function. if you set custom callback function, navigateuri will be ignored.
cb : user-defined callback function (type 'typedef BOOL(__stdcall TEasyWinModernCtrl_HyperLinkCallback)(PVOID userData)')
*userData : user-defined data.